Americans United FOR Seperation OF Church AND State PDF

Title Americans United FOR Seperation OF Church AND State
Author Kiki Ray
Course  Introduction to Sociology
Institution Walden University
Pages 11
File Size 161.5 KB
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The Americans United for Separation of Church and State is a U.S advocacy group that is committed to ensuring that the government and religious institutions act as independent and separate institutions...




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Americans United for Separation of Church and State The Americans United for Separation of Church and State is a U.S advocacy group that is committed to ensuring that the government and religious institutions act as independent and separate institutions (Dulk, 2017). It was founded in 1947 with the organization formerly known as Protestants and Others Americans United for Separation of Church and State (POAU) to limit the influence the Catholic Church was having on the democracy of the United States. A group of civic leaders, educators, and churchmen met to discuss the importance of increasing public awareness and support for the principle in the constitution that advocated for church-state separation ("Americans United for separation of church and state records, 1947-1993 (bulk 19701990): Finding aid," 2010). At the meeting, the group came up with and approved a manifesto that defined the objectives of POAU. They also established the organization’s national structure including their national office and local chapters ("Americans United for separation of church and state records, 1947-1993 (bulk 1970-1990): Finding aid," 2010). The Manifesto stated by the group established the organization’s objective as defending and repairing the wall that separated the church from the state with a special focus of separating the church from the public education system. The main reason for founding the Protestants and Others Americans United for Separation of Church and State (POAU) was due to the climate at the time in the United States where the United States government was intending to offer support to the religious schools. The idea was even supported by a Supreme Court decision in 1947 of Everson v. Board of Education that approved the offering of support to children going to parochial schools at public expense with the argument that it would be helping the child and not the school and hence it was not an interference of the principle of separation of the church and state ("Americans United for


separation of church and state records, 1947-1993 (bulk 1970-1990): Finding aid," 2010). it was founded as a response strategy to the U.S congress proposal that the government was intending to offer aid to private religious schools especially the Catholic parochial schools which at the time were the largest private schools in the country("Americans United for separation of church and state records, 1947-1993 (bulk 1970-1990): Finding aid," 2010). They feared that this justification would be used by the government to fund the parochial school. Therefore the organization came up with a multifaceted and proactive program that was used to raise public awareness among the United States population on the issue at stake if the funding was allowed and also to raise support on the need for church-state separation ("Americans United for separation of church and state records, 1947-1993 (bulk 1970-1990): Finding aid," 2010). They also came up with a bi-monthly newsletter called the Church and State in 1948 which late become a monthly newsletter a year later. The organization also utilized brochures, pamphlets, and issue papers to convey their message on the need for church-state separation by distributing them worldwide ("Americans United for separation of church and state records, 1947-1993 (bulk 1970-1990): Finding aid," 2010). The organization’s staff members also spoke on numerous events around the country as well as interacting and talking to the members of state legislatures and Congress on the issue at stake. In the 1950s the Protestants and Others Americans United for Separation of Church and State (POAU) broadened their efforts of advocating for church-state separation with them continuing their opposition of tax funding for religious schools by the government ("Americans United for separation of church and state records, 1947-1993 (bulk 1970-1990): Finding aid," 2010). The success of the organization’s efforts of church-state separation was portrayed in the 1949 state court ruling that removed the Catholic’s control and influence on a public school in


Dixon, New Mexico ("Americans United for separation of church and state records, 1947-1993 (bulk 1970-1990): Finding aid," 2010). They also continued lawsuits to free other public schools that had been held captive through control by various religious groups. They also fought the government’s efforts to offer “parochiaid” to parochial schools through government funding for general expenses, books, and transportation ("Americans United for separation of church and state records, 1947-1993 (bulk 1970-1990): Finding aid," 2010). These efforts were aimed at maintaining the independence of the church by avoiding any form of linkage like funds that would link the churches to states. Another important issue that POAU focused on was the religious instructions and prayers in the public schools. In 1962 and 1963 the United States Supreme court ruled that governmentsponsored Bible reading and prayer in public schools was unconstitutional which marked the beginning of efforts to amend the constitution to allow school worship and prayers ("Americans United for separation of church and state records, 1947-1993 (bulk 1970-1990): Finding aid," 2010). POAU opposed these efforts to amend the constitution to allow school worship and prayers in public schools. In 1972 the Protestants and Others Americans United for Separation of Church and State (POAU) shifted its name to American United for Separation of Church and State to broaden its constituency and also to accommodate the shifting political culture (Dulk, 2017). Despite the change in the name the organization did waiver from its main objective of upholding the churchstate separation principle including opposing tax aids for the private religious schools, banning abortions, and teaching creationism in the science classes ("Americans United for separation of church and state records, 1947-1993 (bulk 1970-1990): Finding aid," 2010). The organization now maintains its presence in both the national and state legislatures where they engage in


lawsuits in the federal and state courts. They also offer their support in the requests they receive on the issues that are concerned with the church-state separation ("Americans United for separation of church and state records, 1947-1993 (bulk 1970-1990): Finding aid," 2010). However, their main focus remains to maintain religious neutrality in the public school systems and to prevent any form of funding from the government to the religious schools and ministries. Currently, the group utilizes legislative alerts, e-mail communications, and press releases to further its agenda. Purpose of the Organization Mission The mission of the American United for Separation of Church and State is to be an advocacy and nonpartisan educational organization that is committed “to advancing the separation of religion and government as the only way to ensure freedom of religion, including the right to believe or not believe, for all” ("Who we are," n.d.). Vision The organization’s vision is to have a nation “where everyone can freely choose a faith and support it voluntarily, or follow no religious or spiritual path at all, and where the government does not promote religion over non-religion or favor one faith over another” ("Who we are," n.d.). Programs Offered Legislative Advocacy


The organization defends the church-state separation agendas and issues in the state legislatures and Congress where they monitor legislations that affect the church-state separation("Who we are," n.d.). The organization also offers expert testimonies to the bills that infringe on church and state separation. Legal Work Americans United also defends church-state separation in the courts across the United States. They engage with the state courts up to the United States Supreme court where they stand up and defend the constitutional principles that ensure the freedom of conscience to all citizens of the country ("Who we are," n.d.). The organization also initiates lawsuits and offers legal support and counsels to cases that infringe on the church-state separation efforts. Student & Youth Activism Americans United being a multi-faith community offers young activists an opportunity to involve themselves in programs and activities that uphold religious freedom and ensuring that other people are not discriminated against due to their religious affiliations by people who do not believe in their religion ("Who we are," n.d.). This is achieved through the American United’s Youth Advisory councils that engage the young people in the organization’s efforts. Faith Outreach They are also committed to safeguarding religious freedom for all people in the United States through their Faith Leaders United Initiative which is comprised of a diverse network of faith leaders from across the country ("Who we are," n.d.). The Faith leaders help the


organization to impact the communities by ensuring that they eradicate and fight any form of discrimination in the name of religion. Media and Press Americans United also utilizes the media and press to educate the American population on the significance of the church being separated ("Who we are," n.d.). To educate they publish a magazine devoted to church-state issues and news. They also have daily blog posts that welcome the public to discuss their perspectives on church-state separation issues on platforms such as the internet, radio, television, or print media. Organization Culture Rachel Laser is the President and Chief Executive officer of the Americans United for Separation of Church and State. She is a lawyer, strategist, and advocate who understands the importance of treating everyone equally and fairly ("Who we are," n.d.). Richard Katskee serves in the organization as the vice president and legal director who is mainly recognized for his input in the cases litigated by the organization under the First Amendment’s Establishment ("Who we are," n.d.) Rob Boston is the senior adviser and editor of the Church and State monthly membership magazine ("Who we are," n.d.). He has worked with the company since 1987 which has seen where he has authored books that address the issues of church and state. Christian Bruning works for the organization as the assistant finance director. Courtni Burleson is the senior foundations relations manager at the organization who has a justice, law, and society master’s degree from the American university. Other notable people working in the organization are Chris Colburn the chief operations officer, Chelsea Collins the manager of development operations, Duane Davis the operations director, Sabrina Dent the senior faith adviser, Lisa


French the director of direct response marketing, Maggie Garrett the vice president for public policy, Sara Gillooly the vice president of state outreach &engagement, Bradley Girard a litigation counsel, Sarah Goetz a Madison legal fellow, Alexander Gouzoules the Steven Gey legal fellow, Liz Hayes the associate vice president of communications, Ethan Haughie the email marketing manager, Elise Heigesen the federal policy counsel, Alicia Johnson the national organizer and student network manager, Madelyn Kelly the design & creative manages, Allison Kimble the digital communications managers, Alex Luchenitser the associate legal director, David Morris the outreach and engagement manager, Nik Nartowicz the state policy counsel, Naomi Paiss the vice president and strategic communications, Brittany Phster the senior director of development, Thelma Scott a legal assistant, Dena Sher the assistant policy director, Ian Smith staff attorney, Michael Smoot the chief financial officer, Adrainne Spoto a madison legal fellow, Samantha Sokol a policy advocate and Kenneth Upton the senior litigation counsel ("Who we are," n.d.). Most of the staff operating in the organization are lawyers and legal advocates. Organizations Goals and Objectives The objectives and goals of the Americans United for Separation of Church and States are to use advocacy, lobbying, and litigations to ensure that the religions are not linked to public policy, the government does not tell or force the American population on the religion to believe in or how they should practice their faith. The organization also uses these channels and strategies to ensure that there is no justification o discrimination based on religion especially in public institutions such as public schools ("Who we are," n.d.). This is done to maintain and repair the wall that separates the church and the state by severing any ties that would link the two.


Sources of Funding The main source of funding for the organization is through contributions, grants, and gifts from well-wishers. According to the organization’s 2018 income statement, the main source of income was through contributions, gifts, and grants which amounted to about $7 million ("Rating for Americans United for separation of church and state," 2019). Federated campaigns were also a minor source of income for the organization amounting to $13, 525 ("Rating for Americans United for separation of church and state," 2019). Hence the organization mainly depends on well-wishers to fund them and help them further their agenda of making sure that the church is separated from the state. Organization’s Success Over the years the organization has been successful in maintaining the wall of separation between the church and the state. For example, the organization has been successful in protecting public schools from religious instruction and programs that fund them which has enabled them to eradicate the discrimination of students based on their religious beliefs ("Americans United for separation of church and state - GuideStar profile," 2020). The organization also exposed the strategies used by Christian nationalists to force religious beliefs into the shared secular laws through Project Blitz ("Americans United for separation of church and state - GuideStar profile," 2020). The organization has also been successful in blocking discrimination of patients by health care providers and employees based on their religious or moral beliefs ("Americans United for separation of church and state - GuideStar profile," 2020). The organization also led various national partnerships such as the National Coalition for Public Education and the Coalition


Against Religious Discrimination to fight discrimination based on a person’s religious beliefs ("Americans United for separation of church and state - GuideStar profile," 2020). They were also involved in the First Amendment arguments which supported the treatment of religious and secular gatherings to be regarded the same in the Covid-19 public health orders imposed by the government. The work of the Americans United for Separation of Church and State is very important in today’s society as it offers all people the chance for equal and fair treatment regardless of their religious beliefs or affiliations. This is achieved by ensuring that the government is neutral in terms of religion and does not impose certain beliefs on the people through its institutions and laws. The organization also boosts religious freedom as it helps protect the people who are discriminated against due to their religious affiliations.


References Americans United for separation of church and state - GuideStar profile. (2020, November 13). GuideStar nonprofit reports and Forms 990 for donors, grantmakers, and businesses. Americans United for separation of church and state records, 1947-1993 (bulk 1970-1990): Finding aid. (2010). Wayback Machine. eadid=MC185&kw= Dulk, K. (2017). Americans United for separation of church and state. Middle Tennessee State University | Middle Tennessee State University. Rating for Americans United for separation of church and state. (2019, December 1). Charity Navigator. bay=search.summary&orgid=3287 Who we are. (n.d.). Americans United for Separation of Church and State.

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