An aqueous solution of a weak acid is exactly PDF

Title An aqueous solution of a weak acid is exactly
Course Organic Chemistry II
Institution Merced College
Pages 2
File Size 74.6 KB
File Type PDF
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Imagine that an aqueous solution of a weak acid is exactly neutralized by a strong base.
a. Define the terms (i) neutral and (ii) neutralized.
b. Explain why a solution produced from the reaction of a weak acid and a strong base would not be neutral even though it is neutralized.:...


I magi net hatanaqueoussol ut i onofaweakaci di sexact l y . . . I magi net hatanaqueouss ol ut i onofaweakac i di sex ac t l yneut r al i z edbyas t r ong base. a.Definet het er ms( i )neut r aland( i i )neut r al i z ed. b.Expl ai nwhyasol ut i onpr oduc edf r om t her eact i onofaweakac i dandas t r ongbas e woul dnotbeneut r alev ent houghi ti sneut r al i z ed. :

ANSWER Whenanaqueoussol ut i onofaweakaci di sex ac t l yneut r al i z edbyas t r ongbas e,t he s ol ut i oni sst i l l bas i ci nnat ur e. I ti sbecauseweakaci di sanaci dt hatdoesnotc ompl et el yi oni z ecompl et el y .Thus ,i t t ak est i met oi oni z eweakac i dduet ol es sdi s soc i at i on.Mos tcommonex ampl eofweak aci di sac et i cac i dandst r ongbasei sSodi um Hydr ox i de. Asar es ul t ,when,t het i t r at i oni scar r i edout ,weakac i dr equi r esmor eoft hes t r ong bases oast ocompl et el yneut r al i z et hes ol ut i on. Thewor d' neut r al i z e' meanst hatt hepHofs ol ut i onmus tbe7.Butdur i ngt hi st i t r at i on, t hepHi ss ol ut i oni smor et han7. a)Thust het er m( i )neut r almeanst hatt hepHofr es ul t i ngs ol ut i oni s7,whi chi ssame ast hepHofwat er . t het er m( i i )neut r al i z edmeanst hatt hedur i ngt het i t r at i on,ac i di scompl et el yt i t r at ed wi t hbaseandnomor eac i di sl ef tbehi nd. Butr ememberagai n,i fi nat i t r at i on,t her eact i oni sneut r al i z ed,i tdoesnotmean t hatt hesol ut i oni sneut r al . b.Whenaweakac i di st i t r at edwi t hs t r ongbase,weakbaser equi r esmor eamountof s t r ongbasef orcompl et eneut r al i z at i on.Thus ,t her es ul t i ngsol ut i onaf t ert hough neut r al i z edi snotneut r al [ pHnotequalt o7] .ThepHofsol ut i oni sact ual l ybasi cor al k al i ne. Thus ,t het wor easonf ort hes ol ut i ont obebas i candnotneut r alar e: i ]Amountofs t r i ngbaseaddedi smor et hanr equi r ed. i i ]Thepr oduc tf or medi ssal tofs t r ongbaseandweakac i dt hatwi l l mak esol ut i on al k al i neorbasi c . Forr ef er enc e,y ouc ans eet hatt hi st i t r at i onofweakac i dands t r ongbas ecanbe pl ot t edongr aphandatt heendpoi nt ,t hepHi smor et han7andi snotneut r alal t hough t het i t r at i oni sneut r al i z ed...

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