AN Evaluation OF THE Joint Delivery Voucher Program IN Public Senior HIGH Schools IN THE Division OF Laoag CITY PDF

Title AN Evaluation OF THE Joint Delivery Voucher Program IN Public Senior HIGH Schools IN THE Division OF Laoag CITY
Author sir elmore dccp laoag
Course Life and Works of Rizal
Institution Data Center College of the Philippines
Pages 3
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IMPLEMENTATION OF THE JOINT DELIVERY VOUCHER PROGRAM IN PUBLICSENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS IN THE DIVISION OF ILOCOS NORTEIntroductionQuality education has been the major thrust of Philippine Education. In its truest sense, quality education means upgrading educational standards geared towards attainment of ...



Introduction Quality education has been the major thrust of Philippine Education. In its truest sense, quality education means upgrading educational standards geared towards attainment of educational excellence. Educational excellence is manifested when there is a highly effective curriculum, adequate material resources, and efficient and efficacious school heads and teachers (Alferez & Palmes, 2012). To reform the education system in the Philippines, the Enhanced Basic Education Act (RA 10533) was signed into a law in 2013. RA 10533 was crafted to improve the country’s education system through a strengthened curriculum. A key feature of this law is the Senior High School program that added Grade 11 and Grade 12 making compulsory pre-college education 13 years. The SHS program was rolled out in 2016, which seeks to produce students that are holistically developed, equipped with the 21st century skills and prepared for the future, regardless of their chosen paths, may it be higher education, attainment of middle-level skills, employment or entrepreneurship. The SHS includes two years of specialized upper secondary education. It is one where student has the option to choose a specialization based on their aptitude, interests, and school capacity. The students’ choice of career track will define the content of the subjects they will have to take which will fall under either the core curriculum or specific tracks. Under the present model, the student can choose among four tracks, namely: Academic, Technical Vocational Livelihood, Sports, and Arts and Design. The Technical-Vocational Livelihood track is composed of specializations in the agriculture and fishery sectors, garments, tourism, health, processed food and beverages, social and community development service, automotive and land transport, construction, electronics, furniture and fixture, metal and engineering, utilities, and information and communications technologies sectors (DepEd Order No. 21, series 2019). The TVL track is the aspect of the Senior High School program that exposes the learner to acquisition of demonstrable skills/competencies and values that could be transformed into economic benefits (Brillantes, 2019). It intends to provide students with technical vocational training and skills and academic know-how to prepare them for the needs of the community and the global workplace through highly trained competent teachers. The Joint Delivery Voucher Program (JDVP) is a strategy initiated by the Department of Education to help senior high school students enrolled in Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) track complete the competencies needed prior to work immersion. Senior high school students enrolled in public schools’ can avail of voucher certificates to be used to enroll in Techn ical Vocational Institutes (TVIs) or Higher Edu cation Institutes (HEIs) in order to en han ce th eir skills related to th eir sp ecializatio ns . This w ill h elp th em ear n n atio nal cer tificates f rom, that they can u se if th ey decide to w ork o r en gage in bu sin ess u po n graduation in the Senior High School.

Aside from this, the JDVP-TVL was launched in SY 2018-19 to address the lack of facilities in DepEd SHS offering the TVL track hampered by procurement issues. The JDVPTVL has the following objectives: "(a) allow learners to complete their TVL specialization through JDVPTVL partners who had the facilities; (b) provide an appropriate learn ing environment requir ed for the specialization ; and (c) address the delays in the provision of necessary resources for TVL specialization" (DepEd Department Order s2018 033). The program allows G12 students in public SHSs with inadequate facilities, equipment, tools and teachers to take their TVL specialization in chosen private TVIs who agree to p ar tn er with DepEd S HS s. Th e s tud ent tu ition in the pr ivate TVI s is su bsidized by th e amount of the voucher. Since the roll-out of the Joint Delivery Voucher Program in the Division of Ilocos Norte, there has been no study made on assessing the implementation of the Joint Delivery Voucher Program under the Technical Vocational Livelihood track. It is in the aforementioned rationale that the researcher finds it necessary to assess the status of the implementation of the Joint Delivery Voucher Program so that whatever findings are made maybe utilized to improve the program in action planning, policy formation and development. This study will identify the gaps in the implementation of the Joint Delivery Voucher Program specifically on the program’s input, process, and output. Such gaps will serve as an eye-opener to school administration to take a closer look at the problems presented and provide long-term solutions. Ultimately, the students of the technical vocational track will benefit this study as they will be the direct recipients of any program enhancement including but not limited to provision of material resources and improved teaching and learning processes.

Statement of the Problem This study will be conducted to critically describe the implementation of the Joint Delivery Voucher Program in public senior high schools in the Division of Ilocos Norte. Specifically, it attempts to achieve the following. 1. To what extent do the following inputs conform to the program standards: a. Qualification of TVL trainers b. Relevant characteristics of students trainees c. School facilities and equipment d. Curriculum e. Instructional Materials 2. To what Extent do the training processes conform to the training plan of the program? 3. What are the characteristics of the output of the program with regards to the following: a. the NCII assessment b. readiness for tertiary education c. employability d. entrepreneurship

Theoretical Framework The theoretical framework that will be used in the study is the Input-Process- Output Model. In the IPO model, a process is viewed as a series of boxes (processing elements) connected by inputs and outputs. Information or mater ial ob jects f low through a series of tas k or activities based on a set of rules or description points. Flow charts and process diagrams are often used to represent the process. What goes in is the input; what causes the change is the process; what comes out is the output. The IPO model will provide the general structure and guide for the direction of study. The focus of education to produce competitive graduates ready to the demands of local and global employment is a reflection of the Human Capital Theory (Schultz, 1963). The theory is essentially from perspective of macroeconomic development and was applied in the field of education by Becker (1993). The theory states that man acquires a considerable amount of capital through education. Human capital development therefore refer to knowledge, expertise and skills acquired by a person through education and training. While university education plays a major role in the boosting the knowledge economy, the surge of technical and vocational education supports green economy (UNESCO-UNEVOC, 2017). Nonetheless, education supports competitiveness of an individual as part of the working force of the industry be it in the local or international arena. Education encompasses the competencies acquired by students through the rich learning experiences embedded in the curriculum. These learning experiences likewise augment in the capital of a person in terms of human development. Institutions of education, whether tertiary or TVET schools, must therefore produce graduates who do not only have technical skills but the rightful competencies for employment.

Research Design This study utilized the descriptive-evaluative method of research. A descriptiveevaluative research is a type of descriptive research that is aimed at judging the goodness of an existing program. It is directed to whether or not a particular program has achieved its goals by valuing judgment in terms of effectiveness, desirability, or social validity (Cohen et al., 2007)....

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