An Essay on Environmental policy PDF

Title An Essay on Environmental policy
Author Sulav Pokhrel
Course Environmental Planning and Policy
Institution Charles Darwin University
Pages 11
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An Essay on Environmental policy

By: Sulav Pokhrel




List of figures



Essay on Environmental Policy






List of Figures S.N



Policy Cycle Source(Wellstead, 2015)


Framework for Evidence-based policy Source(Banks, 2018)


Figure 3: Australian model of Policy Cycle Source(Althaus, 2012)


Framework for the analysis of a policy for sustainability and Environment Source (Dovers and Hussey,2013).


Diagrammatic representation of the relationship of factors affecting the implementation of successful policy Source (Giacchino and Kakabadse, 2003).


The adapted policy cycle in united states concerning the climate change action Source (Bierbaum, 2013)


Essay on Environmental Policy Policies are a set of standards, guidelines, and rules planned or embraced by an association to achieve its long hauled objectives and generally distributed in the form of a booklet or similar structure that is usually open [ CITATION Foo05 \l 1033 ]. Policies are formulated in the name of the public that involves observation and analysis of data and facts or research. and specific plans formulated to meet a certain target or destination. In simple words, the policy provides a framework to achieve the desired objectives in the best possible manner [ CITATION She05 \l 1033 ]. Environmental policy deals with the governance over the relationship that the environment and the human race share mutually in a beneficial way. The environment has been there for long before the human being came into existence. In the course of evolution human race has been beneficially utilizing the components of nature. But, there has to be a limit when it comes to the utilization of resources, as uncontrolled utilization may lead to deterioration. So, to maintain a balance between the utilization of sources in the environment and human necessities ‘Environmental policy’ is necessary[ CITATION Dav15 \l 1033 ]. To formulate better policies, several measures are taken into consideration and one of the key concepts lies within the policy cycle. Furthermore, we shall discuss the policy cycle, factors affecting successful policy implementation, stakeholders, and the impact of policy over them. A policy cycle is an important guideline used in policy development. It helps to bring balance in an unmanaged world by planning and implementing rhythmic management strategies [ CITATION Bri13 \l 1033 ]. It is regarded as the most enduring conceptual framework. Harold Lasswell was the first pioneer to conceptualize the policy cycle which was greatly admired by most of the researchers and later on became the framework to buildup different policy cycles [ CITATION Mic16 \l 1033 ]. Agenda Setting

Policy Formulation

Monitoring and Evlauation

Decision Making

Policy Implementation

Figure 1: Policy Cycle Source(Wellstead, 2015) The policy cycle gives an idea about the way of drafting a policy. For those who are new to policy, this model serves as a guideline and is used as an optimal model by most of the organizations [ CITATION Eur02 \l 1033 ].


There are several steps included in the policy cycle and they are; 1. Agenda Setting: Firstly, the problem that requires government attention is identified and the nature of the issue thus identified is studied and further processed. 2. Policy formulation: This is the process of setting goals, estimating the cost, choosing different solutions for the identified issue, and also choosing the policy instruments. 3. Decision Making/Legitimation: In this process, it is ensured that the chosen policy instruments for the implementation of the policy is suitable or not. This is mostly done by the executive and legislative bodies of government. 4. Policy Implementation: The policy that has been passed through several decisionmakers is now assigned to an organization. Before handling the work it is ensured that the organization has all the requirements like; the number of employees, proper management team. 5. Monitoring and Evaluation: After the implementation of policy, an observation and analysis are conducted to evaluate whether the policy thus implemented is on succession or not. Lastly, the further decision to either terminate or continue the existing policy is decided [ CITATION Pau13 \l 1033 ]. The societal actors and government play an important role in the policy cycle. Societal actors may include stakeholders, authoritative figures from the community. While setting up an agenda many actors compete over the policy issue addressing the problem and after that limited number of people from the societal actors and government work together formulating policy. Later the decision is taken by the government authorities and policy implementation is done. Lastly, the policy is thoroughly monitored and is evaluated by societal actors and the government. The evaluation is made by ensuring that it is done based on the evidence, not any speculations [ CITATION Ada15 \l 1033 ]. Since the last decades, the biggest challenge to the Australian government is to formulate a policy that is based upon the evidence. In 2008 even the prime minister of Australia insisted that evidence-based policies lower the risk of economic turbulence in the country. The environmental economic challenge of the greenhouse, population aging and the pressures from the international competition, is on the rise, as a result, the Australian government came up with evidence-based policy structure [ CITATION Gar18 \l 1033 ]. What constitutes real evidence?


When is adequate evidence available to inform decisions? Transparency

How can credible evidence be insured?

A receptive policy Environment



Good data


Evidence based Policy

Fig 2: Framework for Evidence-based policy Source(Banks, 2018)


The Australian model of policy cycle was developed decades ago by Bridgman and Davis in 1998. This model of policy cycle acts as a guide to public policy practice. Besides several authors like Dover’s and Hussey, Catherine Althaus. have considered this cycle to be the explanatory policy cycle [ CITATION Alt12 \l 1033 ]. Consultation


Policy Instruments Descision


Policy analysis


Identify issues

Figure 3: Australian model of Policy Cycle Source(Althaus, 2012) However, some suggest that policymaking is not a logical unfolding of issue that is applied in the stagist model or cyclic way of thinking rather it is a discontinuous and complex. There are groups of researchers claiming that the conventional policy cycle process is rejected by the ‘Garbage can’ model that is used by different management teams in the organization to formulate policies [ CITATION Ann02 \l 1033 ]. In the context of the policy cycle, Dover’s and Hussey have come up with a framework to define a sustainability policy that includes;

1. Problem Framing

General Principles  

2. Policy Framing  

3. Implementation 

Coordination and Integration Transparency accountability and openness Adequate communication mechanisms Inclusiveness in policy formulation and implementation Flexibility

4. Monitoring and Evaluation Fig 4: Framework for the analysis of a policy for sustainability and Environment Source [ CITATION Ste13 \l 1033 ]


There are 4 major steps included in the framework and they are; i.

ii. iii.


Problem Framing: It is the first process where different problems are identified along with its objective and all the risk assessment are measured and shortcomings of existing policies are observed. Policy Framing: In this process policy objective is set and different plannings or methods to apply the policy are given. Implementation: Thus formed policy process is then bought into action by several methods like finding appropriate policy instruments. All the planning and different strategies related to the policy are given. Monitoring and Evaluation: Finally, similar to other processes the data is observed or monitored and the further decision is made [ CITATION Ste13 \l 1033 ].

There are two major factors when it comes to the successful implementation of policies and they are process-oriented and people-oriented factors. Giacchino and Kakabadsa have figured out 18 different factors that affect the successful implementation of policies. However, all these factors are somewhat interrelated [ CITATION Ste03 \l 1033 ]. Process Oriented Factors Stakeholder (Effective) Resourcing (Effective) Planning

Effective Approach

Location of Political Responsibilities

(Use of) Networks Role Delineation

Commitment Trust


People Oriented Factors

Positive attitude Enthusiasm Values/ Beliefs Leadership


Project Team/ Management Dynamic

(Will/ Deposition)

Management Style

Successful Policy Implementation

Fig 5: Diagrammatic representation of the relationship of factors affecting the implementation of successful policy Source [ CITATION Ste03 \l 1033 ]. Several factors enable the gateway to successful policy implementation and all these factors are interlinked with each other, as a result, to be a successful policy, not even a single factor 6

should fall [ CITATION Ste03 \l 1033 ]. For instance, stakeholders play an important role in making policy. If stakeholders do not participate in the discussion of policymaking then many evidence and context will be lacking and as a result, the policy implied might be ineffective (Wellstead and Stedman, 2015). Process-oriented factors involve stakeholder, effective resourcing, effective planning, utilization of different networks, and role delineation whereas People-oriented factors include trust, positive attitude, values/beliefs, enthusiasm, Management styles, and leadership [ CITATION Ste03 \l 1033 ]. Stakeholders are generally referred to as the societal actors who play an integral part in society and play a beneficial role in deciding for the society. They may have different interests and play a key role in formulating policy required in their field of interest (Nuclear Energy Agency, 2015). Bierbaum have presented good examples in the context of the role of stakeholders in policymaking. As global climate change is increasing different researchers in the United States they have come up with an adaptation process to reduce the risk of climate change due to deforestation. It is similar to the policy cycle with stakeholder involvement being centralized [ CITATION Ros13 \l 1033 ]. Revise Strategy and Research; Share lession learned

Identifying risk and vulnerabilities

Stakeholders Involvement Planning, Assessing and Selecting Options

Monitor and Evaluate


Fig 6: The adapted policy cycle in the United States concerning the climate change action Source [ CITATION Ros13 \l 1033 ] The power of stakeholders vary from one to another. Some stakeholders have high power and authority whereas some have low. Based on the power some stakeholders make more argumentative noise regarding the policy and those with lower power get unaddressed. In the article published by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation, they have also addressed this issue in their policy and also provided with a framework to uplift the status of lower stakeholders and bring equity in the policy-making process [ CITATION Jam05 \l 1033 ]. Policies make a huge impact on stakeholders. Over the time frame of 30 years, the participation of stakeholders has not only reduced the conflicts but also has helped to build trust and make proper decisions that are based on public interest and finally providing effective policy formulation. Lack of participation by stakeholders might lead a policy into 7

conflict, lack of trust. as a result policy implementation shall be disturbed [ CITATION Bri04 \l 1033 ]. Different level of stakeholders have a different set of belief, trust, cultural awareness, social values, and norms, . defining a policy without the interest of people and lower stakeholders by the use of power and politics are likely to develop further into conflicts and the choice remains either to reject the policy or reconstruct the shape of policy [ CITATION Imr20 \l 1033 ]. The political parties, different government ministry. also play a major role in policy implementation. Mayers also suggest that it is the government that should take more responsibility for the formulation in policy rather than stakeholders [ CITATION Jam05 \l 1033 ]. Overall, for a policy to be considered as good, it should be clear, the interest of the public should be at high priority as the policy is given for the benefit of people [ CITATION Mic10 \l 1033 ]. The participation of stakeholders is crucial [ CITATION Jam05 \l 1033 ]. The objectives must be clear and the outcomes must be comparable and measured. Besides, the implementation process should be accountable as well as the outcomes and expectations that should be mentioned [ CITATION Mic10 \l 1033 ]. Human sustainability, development, and policy-making are a never-ending process and so are the challenges in these fields. We can expect that the policy formulation process will progress over time.


References Adam Wellstead, R. S. (2015). Mainstreaming and Beyond: Policy Capacity and Climate Change Decision-Making. Michigan Journal of Sustainibility, 47-63. Althaus, C. B. (2012). The Australian Policy Handbook. Sydney: Allen & Unwin. Anne Tiernan, T. B. (2002). A Load of Old Garbage: Applying Garbage-Can Theory to Contemporary Housing Policy. Institute of Social Research, 86-97. Banks, G. (2018). Challenges of evidence-based policy-making. Retrieved from Australian Government: Australian Public Service Commission: Brianne Leigh Kessler. (2004). Stakeholder Participation: A SYNTHESIS OF CURRENT LITERATURE. National Marine Protected Areas Center , 2-19. Cairney, P. (2013, November 11). Policy Concepts in 1000 Words: The Policy Cycle and its Stages. Retrieved from Paul Cairney: Politics and Public Policy: David Benson, A. J. (2015). Environmental Policy: Protection and Regulation. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 778–783. European Geoscience Union. (2002). The Policy Cycle. Retrieved from European Geoscience Union: Food Security Projects. (2005, June). Food Security for All. Retrieved from Food for Thought: Freeman, B. (2013). Revisiting the Policy Cycle . Developing Policy in Tertiary Institutions, 1-27. Howlett Michael, A. M. (2016). Moving Policy Theory Forward: Connecting Multiple Stream and Advocacy Coalition Frameworks to Policy Cycle Models of Analysis. Australian Journal of Public Administration, 1-15. Imrat Verhoeven, W. V. (2020). How Policy Conflicts Develop: Interpretation and Action in Policy Making. Retrieved from ecpr: PanelID=8473&EventID=129 James Mayers. (2005). Stakeholder power analysis. International Institute for Environment and Development, 1-24. Leonard, M. D. (2010). Effective Policy - 17 Characteristics of Good Policy. Ezine Articles. NUCLEAR ENERGY AGENCY. (2015). Stakeholder Involvement in Decision Making: A Short Guide to Issues, Approaches and Resources. ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT, 7-29. Rosina Bierbaum, J. B. (2013). A comprehensive review of climate adaptation. Mitig Adapt Strateg Glob Chang, 361–406. Stephen Dovers, K. H. (2013). Environment and Sustainability: A policy Handbook. NSW: The Federation Press . 9

Stephen Giacchino, A. K. (2003). Successful policy implementation: the route to building selfconfident government. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 139-160. Torjman, S. (2005). What is policy? Caledon Institute of Social Policy, 1-19.


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