ANA113 Cardiovascular Lab Answer Key PDF

Title ANA113 Cardiovascular Lab Answer Key
Course Human Anatomy
Institution University at Buffalo
Pages 15
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ANA113 Cardiovascular Lab Answer Key, ANA113 Cardiovascular Lab Answer Key...





Propels blood; maintains blood pressure


Carry blood away from the heart


Regulates blood flow to tissues


Where fluids, gasses, nutrients, and wastes are exchanged between the blood and tissues


Thin walled vessels that receive blood from capillaries


Return blood to the heart and act as a “Blood-Reservoir”


Transports oxygen, carbon dioxide, and blood cells; delivers nutrients and hormones; removes waste products; helps with the defense of disease


Carries lymph (interstitial/tissue fluid) from peripheral tissues to the venous circulation (also has an immune function that defends against infection)

1. Label the vessels and the tunics of the following diagram: Vessel __artery_______ Tunica intima


Vessel vein

Tunica media Tunica externa

Tunica media

Vessel capillary Tunica _externa

Vessel venule Vessel _arteriole

Tunica intima

2. List the tunics from most superficial to deep externa – media- intima

3. Which Tunic allows changes in the diameter of the blood vessel? What is this Tunic Made of? Tunica media, made of smooth muscle

4. Which vessel regulates blood flow to tissues arterioles

5. What does exercise (an increase in sympathetic drive) do to Arterioles supplying the Digestive Tract – constrict (decrease blood flow) Arterioles supplying Active Skeletal Muscle – dilate (increase blood flow) Arterioles supplying Non-Active Skeletal Muscle – constrict (decrease blood flow) Veins - constrict

6. Which Tunic does sympathetic neurons innervate? Tunica media 7. Which Tunic(s) are found in capillaries? Tunica intima only

8. The Tunica Intima is composed of which type of epithelium? Simple squamous epithelium 9. List five blood vessels that are commonly used to determine a person’s pulse. Radial, femoral, brachial, facial, temporal, common carotid, dorsalis pedis 10. Why are these vessels used to take a pulse? They are close to the surface of the skin

11. Name the vessel most frequently used for venipuncture (drawing blood). Median cubital vein

12. Why is this vessel the best choice? Easy to find on most people, superficial, easily accessible 13. Name the blood vessel in the upper limb used to determine a person’s blood pressure and explain why it is used. Brachial artery, easily compressible to determine blood pressure because it runs down the humerus

14. Trace the path a red blood cell would take through the systemic circulation after leaving the heart to supply oxygen to the foot. List the arteries through which it must pass (in the correct sequence) in the space below. Aorta (ascending, arch, descending, abdominal) – common iliac – external iliac – femoral – popliteal – Anterior or posterior tibial – plantar arches – digital arteries

15. You have been asked to insert a catheter into the heart. You select the femoral vein to begin the procedure. List the veins through which you must guide this catheter to reach the heart. What chamber of the heart will it enter first? Femoral, external iliac, common iliac, inferior vena cava, right atrium

The great vessels of the Heart Label the following: Aortic arch Brachicephalic Artery Left Common Carotid artery Left Subclavian artery Superior vena cava Inferior vena cava Pulmonary trunk Right Common Carotid Right Subclavian Artery

Arteries of the Head, Neck, and Brain Label the following: Brachiocephalic Artery Right Common Carotid Vertebral Artery Internal Carotid External Carotid Right Subclavian Artery Anterior Cerebral Artery

Anterior cerebral artery

Internal carotid artery

Vertebral artery

External carotid

Common carotid Subclavian artery

Brachiocephalic artery

Arteries of the Right Upper Limb Label the following: Right Subclavian Artery Axillary Artery Brachial Artery Ulnar Artery Radial Artery Palmer Arch Digital Artery(s) Subclavian artery Axillary artery

Brachial artery

Radial artery Ulnar artery

Palmer arch

Digital artery

Major branches of the abdominal artery Label the following: Celiac Trunk Hepatic, Splenic, & Gastric Artery Celiac Trunk

Inferior Vena Cava

Gastric Artery

Hepatic Artery

Splenic Artery

Inferior Vena Cava

Label the following: Superior Mesenteric Artery Inferior Mesenteric Artery Renal Artery Gonadal Artery Common Iliac Artery

Superior Mesenteric Artery Renal Artery

Inferior Mesenteric

Gonadal Artery

Common Iliac Artery

Arterial supply to the pelvis: Label the following: Common Iliac Artery External iliac artery Internal iliac artery Femoral Artery

Common Iliac

External Iliac

Internal Iliac

Femoral Artery

Label the following: Posterior Tibial artery

Plantar Arch

Posterior Tibial

Arterial Supply to the lower limb: Label the following: Femoral artery Popliteal artery Anterior Tibial Artery Dorsalis Pedis Artery

Femoral Artery

Popliteal Artery Plantar Arch Anterior Tibial Artery

Doralis Pedis Artery

Veins of the Head, Neck and Brain Label the following: Superior Sagital Sinus Internal Jugular Vein Falx cerebri (dura mater) Superior Sagital Sinus

Falx Cerebri

Internal Jugular Vein

Label the following: Internal Jugular Vein Vertebral Vein Superior Vena Cava Brachiocephalic Vein Subclavian Vein

External Jugular Vein Vertebral Vein

Brachiocephalic Vein Subclavian vein Superior Vena Cava

Veins of the Upper Limb Label the following: Superior Vena Cava Subclavian Vein Axillary Vein Brachial Vein Median Cubital Basilic Vein Cephalic Vein Palmer Venous Arches Ulnar Vein Median Vein Inferior Vena Cava Brachiocephalic Vein

Subclavian Vein

Brachiocephalic Vein

Axillary Vein Superior Vena Cava Cephalic Vein

Brachial Vein

Median Cubital Vein

Radial Vein Basilic Vein

Ulnar Vein

Palmer Venous Arches

Inferior Vena Cava

Veins of the Abdominal Cavity: Label the following: Internal Iliac Vein Renal Vein Hepatic Veins Inferior Vena Cava Common Iliac Vein External Iliac Vein Gonadal Veins

Inferior vena Cava Hepatic Vein Renal Vein

Gonadal Veins

Common Iliac External Iliac Vein

Internal Iliac Vein

Label the following: Superior mesenteric vein Inferior Mesenteric Vein Hepatic Portal Vein Splenic Vein Spleen

Hepatic Portal Vein (portal vein)

Splenic Vein

Inferior Mesenteric Vein Superior Mesenteric Vein

Veins of the Lower Limb: Label the following: Great Saphenous Vein Femoral Vein

Popliteal Vein

Femoral Vein Great Saphenous Vein

Popliteal Vein

BLOOD PRESSURE Blood pressure is created primarily by the pumping of the blood by the heart through the system and can be defined as the force exerted by the blood on the vessel walls. Arterial blood pressure can be measured using a device called a sphygmomanometer, which constricts an artery at a pressure point. This is usually done using the brachial artery. Normal adult blood pressure:

120 = 80

Systolic pressure (mmHg) Diastolic pressure (mmHg)

Systolic pressure: Produced as the ventricles contract and the blood is ejected into the vessels. Diastolic pressure: Produced as the ventricles relax.

Hypertension: High blood pressure; dangerous because this puts an extra strain on the heart. Shock: Occurs when blood pressure drops, thus blood flow to organs and other vital tissue is inadequate. Shock may result in cell death.

The Pulse Almost everyone is aware of the diagnostic importance 1 of the pulse. It reveals important information about the cardiovascular system, heart action, blood vessels, and circulation. - Brachial artery-at bend of elbow along inner Where Pulse Can Be Felt margin of biceps muscle The pulse can be felt wherever an artery lies - Popliteal artery-behind the knee near the surface and over a bone or other firm - Posterior tibial artery-behind the medial background. Some of the specific locations malleolus (inner "ankle bone") where the pulse point is most easily felt are - Dorsalis pedis artery-on the dorsum (upper listed below and shown in Figure. surface) of the foot - Radial artery-at wrist - Temporal artery-in front of ear or above and to outer side of eye -Facial artery- at lower margin of lower jawbone on a line with corners of mouth and in groove in mandible about one third of way forward from angle - Common carotid artery-along anterior edge of sternocleidomastoid muscle at level of lower margin of thyroid cartilage There are six important pressure points that can be used to stop arterial bleeding 1. Temporal artery-in front of ear 2. Facial artery-same place as pulse is taken 3. Common carotid artery-point where pulse is taken, with pressure back against spinal column 4. Subclavian artery-behind medial third of clavicle, pressing against first rib 5. Brachial artery-few inches above elbow on inside of arm, pressing against humerus 6. Femoral artery-in middle of groin, where artery passes over pelvic bone; pulse can also be felt here. NOTE: In trying to stop arterial bleeding by pressure, one must always remember to apply the pressure at the pulse point, or pressure point that lies between the bleeding part and the heart. Why? Because blood flows from the heart through the arteries to the part. Pressure between the heart and bleeding point therefore cuts off the source of the blood flow to that point. Pulse Mechanism Pulse is defined as the alternate expansion and recoil of an artery. Two factors are responsible for the existence of a pulse that can be felt: 1. Intermittent injections of blood from the heart into the aorta, which alternately increase and decrease the pressure in that vessel. If blood poured steadily out of the heart into the aorta, the pressure there would remain constant, and there would be no pulse. 2. The elasticity of the arterial walls, which allows them to expand with each injection of blood and then recoil. If the vessels were fashioned from rigid material such as glass, there would still be an alternate raising and lowering of pressure within them with each systole and diastole of the ventricles, but the walls could not expand and recoil, and therefore no pulse could be felt. Pulse Wave Each ventricular systole starts a new pulse that proceeds as a wave of expansion throughout the arteries and is known as the pulse wave. It gradually dissipates as it travels, disappearing entirely in the capillaries. The pulse felt in the radial artery at the wrist does not coincide with the contraction of the ventricles. It follows each contraction by an appreciable interval (the length of time required for the pulse wave to travel from an aorta to the radial artery). The farther from the heart the pulse is taken, therefore, the longer that interval is....

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