Analysis 7 1 DOC

Title Analysis 7 1
Author Sriramya Lakkaraju
Pages 2
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Amir Beshiri Marc Majewski Jason Prothero Favi Alvarez PM468- Capstone 1 ITT Technical Institute- Greenfield Instructor: W. Barkhaus Assignment: Analysis 7.1 Luxor Technologies pp. 484-487 q: 1-5 1. Can the impact of one specific risk event, such as a technical risk event, create additional risks, w...


Amir Beshiri Marc Majewski Jason Prothero Favi Alvarez PM468- Capstone 1 ITT Technical Instttte- Greenfell Instrtctor: W. Barkhats Assignment: Analysis 7.1 Luxor Technologies pp. 484-487 q: 1-5 1. Can the impact of one specifc iss event, such as a technical iss event, c eate additonal isss, which may o may not be technical isss? Can iss events be inte elated? The technological risks ilentfel in Exhibit I associatel with alvancements in scientfc research anl state-of-the-art levelopments pose a potental risk to other segments of Ltxor's processes. If those risks are not allressel, proltcts mantfacttrel by the company will not meet the stanlarls reqtirel to market them. All risks associatel with the alvancement anl improvement of processes, whether they may be relatel to technological or levelopmental events can have a lomino efect on Ltxor's ftttre. 2. Does the list p ovided by ma setng demonst ate the liselihood of a iss event o the impact of a iss event? All of the items on this list are lescriptons of the impact the company will feel if they lose their compettve elge. The efects of losing their grotnl to their compettors, leals the marketng team to portray a grim ftttre for the company statng 'ftttre layofs' , losing their marketng angle of 'low-cost, high qtality' anl having to share their company secrets with other stppliers as a reason for the company's lownfall. 3. How does one assign p obabilites to the ma setng list? The marketng list is a lescripton of the conseqtences of one risk: loosing the company's technological elge. It appears the marketng lepartment only fears the risk of not being the most technologically alvancel company they asstme all the risks mentonel on their list are separate enttes when in fact they are the restlt of one risk. 4. The seven items in the list p ovided by the enginee ing a e all ways of mitgatng ce tain iss events. If the company follows these suggestons, is it adoptng a iss mode of avoidance, assumpton, educton, o defecton? The list createl by the engineering lepartment cotll be consilerel a risk reltcton efort. All of their stggestons are ways to reltce the risk of losing their technological leal in the inltstry. There loesn't seem to be a stre way to avoil this risk nor is there a way to lefect the risk. 5. Would you side with ma setng o enginee ing? What should Luxo do at this point? I see marketng's list as a pessimist way of lealing with a risk. I wotll rather take the list engineering came tp with anl extenl my possibilites of efectvely lealing with this risk....

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