Animal Rights Poem - Poem I submitted for Grade 11 University/Academic English. PDF

Title Animal Rights Poem - Poem I submitted for Grade 11 University/Academic English.
Author Chloe Popov
Course English Studies
Institution High School - Canada
Pages 2
File Size 51.4 KB
File Type PDF
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Poem I submitted for Grade 11 University/Academic English. ...


Animal Rights Poem Humans have plagued this earth by not giving their fair share of what’s not theirs We’re meant to coexist with other beings but all we do is terrorize them We have created an ego-system, rather than an ecosystem Because you see there is a difference Humans are sadistic maniacs who have normalized an animal holocaust just because we’d rather not give up 5 minutes, just 5 minutes of our taste buds’ pleasure to spare animals from their entire lives of suffering It’s absolutely pathetic We have become desensitized to the atrocities we commit and contribute to daily We love the animals which we call our ‘pets’, and hate upon the others and deem them as ‘food’ Which you know what? That doesn’t make much sense when all we preach is equality but we’re true speciesists Baby animals, spend less than a ¼ of their natural lifespan before their brutally executed Since when did murdering children become ethical? Dairy cows are sent to rape racks where we force a calf upon them, just so that we can steal it away from them along with their maternal bonds and complex relationships Cows will try to chase their children’s kidnappers, and will cry out for weeks And if a cow’s body wears out, she’s sent to a fate that many others alike her see Death Before then, she’ll live a relentless life of torture with her horns getting gouged out of her head, being branded with a scalding piece of iron, and endure other kinds of torment She will be hung by her leg, get her throat slit, and be skinned alive, all while she is conscious and aware Even after pieces of her are gruesomely chopped off, her detached muscles still clench How about more massacre? Male chicks our ground up, crushed, drowned or burned to death, minutes after they’ve hatched, just because they aren’t able to produce eggs Hens are injected with so many growth hormones that they collapse because of their own weight And cage free is not free of cages It only means a larger, crammed cage Piglets that aren’t profitable enough are slammed against the floor, breaking their bones and bleeding internally, which is known as thumping – the cheaper method of killing them We deny animals everything that is natural to them and its unfair All animals with disabilities or diseases are still sent to slaughter I can guarantee that every single meat eater has ate a ground up tumor at least once We overpopulated these animals and now meat and dairy farms are leading cause for methane in the atmosphere I could explain the horrors that these animals face forever, but my lifespan is too limited for that

But I what I will say is this– that all animals have a will to live and that they do not want or deserve to die Each and every one of them are unique individuals, not lives at human disposal Their lives do not belong to anyone but themselves Now, I may be made fun of for sticking up for the voiceless but we are their voice There is no excuse for animal abuse And there is absolutely no humane way to murder but only the human way Nobody gave humans the right to put a price on life All people seem to do is whine about how horrifying and unethical the Yulin dog meat festival is when we commit the exact same atrocities upon other animals And People love to assume that vegan food must be much worse than the corpses they consume But please, before you go bitch about how your meat is too fatty or tough, or that the vegan lifestyle is too hard, just think about who you’re eating....

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