Antepartum Practice Question PDF

Title Antepartum Practice Question
Author Anonymous User
Course Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family
Institution University of North Carolina at Charlotte
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Antepartum Practice Question 1. An antenatal client is informing the nurse of her prenatal signs and symptoms. Which of the following findings would the nurse determine are presumptive signs of pregnancy? Select all that apply. 1. Amenorrhea. 2. Breast tenderness. 3. Quickening. 4. Frequent urination. 5. Uterine growth. 2. The nurse is assessing the laboratory report of a 40-week gestation client. Which of the following values would the nurse expect to find elevated above prepregnancy levels? 1. Glucose. 2. Fibrinogen. 3. Hematocrit. 4. Bilirubin. 3. When analyzing the need for health teaching of a prenatal multigravida, the nurse should ask which of the following questions? 1. “What are the ages of your children?” 2. “What is your marital status?” 3. “Do you ever drink alcohol?” 4. “Do you have any allergies?” 4. A woman whose prenatal weight was 105 lb weighs 109 lb at her 12-week visit. Which of the following comments by the nurse is appropriate at this time? 1. “We expect you to gain 1 lb per week, so your weight is a little low at this time.” 2. “Most women gain no weight during the first trimester, so I would suggest you eat fewer desserts for the next few weeks.” 3. “You entered the pregnancy well underweight, so we should check your diet to make sure you are getting the nutrients you need.” 4. “Your weight gain is exactly what we would expect it to be at this time.” 5. Because nausea and vomiting are such common complaints of pregnant women, the nurse provides anticipatory guidance to a 6-week gestation client by telling her to do which of the following? 1. Avoid eating greasy foods. 2. Drink orange juice before rising. 3. Drink 2 glasses of water with each meal. 4. Eat 3 large meals plus a bedtime snack.


6. A client enters the prenatal clinic. She states that she missed her period yesterday and used a home pregnancy test this morning. She states that the results were nega- tive, but “I still think I am pregnant.” Which of the

following statements would be appropriate for the nurse to make at this time? 1. “Your period is probably just irregular.” 2. “We could do a blood test to check.” 3. “Home pregnancy test results are very accurate.” 4. “My recommendation would be to repeat the test in one week.”

7. A gravida, G1 P0000, is having her first prenatal physical examination. Which of the following assessments should the nurse inform the client that she will have that day? 1. Pap smear. 2. Mammogram. 3. Glucose challenge test. 4. Biophysical profile. 8. A 10-week gravid client is being seen in the prenatal clinic. For the nurse caring for this patient, providing anticipatory guidance for which of the following should be a priority? 1. Pain management during labor. 2. Methods to relieve backaches. 3. Breastfeeding positions. 4. Characteristics of the newborn. 9. A client asks the nurse what was meant when the physician told her she had a posi- tive Chadwick’s sign. Which of the following information about the finding would be appropriate for the nurse to convey at this time? 1. “It is a purplish stretch mark on your abdomen.” 2. “It means that you are having heart palpitations.” 3. “It is a bluish coloration of your cervix and vagina.” 4. “It means the doctor heard abnormal sounds when you breathed in.” 10.A client enters the prenatal clinic. She states that she believes she is pregnant. Which of the following hormone elevations will indicate a high probability that the client is pregnant? 1. Chorionic gonadotropin. 2. Oxytocin. 3. Prolactin. 4. Luteinizing hormone. 11.A 16-year-old, G1 P0000, is being seen at her 10-week gestation visit. She tells the nurse that she felt the baby move that morning. Which of the following responses by the nurse is appropriate? 1. “That is very exciting. The baby must be very healthy.” 2. “Would you please describe what you felt for me?” 3. “That is impossible. The baby is not big enough yet.” 4. “Would you please let me see if I can feel the baby?” 12.A 20-year-old client states that the at-home pregnancy test that she took this morn- ing was positive. Which of the following comments by the nurse is appropriate at this time? 1. “Congratulations, you and your family must be so happy.”

2. “Have you told the baby’s father yet?” 3. “How do you feel about the results?” 4. “Please tell me when your last menstrual period was.” 92 MATERNAL AND NEWBORN SUCCESS 13.A client is in the 10th week of her pregnancy. Which of the following symptoms would the nurse expect the client to exhibit? 1. Backache. 2. Dyspnea. 3. Fatigue. 4. Diarrhea. 14.The midwife has just palpated the fundal height at the location noted on the pic- ture below. It is likely that the client is how many weeks pregnant? 1. 12. 2. 20. 3. 28. 4. 36.

15.When assessing the psychological adjustment of an 8-week gravida, which of the following would the nurse expect to see signs of? 1. Ambivalence. 2. Depression. 3. Anxiety. 4. Ecstasy. 16.A client makes the following statement after finding out that her pregnancy test is positive, “This is not a good time. I am in college and the baby will be due during final exams!” Which of the following responses by the nurse would be most appro- priate at this time? 1. “I’m absolutely positive that everything will turn out all right.” 2. “I suggest that you e-mail your professors to set up an alternate plan.”

3. “It sounds like you’re feeling a little overwhelmed right now.” 4. “You and the baby’s father will find a way to get through the pregnancy.” CHAPTER 4 ANTEPARTUM 93 17.The nurse notes each of the following findings in a 12-week gestation client. Which of the findings would enable the nurse to tell the client that she is positively pregnant? 1. Fetal heart rate via Doppler. 2. Positive pregnancy test. 3. Positive Chadwick’s sign. 4. Montgomery gland enlargements. 18.The nurse takes the history of a client, G2 P1001, at her first prenatal visit. Which of the following statements would indicate that the client should be referred to a genetic counselor? 1. “My first child has cerebral palsy.” 2. “My first child has hypertension.” 3. “My first child has asthma.” 4. “My first child has cystic fibrosis.” 19.The nurse has taken a health history on four primigravid clients at their first prena- tal visits. It is high priority that which of the clients receives nutrition counseling? 1. The woman diagnosed with phenylketonuria. 2. The woman who has Graves’ disease. 3. The woman with Cushing’s syndrome. 4. The woman diagnosed with myasthenia gravis. 20.Which of the following findings in an 8-week gestation client, G2 P1001, should the nurse highlight for the nurse midwife? 1. Body mass index of 17. 2. Blood pressure of 100/60. 3. Hematocrit of 36%. 4. Hemoglobin of 13.2. 21.A woman, 6 weeks pregnant, is having a vaginal examination. Which of the follow- ing would the practitioner expect to find? 1. Thin cervical muscle. 2. An enlarged ovary. 3. Thick cervical mucus. 4. Pale pink vaginal wall. 22.A pregnant woman must have a glucose challenge test (GCT). Which of the fol- lowing should be included in the preprocedure teaching? 1. Fast for 12 hours before the test. 2. Bring a urine specimen to the laboratory on the day of the test. 3. Be prepared to have 4 blood specimens taken on the day of the test. 4. The test should take one hour to complete. 23.The nurse working in an outpatient obstetric office assesses four primigravid clients. Which of the client findings would the nurse highlight for the physician? 1. 17 weeks’ gestation; denies feeling fetal movement. 2. 24 weeks’ gestation; fundal height at the umbilicus. 3. 27 weeks’ gestation; complains of excess salivation. 4. 34 weeks’ gestation; complains of hemorrhoidal pain.

24.The following four changes occur during pregnancy. Which of them usually in- creases the father’s interest and involvement in the pregnancy? 1. Learning the results of the pregnancy test. 2. Attending childbirth education classes. 3. Hearing the fetal heartbeat. 4. Meeting the obstetrician or midwife. 94 MATERNAL AND NEWBORN SUCCESS 25.The nurse midwife tells a client that the baby is growing and that ballottement was evident during the vaginal examination. How should the nurse explain what the nurse midwife means by ballottement? 1. The nurse midwife saw that the mucus plug was intact. 2. The nurse midwife felt the baby rebound after being pushed. 3. The nurse midwife palpated the fetal parts through the uterine wall. 4. The nurse midwife assessed that the baby is head down. 26.A multigravid client is 22 weeks pregnant. Which of the following symptoms would the nurse expect the client to exhibit? 1. Nausea. 2. Dyspnea. 3. Urinary frequency. 4. Leg cramping. 27.The glucose challenge screening test is performed at or after 24 weeks’ gestation to assess for the maternal physiological response to which of the following pregnancy hormones? 1. Estrogen. 2. Progesterone. 3. Human placental lactogen. 4. Human chorionic gonadotropin. 28.A client is 15 weeks pregnant. She calls the obstetric office to request a medication for a headache. The nurse answers the telephone. Which of the following is the nurse’s best response? 1. “Because the organ systems in the baby are developing right now, it is risky to take medicine.” 2. “You can take any of the over-the-counter medications because they are all safe in pregnancy.” 3. “The physician will prescribe a category “X” medication for you.” 4. “You can take acetaminophen because it is a category “B” medicine.” 29.A 20-week gestation client is being seen in the prenatal clinic. Place an “X” on the place on the abdomen where the nurse would expect the fundal height to be felt.


30.A client who was seen in the prenatal clinic at 20 weeks’ gestation weighed 128 lb at that time. Approximately how many pounds would the nurse expect the client to weigh at her next visit at 24 weeks’ gestation? 1. 129 lb. 2. 130 lb. 3. 131 lb. 4. 132 lb. 31.An 18-week gestation client telephones the obstetrician’s office stating, “I’m really scared. I think I have breast cancer. My breasts are filled with tumors.” The nurse should base the response on which of the following? 1. Breast cancer is often triggered by pregnancy. 2. Nodular breast tissue is normal during pregnancy. 3. The woman is exhibiting signs of a psychotic break. 4. Anxiety attacks are especially common in the second trimester. 32.A woman states that she frequently awakens with “painful leg cramps” during the night. Which of the following assessments should the nurse make? 1. Dietary evaluation. 2. Goodell’s sign. 3. Hegar’s sign. 4. Posture evaluation. 33.Which of the following exercises should be taught to a pregnant woman who com- plains of backaches? 1. Kegeling. 2. Pelvic tilting. 3. Leg lifting. 4. Crunching.

34.A woman in her third trimester advises the nurse that she wishes to breastfeed her baby, “but I don’t think my nipples are right.” Upon examination, the nurse notes that the client has inverted nipples. Which of the following actions should the nurse take at this time? 1. Advise the client that it is unlikely that she will be able to breastfeed. 2. Refer the client to a lactation consultant for advice. 3. Call the labor room and notify them that a client with inverted nipples will be admitted. 4. Teach the woman exercises in order to evert her nipples. 35.Which of the following vital sign changes should the nurse highlight for a pregnant woman’s obstetrician? 1. Prepregnancy blood pressure (BP) 100/60 and third trimester BP 140/90. 2. Prepregnancy respiratory rate (RR) 16 rpm and third trimester RR 22 rpm. 3. Prepregnancy heart rate (HR) 76 bpm and third trimester HR 88 bpm. 4. Prepregnancy temperature (T) 98.6oF and third trimester T 99.2oF. 36.A nurse midwife has advised a 39-week gestation gravid to take evening primrose oil 2500 mg daily as a complementary therapy. This suggestion was made because evening primrose has been shown to perform which of the following actions? 1. Relieve back strain. 2. Improve development of colostrum. 3. Ripen the cervix. 4. Reduce the incidence of hemorrhoids. 96 MATERNAL AND NEWBORN SUCCESS 37.A 38-week gestation client, Bishop score 1, is advised by her nurse midwife to take evening primrose daily. The office nurse advises the client to report which of the following side effects that has been attributed to the oil? 1. Skin rash. 2. Pedal edema. 3. Blurred vision. 4. Tinnitus. 38.A 37-week gravid client states that she noticed a “white liquid” leaking from her breasts during a recent shower. Which of the following nursing responses is appro- priate at this time? 1. Advise the woman that she may have a galactocele. 2. Encourage the woman to pump her breasts to stimulate an adequate milk supply. 3. Assess the liquid because a breast discharge is diagnostic of a mammary infection. 4. Reassure the mother that this is normal in the third trimester. 39.A 36-week gestation gravid client is complaining of dyspnea when lying flat. Which of the following is the likely clinical reason for this complaint? 1. Maternal hypertension.

2. Fundal height. 3. Hydramnios. 4. Congestive heart failure. 40.The nurse is providing anticipatory guidance to a woman in her second trimester regarding signs/symptoms that she might experience in the coming weeks. Which of the following comments by the client indicates that further teaching is needed? 1. “During the third trimester I may experience frequent urination.” 2. “During the third trimester I may experience heartburn.” 3. “During the third trimester I may experience back pain.” 4. “During the third trimester I may experience persistent headache.” 41.A client, in her third trimester, is concerned that she will not know the difference between labor contractions and normal aches and pains of pregnancy. How should the nurse respond? 1. “Don’t worry. You’ll know the difference when the contractions start.” 2. “The contractions may feel just like a backache, but they will come and go.” 3. “Contractions are a lot worse than your pregnancy aches and pains.” 4. “I understand. You don’t want to come to the hospital before you are in labor.” 42.Which finding would the nurse view as normal when evaluating the laboratory reports of a 34-week gestation client? 1. Anemia. 2. Thrombocytopenia. 3. Polycythemia. 4. Hyperbilirubinemia. 43.The nurse asks a 31-week gestation client to lie on the examining table during a prenatal examination. In which of the following positions should the client be placed? 1. Orthopneic. 2. Lateral-recumbent. 3. Sims’. 4. Semi-Fowler’s. CHAPTER 4 ANTEPARTUM 97 44.A third-trimester client is being seen for routine prenatal care. Which of the fol- lowing assessments will the nurse perform during the visit? Select all that apply. 1. Blood glucose. 2. Blood pressure. 3. Fetal heart rate 4. Urine protein. 5. Pelvic ultrasound. 45.A nurse is working in the prenatal clinic. Which of the following findings seen in third-trimester pregnant women would the nurse consider to be within normal limits? Select all that apply. 1. Leg cramps. 2. Varicose veins. 3. Hemorrhoids. 4. Fainting spells.

5. Lordosis. 46.A 36-week gestation gravid lies flat on her back. Which of the following maternal signs/symptoms would the nurse expect to observe? 1. Hypertension. 2. Dizziness. 3. Rales. 4. Chloasma. 47.The nurse is interviewing a 38-week gestation Muslim woman. Which of the fol- lowing questions would be inappropriate for the nurse to ask? 1. “Do you plan to breastfeed your baby?” 2. “What do you plan to name the baby?” 3. “Which pediatrician do you plan to use?” 4. “How do you feel about having an episiotomy?” 48.A woman is 36-weeks’ gestation. Which of the following tests will be done during her prenatal visit? 1. Glucose challenge test. 2. Amniotic fluid volume assessment. 3. Vaginal and rectal cultures. 4. Karyotype analysis. 49.A 34-week gestation woman calls the obstetric office stating, “Since last night I have had three nosebleeds.” Which of the following responses by the nurse is appropriate? 1. “You should see the doctor to make sure you are not becoming severely anemic.” 2. “Do you have a temperature?” 3. “One of the hormones of pregnancy makes the nasal passages prone to bleeds.” 4. “Do you use any inhaled drugs?” 50.The nurse asks a woman about how the woman’s husband is dealing with the preg- nancy. The nurse concludes that counseling is needed when the woman makes which of the following statements? 1. “My husband is ready for the pregnancy to end so that we can have sex again.” 2. “My husband has gained quite a bit of weight during this pregnancy.” 3. “My husband seems more worried about our finances now than before the pregnancy.” 4. “My husband plays his favorite music for my belly so the baby will learn to like it.” 98 MATERNAL AND NEWBORN SUCCESS

51.The blood of a pregnant client was initially assessed at 10 weeks’ gestation and re- assessed at 38 weeks’ gestation. Which of the following results would the nurse ex- pect to see? 1. Rise in hematocrit from 34% to 38%. 2. Rise in white blood cells from 5,000 cells/mm 3 to 15,000 cells/mm3. 3. Rise in potassium from 3.9 mEq/ L to 5.2 mEq/ L. 4. Rise in sodium from 137 mEq/ L to 150 mEq/ L. 52.A client is 35 weeks’ gestation. Which of the following findings would the nurse ex- pect to see? 1. Nausea and vomiting. 2. Maternal ambivalence. 3. Fundal height 10 cm above the umbilicus. 4. Use of three pillows for sleep comfort. 53.A woman, 26-weeks’ gestation, calls the triage nurse stating, “I’m really scared. I tried not to but I had an orgasm when we were making love. I just know that I will go into preterm labor now.” Which of the following responses by the nurse is appropriate? 1. “Lie down and drink a quart of water. If you feel any back pressure at all call me back right away.” 2. “Although oxytocin was responsible for your orgasm, it is very unlikely that it will stimulate preterm labor.” 3. “I will inform the doctor for you. What I want you to do is to come to the hos- pital right now to be checked.” 4. “The best thing for you to do right now is to take a warm shower, and then do a fetal kick count assessment.” 54.A couple is preparing to interview obstetric primary care providers in order to deter- mine who they will go to for care during their pregnancy and delivery. In order to make the best choice, which of the following actions should the couple perform first? 1. Take a tour of hospital delivery areas. 2. Develop a preliminary birth plan. 3. Make appointments with three or four obstetric care providers. 4. Search the internet for the malpractice histories of the providers. 55.During a preconception counseling session, the nurse encourages a couple to pre- pare a birth plan. Which of the following is the most important goal for this action?

1. Promote communication between the couple and health care professionals. 2. Enable the couple to learn about the types of medicine used in labor. 3. Provide the couple with a list of items that they should put in a bag for labor. 4. Give the high-risk couple a sense of control over having to have a cesarean. 56.The nurse is assisting a couple to develop decisions for their birth plan. Which of the following decisions should be considered nonnegotiable by the parents? 1. Whether or not the father will be present during labor. 2. Whether or not the woman will have an episiotomy. 3. Whether or not the woman will be able to have an epidural. 4. Whether or not the father will be able to take pictures of the delivery. 57.During a prenatal visit, a gravid client is complaining of ptyalism. Which of the following nursing interventions is appropriate? 1. Encourage the woman to brush her teeth carefully. 2. Advise the woman to have her blood pressure checked regularly. 3. Encourage the woman to wear supportive hosiery. 4. Advise the woman to avoid eating rare meat. CHAPTER 4 ANTEPARTUM 99

58.A gravid woman who recently emigrated from mainland China is being seen at her first prenatal visit. She was never vaccinated in her home country. An injection to prevent which of the following communicable diseases should be administered to the woman during her pregnancy? 1. Influenza. 2. Mumps. 3. Rubella. 4. Varicella. 59.A gravid woman and her h...

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