Answer the questions about a dream vacation PDF

Title Answer the questions about a dream vacation
Author Juan Manuel Valderrama Aldea
Course Ingles II
Institution Universidad Tecnológica del Perú
Pages 1
File Size 23.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 79
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INGLES II 12807 Practica calificada Answer the questions about a dream vacation...


Answert hequest i onsaboutadr eam vacat i on.


Whatt y peofv ac at i onwoul dy oul i k et ogoon?

Iwoul dl i k et ogoonabeac hv acat i onwi t hmygi r l f r i end. 2.

Wher ewoul dy oul i k et ogo?

Canc un,i t ´ sani c epl ac e. 3.

Whenwoul dy oul i k et r av el ?

Onv ac at i on,whenIhav eal otoff r eet i me. 4.

Howwoul dy oul i k et ot r av el ?

Bypl ane,I ´ v enev erdonei t . 5.

Wher ewoul dy oul i k et os t ay ?

I nast arhot el .Forex ampl e,i nTheHar dRoc khot elf r om Canc un. 6.

Whatwoul dy oul i k et os ee ?

Thebeac hesandt hei sl ands . 

Compl et et hesent encesbel ow usi ngt hest r uct ur ecor r ect l y. Don’ tusecont r act i ons.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Iam goi ngt os peakt oMr .Smi t h,pl ease. Ar ey ougoi ngt ogot ot hemov i es ? Whenar et heygoi ngt ot r av el abr oad? Iam goi ngt ohav emor ef r eet i me. Mypar ent sar egoi ngt ohav et hei rownbus i nes s . Rebec ai sgoi ngt ot r av el t oSpai n,buts hedoes n’ thav eenoughmoney . I ’ m hungr y .Iam goi ngt oeatahambur ger . Lar r yi st i r ed.Hei sgoi ngt ogot obed....

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