Analysis & definitions Ch5 PDF

Title Analysis & definitions Ch5
Course Medical Terminology
Institution Baylor University
Pages 2
File Size 61.1 KB
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Ischemia- isch/o- block; keep back, -emiacondition of the blood; substance in the blood

Fibrillation- fibrill/o- muscle fiber; nerve fiber – ation- being; Having; process

Cardiomyopathy- cardi/o- heart my/o- muscle –pathy- disease

Contraction- contract/o- pull together ion- action, condition

Idiopathic- idi/o- individual, unknown pathodisease

Extrasystole- extra- outside –systole- contraction

Congestive- congest/o- accumulation of fluid Hypertrophy- -trophy- process of development Compensated- compens/ocompensate; counterbalance Decompensated- -ated- composed of; pertaining to a condition Peripheral- peripher/o- outer aspects –alpertaining to Infarction- infarct/o- small area of dead tissue – ion- action; Condition Necrosis- necr/o- dead body; dead cells; dead tissue -osis- condition; process regurgitation- regurgitat/o- backward flow –ionaction; Condition Coarctation- coarct/o- pressed together –ationbeing, having, Process Patent- pat/o- open –ent- pertaining to Tamponade- tampon/o- stop up –ade- action, process

Asystole- a- away from; without –systolecontraction Palpitation- palpit/o- throb –ation- being; having. Process Dissecting- dissect/o- cut apart, -ing- doing Aneurysmal- aneurysm/o- aneurysm; dilation Arteriosclerosis- arteri/o- artery scler/o- hard, sclera of the eye –osis- condition; process Atheroma- ather/o- soft, fatty substance –omatumor, mass Atheromatous- atheromat/o- fatty deposit; fatty mas –ous- pertaining to Hyperlipidemia- lipid/o- fat; lipid –emia – condition of the blood; substance in the blood Hypertension- hyper- above, more than normal tens/o- pressure, tension –ion- action, condition Hypotension- hypo- below, deficient –ion- action, condition Orthostatic- orth/o- straight stat/o- standing still; staying in one place –ic- pertaining to Peripheral- peripher/o- outer aspects Perfusion- per- through; throughout fus/o- pouring

Rheumatic- rheumat/o- watery discharge –icpertaining to Vegetation- vegetat/o- growth –ion- action; condition Stenosis- sten/o- constriction; narrowness –osis- condition, process Arrhythmia- a- away from, without rhythm/orhythm -ia- condition; state; thing

Claudication- claudicate/o- limping pain –ioncondition, action Necrotic- necr/o- dead body; dead cells, dead tissue –tic- pertaining to Trombophlebitis- tromb/o- blood clot phlebo- vein –itits- infection of, inflammation of Varicose- varic/o- varicose vein; varix –ose- full of

Lipid- lip/o- fat, lipid –id- origin, resembling, source

Transesophageal- trans- across, through esophag/o- esophagus –eal- pertaining to

Catheterization- catheter/o- catheter -ization- process of creating; process of inserting; process of making

Ultrasonography- ultra- beyond, higher son/o- sound –graphy- process of recording

Electrocardiography- electr/o- electricity cardi/o- heart –graphy- process of recording Electrocardiogram- -gram- picture, record Electrophysiologic- electr/o- electricity physi/o- physical function log/o- study of – ic- pertaining to

Radionuclide- -ide- chemically modified structure Ventriculography- ventricul/o- chamber that is filled, ventricle –graphy- process of recording Perfusion- per- through; throughout fus/opouring –ion- action; condition Tomography- tom/o- cut; layer; slice

Pharmacologic- pharmac/o- drug, medicine Telemetry- tele/o- distance –metry- process of measuring Echocardiography- ech/o- echo of a sound wave cardi/o- heart –graphy- process of recording

Auscultation- auscult/o- listening –ationprocess; having; being Stethoscope- steth/o- chest –scopeinstrument used to examine...

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