Angela-MAE- Manese PDF

Title Angela-MAE- Manese
Author e-Book Shop
Course Accountancy
Institution Labas Senior High School
Pages 2
File Size 60.5 KB
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"Taylor's work is based on the concept of planning of work to achieve efficiency standardization, specialization, and simplification that promotes mutual trust between the management and workers in order to increase productivity (Organizational Theory, n.d,). According to Taylor, in order to make your work or task efficient, at standard, in order to achieve specialization, and make it simple or easier, you have to plan for it. This will result in having a mutual trust in the management and to the workers which will then lead in increase productivity. Taylor's work also proposed four principles of scientific management articulated below; 1.) Science, not rule of thumb – develop a science of each element of man's work which replaces the old rule-of thumb. * When we say, rule of thumb, it is a generally accepted guideline, policy or method of doing something based on practice rather than facts. It is just based on personal judgement. But, according to Taylor, it must be science, not rule of thumb. Taylor believe that even a simple activity needs science in order to be efficient. 2.) Scientific selection of the worker – scientifically select and then train, teach, and develop the workman, whereas in the past he chose his own work and trained himself the best he could. 3.) Management and labor cooperation rather than conflict – heartily cooperate with the men to ensure all of the work being done is in accordance with the principles of science which has been developed. Taylor said that in the organization, there must be harmony between the management and the workers. Why? It is because, he believes that the prosperity of the employees will not be possible without its employer and the prosperity of the employer will not possible without the help of the latter. It becomes possible by (a) sharing a part of surplus with workers (b) training of employees, (c) division of work (d) team spirit (e) positive attitude (f) sense of discipline (g) sincerity etc. 4.) Scientific training of the worker – workers should be trained by experts using scientific method. Continuous training to workers will result in continuous improvement in their skills, thus improving efficiency. The following concepts suggested by Taylor in order to increase the level of trust (Organization theories, n.d.): If we will go back to the beginning of this report, it was mentioned that "Taylor's work is based on the concept of planning of work to achieve efficiency standardization, specialization, and simplification that promotes mutual trust between the management and workers in order to increase productivity". But how can it be possible? 1.) the advantages of productivity improvement should go to workers; 2.) physical stress and anxiety should be eliminated as much as possible; 3.) capabilities of worker should be developed through training; 4.) the traditional 'boss' concept should be eliminated During the same time when Taylor developed the theory of Scientific Management Henri Fayol also developed another approach called the Administrative Theory. According to Laagard (2006), Contrary to Taylor's scientific approach which is categorized as bottom up approach, Fayol's administrative principles is in the form of the management's hierarchical pyramid structure which is considered as top down approach and its focus is on administrative process rather than technical processes. Henry Fayol has this Administrative Theory which focuses on administrative process. Fayol believed that with scientific forecasting and proper methods of management, satisfactory predictable results were sure to follow. It gives emphasis to the management.

Van (2009) emphasized that Fayol laid the first foundation for modern scientific management in the early 1900 which serve as guidelines for decision-making and management actions. Van (2009) further articulated that this management concept which is known as the 14 principles of management is considered as the underlying factors for successful management. Fayol founded the Modern Scientific Management which is use in decision-making in the management. Under his theory are the 14 principles of management that show the factors to have a successful management. a.) Division of Work – tasks is divided among employees according to their field of expertise or field of specialization. There is a division of work among employees. b.) Authority and Responsibility – the management has the authority to give orders to subordinates that comes with corresponding responsibility. The management plans and give rules while the workers follow them to accomplish their tasks. c.) Discipline – is about the core values anchored on the vision and mission an organization to form of good conduct which essential to the successful operation of the organization. There must be discipline, of course in the organization. d.) Unity of Command – all orders received must come from one manager only otherwise it will cause confusion to employees. e.) Unity of Direction – this ensures that all actions are properly coordinated ant requires employees to perform and carry out activities as one team leading the same objectives using one plan. f.) Subordinate of Individual Interest – is about prioritization of organization’s interest over personal interest which applies to all members of the organization. The members of the organization must keep in mind that they must prioritize the organization’s interest over their personal interest. g.) Renumeration – is about rewards and compensations to efforts that have been made which could be in a form of monetary or nonmonetary that keeps employees motivated and productive. h.) The Degree of Centralization – this implies the concentration of decision-making authority at the top management. i.) Scalar Chain – is about the hierarchical structure that is always present at any type organization. There should be a clear line of in the area of authority from the top management down to the lowest level. From the top management member down to its subordinates and to the lowest level. j.) Order – this pertains to the order and safety of employees in order to function properly at work. k.) Equity – this implies equal treatment among members of the organization. l.) Stability of Tenure of Personnel – this is about the proper deployment and management of personnel by providing employees the opportunity to be considered for tenured position based on their performance. m.) Initiative – this allows employees to express ideas that will help benefit the company. n.) Esprit de Corps – this promotes unity among employees, develops morale in the workplace, and creates atmosphere of mutual trust and understanding. There must be unity among workers and members of the organization for them to work with mutual trust and understanding. This will avoid conflict in the workplace....

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