Antigona gonzalez pdf full document PDF

Title Antigona gonzalez pdf full document
Author Mimi
Course Classical Mythology
Institution Hunter College CUNY
Pages 61
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cla 101 hunter college
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Antígona González

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Antígona González Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License3.0 Copying of either part or the whole of the edition, in any format, mechanical or digital, as long as when the content of the texts is not modified, respect its authorship, the original sources indicated at the end of the book, and this note will hold.

© 2012, Sara Uribe.

© sur + editions Porfirio Diaz 1105 Col. Figueroa 68070 Oaxaca de Juárez Oaxaca

Cover design: Txema Novelo Editorial design: Pablo Rojas

Sara Uribe

Correction: Gabriel Elías and Saúl Hernández

Made and printed in Mexico

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Uncle Ramón Mier and Francisco Arenas

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What does the appropriator appropriate? Cristina Rivera Garza placeholder image

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Instructions for counting dead

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One, dates, like names, are the most important. The name above the caliber of the bullets. Two, sit in front of a monitor. Find the note red from all online newspapers. Keep the memory of those who have died.

Three, count innocent and guilty, hitmen, children, military, civilians, municipal presidents, migrants,

vendors, kidnappers, policemen. Count them all.

Name them all to say: this body could be mine. The body of one of my own.

So as not to forget that all the nameless bodies they are our lost bodies.

My name is Antígona González and I search among the dead my brother's corpse.


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I am Sandra Muñoz, I live in Tampico, Tamaulipas and

: Who is Antigone in this scene and what

I want to know where the missing bodies are. That

are we going to do with his words?

stop the loss now.

: Who is Antígona González and what are we going to do I want the rest of those who seek and that of those who

with all the other Antigones?

have not been found. : I didn't want to be an Antigone I want to name the voices of the stories that occupy

but it touched me.

rren here. ]


Page 10


They didn't want to tell me anything. Thaddeus does not appear. They didn't want to tell me anything.

A glass slipping from a wet hand. Loud crash of crystals. The knot in the belly. The knot and the naube. The knot. Small drops of fresh blood on

They didn't want to tell me anything. They wanted to run away from the

the mosaics.

town. That is why many houses are abandoned, the doors have padlocks but inside there are still

A broken glass is no longer a glass. I thought so. That them

furniture, because in the flight its inhabitants ... Do you see the

I said.

irony, Thaddeus? They just want to fade and what the last eyes that saw you do not look at them.

What are they whispering? Why does everything slide quietly? What are they undoing? Torch we are saying that Thaddeus does not appear. We are saying that we are many who have lost tosomeone.


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A broken glass. Something that is no longer there, that no longer exists.

But no trace of beast or dogs that would have

Which is unaccounted for, without knowing if

dragged to tear you apart . Where before you now he

it lives. Without being known.

empty. No one called to ask for ransom or to intimidateus. No one said a single word: as if they wanted

I kept thinking about the verb disappear. Them

undo even more in silence.

They said: Thaddeus does not appear and I thought of the magician that he was going to our elementary school. In Thaddeus behind the lattice

I would have appreciated that where they had

peeking because our mother doesn't

had been taken, they had better left him dead, for-

it was enough to give us the five pesos for the show.

that at least I would know where he was, where to cry,

Disappearing was always an act of prestige for me.

where to pray. Maybe I would have resigned myself by now.

gyrators. Someone would disappear something and then return it To appear.

A simple act.


Page 12


[ : Antígona Vélez was entrusted to Leopoldo Marejected by José María Unsai, director of the Theater Cervantes, early 1951. The only original A woman tries to tell the story of the disappearance

typewritten was given to the protagonist,

tion of his younger brother. This case did not appear in the

Fanny Navarro, who lost him on a trip to Mar

news. It did not capture the attention of any au-

del Plata.

dience. It's just another man who came out of his He went home to the border and was never seen again. Other

: The interpretation of Antigone suffers a radical

man who bought a ticket and boarded a bus.

alteration in Latin America - where Polínices is

Another man who from the window said goodbye to his

identified with the marginalized and disappeared.

children and then that image became the only thing a couple of children will be able to register in their memory when

: Written as a long poem in free verse, the

Do think about the last time you saw your father.

text contains countless letter fragments tango, which in its distortion and alteration, full of new meanings and intersections

: in its distortion and alteration Polynices is identifiable do with the marginalized and disappeared : in its distortion and alteration Polynices is Thaddeus.



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They didn't want to tell me anything. As if by naming your

They are the same. They are going to kill us all, Antí-

absence everything had greater solidity. As if to shut her up

gona. They are the same. There is no law here. They are of the

make it less real. They didn't want to tell me anything

themselves. There is no country here. They are the same. No

because they knew I would come looking for you. They knew I would go to

do nothing. They are the same. Think about your sobri-

your house to question your wife, to demand that you not

us. They are the same. Be still, Antigone.

give notice immediately, that no one denounce your

They are the same. Stay still. Do not scream. No


think. Do not search. They are the same. stay still, Antigone. Don't chase the impossible.

Our older brother and your wife in the little one living room of your house. Your children playing soccer with

But how can I not look for my brother? Gave-


win it over with you, how can I not demand your body even to bury it? How am I going to sleep peacefully

Our older brother and your wife telling me that

Quila thinking that he may be in a ravine,

None had gone to the authorities, that Na-

In a vacant lot, in a gap?

die would go, that the best thing for everyone was that Nobody eat.



Page 14


They insist you're alive because it blinds them

: Argentine Griselda Gambaro uses the figure of

the fear. They repeat and repeat that you will appear

Antigone to criticize the large number of disappearances

any day of these but when they shut up it rips them

during the military dictatorship that existed in his

the fear. They dare to argue that the most


It is likely that you have gone with another woman but the denies his own fear. They disapprove that I seek

: Antígona Furiosa is a pastiche.

your corpse and it's fear. They don't want photographs nor that their names are published and I understand them

: Antígona Furiosa is also the inquiry about

because they are afraid.

who is the real hero.

And I don't understand them because I need to know where



They say that without a body there is no crime. I tell them that without a body there is no backwater, there is no possible peace for this heart.

For none.



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A woman files a complaint with the ministry

: Is it possible to understand that strange place between life

public for the disappearance of his brother. In its

and death, that speaking precisely from the edge?

statement that the events were not reported immediately for fear of retaliation. In its

: a border dweller

The statement states that the bus lines are nethey repeatedly tried to give an account of the whereabouts of their

: that strange place

brother. A woman leaving the public ministry is approached by a man who pulls her arm and

: she is dead but speaks

He says quietly: It's better if they stop fucking. You Follow him and he's going to take the hell out of you.

: she has no place but claims one from the discourse

: Do you mean that she will continue here alone, talking out loud, dead, speaking out loud so that we all hear it?




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I pray that your absent body does not go unpunished.

: In his dream, to reach Thebes, the abyss city,

So that you are not anonymous. I pray I have a

had to go through a room full of great

place to go to cry. I pray for the good and for

very diaphanous glass glasses that were barely visible.

them, because if they don't have a heart, I do.

She was obliged to pass between them without breaking any guno, without making them tremble.

: And so he did. He never broke a glass.

: Never crossed the threshold.




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Is this what's left of ours?

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In my dream I have the certainty that one of those suitcases is that of Tadeo. Mom gave him that name bre because it was the one with whom he struggled the most at birth. You offered ninety novenas to Saint Jude if he saved him to the kid. He prayed them and baptized him in his honor so that the hope of despair will always enlighten him rados. So that the smallest of his children will never forget that since his birth he had conquered do adversity.


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That is why I know that you are not alive. If you were alive would Would you have given signals, would you have called, would you have sent a message. If you were alive you would have fought until death for letting me know.

Monterrey. New Lion. 26 of January. Three dead and gagged men were found in a tomb of the municipal pantheon Zacatequitas, located in the town of Zacatecas, in

Anyway, if by a miracle you had saved, you would have already gotten a shot, Thaddeus. You were not going to be of use to them for those things of go around killing people.

the municipality of Pesquería. It was estimated that they could having been buried more than two years ago.

They say that's what they want them for, right? For recruit them by force into your hosts. To use them like shields.

So when I watch the news, the truth is that I no longer know what to believe or who to believe. When with vainglory announce the capture or death of "civilians armed ”, I no longer know if those men, if those women

women who look at the camera with impenetrable faces from the wall of the accused or lying inert on the asphalt, are they really criminals or just cannon fodder. Here, Tadeo, we have run outdo the certainties. Day by day they slipped without we could retain them.

3. 4


Page 20

[ : All come to be buried alive, those who have still alive, those who have not returned, such as they decree, of stone.

: Those who have not returned. Those who have not returned.

: They are only dead who come back to take you

: Of stone. Dead Those who have not returned.

with the dead. : But it is not like that, we are alive because this war does not : They all come back. They are the same. Of stone. To-

it's over.

two. They come back. Made of stone .

: We are alive. Those of us who have not left. Alive

: It is you who wants us completely dead.





Page 21

Amealco, Querétaro. February 15.

There are nights when I dream of you skinnier than ever. I can see your ribs. You do not have a shirt and you walk

The bodies of two women and a man, all with the coup de grace, they were located near the border between Guanajuato and Querétaro. Over one adjoining fence a message was found written on a

barefoot. I can see your dark circles and your tiredness for days. You walk around alone at night, walking through the streets from unknown cities. You are tracking me


Thaddeus, like someone who clings to something uncertain, like who even in distress keeps a bit of sanity and look for the emergency exit. You are looking for me

in the dark you're already groping because somehow you sense that I'm going after you. That's why I think of you all days, because sometimes I think that if I forget you, a single day It will be enough to make you fade away.



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Other nights I dream of you as a child, in the river, next to the

Mama used to take us often in the summer

sabines. I dream that sound of the water on the stones.

He said that only in this way could he appease the days

That humidity under the trees.

hotter. A tuna salad, a bar of bread, a thermos with lemon water, a couple of towels and its fabric, that was all we needed.


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When you arrived, the first thing you did was start walking. sa, pants and shoes. Once the waters are close it was impossible to tame yourself: you ran to the tree


higher, you climbed its branches and threw yourself without more to the pools.

You learned to swim by yourself, you were never scared. Neither

I like to dream that river you know? I like it because I know

even after that time you fell ill and

that we will never return to its waters.

you opened your forehead. The blood dripped mixed with the water down your face while they scold you. To you You didn't seem to care I remember your lost gaze. You were there with your fists clenched, without complaining for mom to clean your wound, but at the same time time you were elsewhere.


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: But the dream was leaving me and I was like a damselfly on a leaf or underneath the leaf, green like her and weightless, near the water at edge of the ditch or pitcher. : Like the dream, you were what disappears, and you were also well all those empty places that don't disappear.

: On a sheet or under a sheet. As in the

: Almost all hours of the day. Damselfly


blo. A ditch or a pitcher. What disappears and all those empty places writing to the president

: You were all hours of the day. On a sheet. Low

of the Republic. A damselfly in front of him

a leaf. Near the water. At the border. In front of a

that disappears. In front of what disappears.

agent of the Public Ministry. In front of a Procuraor a Deputy Attorney or a Delegate of the PGR.

: Against what disappears: what does not disappear.



Four. Five

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He was engaged in the sale and purchase of automobiles. Was common to travel to Matamoros to buy

vehicles that he later sold in other cities of the country. That's how Thaddeus made a living. It was not so wrong. Sometimes it was enough to take him on vacation Tierra Colorada, Guerrero. 18th of February.

the beach to his wife and my nephews. It had been com-

The lifeless body of a man was found

I meadow a piece of land on the outskirts of the city being

at the dam The sale. Although it has not yet been

single and when he married he was building a room

identified, his left arm had a tattoo with

per room your house.

the name "Josefina", and on her right arm she wore marked the name "Julio".

Happiness for me, little sister, he told me one day while he uncovered a beer and served me a piece of roast beef, is to arrive in the afternoon to home, after a day of pure fucking in the bisnes and have a little shell with my kids, listen to them how they scream, how they laugh you know? That takes everything from me the fatigue. That's what makes me feel like I'm doing things right.

The closest thing to happiness for me at this point, little brother, it would be that tomorrow they call me to tell me that your body appeared.


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[ Chihuahua, Chihuahua. April 17th.

: You are also killed here if you bury your

A 4-year-old boy was found dead. His mother

dead. The roads full of the dead give more

I had reported him missing on the 6th of

no fear? April. : Full of the dead.

: The ways. : Over here also to you.

: If you bury your dead.

: They are more scary right?



Page 27


The days are piling up, Thaddeus, and you have to

So I spend every morning. I hear the awakening-

buy the gas, pay the bills and keep going to the

dor and I think of you. I get in the shower and while

job. Because of course one of them disappears

cold water runs all over my body, I think of

praying a brother is not a reason for disability. TO

yours. I go down to the kitchen to make coffee and light a

one they tell her in the teachers' room how sorry I am,

cigar. I know you never liked that I didn't have breakfast

I hope everything is resolved, I am very sorry for your case.

but since you're gone there is no one to help me

One is a one, or two, or three day talk, maybe

scold for not doing it.

up to a week. But then that gossip turns old. Life never stops its course due to catastrophe. personal faiths. Life does not care if your damage is collateral or not. The routine continues and you have to stick with it. Like in the subway, when people pushes you and the current drags you in or out of the wagons. Seconds thing. Thing of inertia. This is how I am floating, Thaddeus.<...

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