Analyse - Never LET ME GO PDF

Title Analyse - Never LET ME GO
Course Engelsk
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Analyse av novellen "never let me go". Obligatorisk innlevering....


Literary analysis – «NEVER LET ME GO» Literary analysis The novel "Never let me go" is written by Kazuo Ishiguro in 2005. A dystopian novel about some kids and teenagers who lives their whole life in a school for donors and careers named Hailsham. The novel deals with aspects to how this people lives their life as careers and donors. In the following text I will present the plot, central themes, reflect upon narrative technique and character descriptions in this novel. In conclusion, I will give a brief summary of the main findings in the analysis and comment on the books relevance and importance in our society today. (Main body) The plot and the setting in “Never let me go” will be described in the following: The action takes place in 1990s, in a school named Hailsham full of children’s between the ages 0 – 16. These kids live their whole life in Hailsham because they are all carers and donors. This novel is about Kathy and her friends who lives in Hailsham. Kathy is a grown up adult, thirty-one years old woman. Kathy grew up at a boarding school named Hailsham, with her good friends named Tommy and Ruth. All of the kids who grew up there had different classes, like drawing classes and football playing classes. Even though all of the kids had fun at this school, many things still stayed secret and mysterious. At a small age they learned that they were different then everybody else. When they turned 18, they were sent out of Hailsham to go around and start their donations. Kathy, Ruth and Tommy were sent to a collection of farm buildings called The Cottages. Tommy and Ruth later became donors later, and Kathy became a career. She travelled around to take care of the donors who donated their organs. Kathy reunited with Ruth and Tommy after many years. Tommy and Kathy falls in love with each other, and apply to get a deferral on their donations. Madam told them that they couldn’t ask for a deferral, that it was no such a thing like deferral. Kathy, Ruth and Tommy all “completed” at the end. One of the themes in “Never let me go” is friendship. The friendship between all of the characters, like Kathy H, Ruth and Tommy are very special. They keep a special bond through all the years they live in Hailsham. It is about keeping the friendships trough everything. We can associate the friendship in “Never let me go” like in real life, they fight, gets friend again, have misunderstandings, and support each other through hard times. On one hand, we can see the fights between Kathy and Ruth like friendships experience. Like when Ruth claims to have received a pencil case form Miss Geraldine. Or like when Ruth talked badly about Tommy and Kathy`s relationship and had a little fight. But on the other hand, they have the kindly friendship. We can assume that because for example when Kathy lost one of her cassette tape to replace the cassette. There was heartbreaks, friendship, betrayals and loyalty in the friendship between Kathy, Ruth and Tommy.

Another theme in “Never let me go” might be the theme dreams, hope and plans. The children’s at Hailsham have hope and plans for their future, little did they know about their future. Because of their shorter life then other people, so they haven’t any plans or goals in their life they can accomplish. Their future have already been planned, they are going to be carers, then donors and later they are

Literary analysis going to “complete”. They have no time to plan their dreams. Even though Kathy and her friends can dream about their goals, they can never really complete their goals. They often feel like they cannot have dreams and goals, because they hear it so often by the workers in Hailsham. "None of you will go to America, none of you will be film stars. And none of you will be working in supermarkets as I heard some of you planning the other day. Your lives are set out for you." (Page 81) This sentence show us that the kids at Hailsham had not room for hopes, dreams and goals. They were always told that they were born for only one reason. Kathy and all of the other people living as donors in Hailsham were unable to change their fates, they came for one purpose and was not able to think about anything else.

This novel is written in first person narrative, where the narrator tells the story with I, she talks about her life and stuff with “I perspective”. Like in the sentence “My name is Kathy H” (Page 3). Kathy tells the story from her perspective. We learn all about the other protagonists through Kathy.

Now, in the next paragraph I would like to turn to the character of the novel. Kathy is the main character in “Never let me go”. . Kathy introduces herself at the start of the book. "My name is Kathy H. I`m thirty-one years old, and I`ve been a carer now for over eleven years" (Page 3). Kathy seems to be very proud of being a carer and of all the work she had done. Kathy could be described as a fearless girl. She always stood up for herself. We can also see that she isn’t afraid of anyone else, like the one time Tommy had his temper tantrums Kathy walked up to him without being scared Kathy is a very sympathetic person who cares about everybody else, especially the donors she take care of. She also cares about Tommy. We can assume that because she always stood up for him when he had rough times. We can for example see it in the scene where she went to talk about the things that was troubling him at the pond.

Next, I will present some symbols and metaphors that are portrayed in the novel. One of the symbol used in “Never let me go” may be that Kathy described a song named "Never let me go", that seemd to be her favourite song. Kathy loved to listen on this song on repeat. This song isn’t just the title of this book, but it’s a symbol for Kathy and many of the kids in this school`s life. "What was so special about this song? Well, the thing was I didn't used to listen properly to the words; I just waited for that bit that went: "Baby, baby, never let me go..."And what I'd imagine was a woman who'd been told she couldn't have babies, who'd really, really wanted them all her life. Then there's a sort of miracle and she has a baby, and she holds this baby very close to her and walks around singing: "Baby, never let me go..." partly because she's so happy, but also because she's so afraid something will happen, that they baby will get ill or be taken away from her." (Page 70) I think that she is comparing this song to her life. Because all of her dreams and hopes gets away because of the tragedy. She compares her life, with that little baby. The song is a symbol of their fate.

Literary analysis Another symbol in this book may by Kathy`s dream where the water overflowed over her while she was asleep, that can be seen as a symbol for her losing her organs. One of the metaphors may be the one were Kathy and her friend compares them self with spiders, because she means that they get scared of the madam, like people gets scared of spiders. Ruth dreams about that the water overflows over her while she is asleep, we can compare that with her losing her organs.

conclusion In conclusion, one may say that the themes in “Never let me go” are issues that applies to modern society. One of the theme I have argued for in the analysis is the theme friendship. The desire to have friends who always forgives you no matter what you have done, and friends who always will stick with you. Another theme I have not mentioned is the theme identity. Many people in the modern society are still trying to figure out who they are, like the people in Hailsham. They search for an answer about who they are and what their purpose is. Many people feel ostracized from the society because that are different. Like the kids in Hailsham who had a different fate then everyone else....

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