An article on the Emergenetics International PDF

Title An article on the Emergenetics International
Course Clasrm Mgt & Comm Elem
Institution Gonzaga University
Pages 1
File Size 36.1 KB
File Type PDF
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An article on the Emergenetics International (2015) website stated that leadership is the ability to effectively communicate and influence those you lead by building trust, performing actions rather than words, ensuring that your perspective is understood by all, and ensuring that your focus and vision continue to inspire those around you. This is my favorite definition of leadership. This essay provides excellent insight into the fundamental abilities required to develop leadership inside ourselves. I agree that communication is the most important factor, and that it is the foundation upon which everything else is constructed.

AsPet erDr uckerputi t ," Leader shi pi st heel ev at i ngofaman' svi s i ont ohi gher s i ght s ,t her ai s i ngofaman' sper f or mancet oahi ghers t andar d,t hedev el opment ofaman' sper s onal i t ybey ondi t susual l i mi t s . "I si tal way spos si bl et oper suade i ndi vi dual st oachi ev et ot hei rf ul l estpot ent i al ?I ti spos si bl et oi ncr eas et hel ev el ofaper son' sper f or manc eonac ons i st entbas i s.It hi nkt haty oucanac compl i s h i tv i al eader s hi p,buti nor dert odos o,y oumustfir stwi nov ert hehear t sand mi ndsofpeopl e. Last but not least according to Batten, leadership is a development of a clear and complete system of expectations in order to identify evoke and use the strengths of all resources in the organization the most important of which is people. This particular definition of leadership was not something I saw prior to today, but I have applied this particular style of leadership within the organizations I have served because I truly believe that in order to be known as a leader, people need to see that you do your best and improve when there is constructive criticism involved. Utilizing all resources available to you makes you a stronger leader, not a weaker one. Many people believe that it is a weakness if you seek help or utilize others to help complete a goal. This is a disturbing trend today that we see among the leaders. They are not willing to work with others to better the life of people who depend on them. This particular class focuses on the integration of communication and leadership and I believe that it is fitting to complete this assignment with this definition of leadership - interpersonal influence, exercised in a situation, and directed, through the communication process, toward the attainment of a specified goal or goals. (Tannenbaum, Weschler & Massarik, 1961, pp. 24). This definition of leadership shows that communication is the key to successful leadership in any situation – big or small. Leadership skills are critical for everyone and can be used in not only professional but in personal setting as well. The ability to apply them to all of the aspects of life can be proven useful in building our leadership style....

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