Antigone reading guide 1209381290301232113jkhkja fkkasfasf PDF

Title Antigone reading guide 1209381290301232113jkhkja fkkasfasf
Author Riya Patel
Course The Electronic Writer
Institution Columbus State University
Pages 4
File Size 68.2 KB
File Type PDF
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jhfkk hkfhsjhkfshkfdshfhjdkshkjfdshkjfsdjkhfdsjkhfjkhjsdkhfjksdhjfkhds jfskjd fsdfh kshfkjsdhjkf sdfsdjkfsdhh dskjfhjkds kfhjkd k kmh jkhdsjk fjsdh jkfdsfdsjfdfsdfdfsdsfsdfsdhfds kdsfdskfsdsfkskjsf jhfkk hkfhsjhkfshkfdshfhjdkshkjfdshkjfsdjkhfdsjkhfjkhjsdkhfjksdhjfkhds jfskjd fsdfh kshfkjsdhjkf sdfsd...


Antigone Reading Comprehension Questions The Story of Oedipus: 1. What was the prophecy about Oedipus? That he will kill his father and marry his mother 2. How did this prophecy end up becoming true? He kills his dad from his chariot, he kills his own father 3. Who are the children of Oedipus? Antigone and ismene Eteocles and Polyneices 4. Why does Oedipus ending up leaving Thebes? He blinds himself and wishes to be sent out of Thebes so no one could see him, he left behind his four children Scene 1: 4. Who is installed as ruler at the beginning of the play? Creon 5. Who did Oedipus intend to rule Thebes, and what was the governance plan for these two figures? It was the win the provoking war. Creon demands that his people give him a coronation and promises to return the city to its former glory 6. Which figure betrayed his brother by keeping the crown? Polynices 7. What was Polynices’s reaction? He had refused to honor his father and denied his brother a chance to rule. He had turned against his brother and they become mortal enemies. 8. Which side was victorious in the bloody civil war? Eteocles 9.What happened to both brothers during their last battle? Both of them died so Creon was declared the new king of Thebes 10What is Creon’s first major decree? That Polynices should not have a proper burial and should rot in the open. The birds and the dogs would feed on his flesh 12. What is the punishment for all who defy this order? They would get killed Scene 2: 13. Describe Antigone’s reaction to her uncle’s decree. She was really hurt and felt that it was unfair 14. What does Antigone vow to do for Polynices? She vows to give him the proper burial that he deserves 15. What is Ismene’s reaction to Antigone’s plan?

She tries to stop Antigone because she will end up getting killed, she does not want to lose her sister 16. Ultimately, what does Ismene do for Polynices? She helps with his burial; she says that she was to be buried with her sister because she helped bury Polynices. 17. How are Polynices and Ismene foils of one another in terms of personality and temperament?

Polynices is bold and takes huge actions to get what he wants. Arguably, he can be labeled as selfish. However, Ismene is softer and more emotional when it comes to her family. This can be seen when she tries to get Antigone to rethink her decision. These characters give viewers a side of two different personalities from the same family. Ismene is the ray of hope, meanwhile Polynices is viewed as a betrayer. They contrasting qualities untimely bring out the other qualities of the other character. Scene 3: 18. Who is to get a state-sponsored, hero’s burial performed by Creon? Eteocles 19. What happens to Antigone after witnessing the burial of one of her brothers? She reaches her breaking point and screams.

Scene 4: 20. Haemon fears that Antigone is still troubled by what? By her father 21. Haemon and Antigone allude to a disagreement that they have had regarding which of Antigone’s brothers? Polynecies 22. Antigone recounts a nostalgic moment of the first time she felt love for Haemon. Describe the moment when Antigone knew she loved Haemon. She had a flashback to when her and Haemon were by the edge of the water and he put leaves in her hair 23. When Antigone says, “I miss that day,” referencing the easy, early days of her relationship with Haemon, how does Haemon respond to her? He assures her that he is with her and always will be. He reminds her that they will get married and have a son. 24. If Antigone took Ismene’s advice, what would her future with Haemon entail?

They would be married and have serval kids. 25. After Haemon exits, why does Antigone invoke the gods? She realizes that it might be the last time that she specks to him because she might die. Thinking about her death makes her rethink her decision of burying her brother because she wants a future with Haemon. She talks to the gods for advice for what to do between this battle of love and strength. Scene 5: 26. During scene five, what does Antigone do to the body of Polynices? She sits behind it in order to indicate a burial ritual. She puts a coin in his hand. 27. Why do the guards enter at the end of the scene? To take Antigone away to Creon because she tried burying her brother a proper burial Scene 6: 28. Describe Antigone’s attitude when she is brought to the court of King Creon to stand trial. She is very rebellious and believes that she is in the right 29. In a private conversation, what does Creon entreat Antigone to do in order to save her life? He tells her that she must resent the people of Thebes for what she has done. 30. When the council reconvenes, what does Antigone do? She calls them a coward and calls them out for being silent. She also asks for death. 31. What is King Creon’s sentence? death 32. Where does Creon send Antigone? The tomb with no food or water Scene 7: 33. Who is Tiresias? A friend of Creon 34. Describe the bad omens that Tiresias has seen. Birds--screeching, blood, talons, thrashing, screaming, he could not escape a sacrificial fire 35. What is King Creon’s reaction to these omens? He thinks that Tiresias is blaming him 36. What final prophecy does Tiresias make at the end of the scene?

He says that Creon will be punished for the crimes that he committed. He says that there were be a lot of hate summoned in Thebes.

Scene 8: 37. Describe the dynamic of the relationship between Antigone and Ismene at the beginning of the scene. The beginning of this scene is quite emotional and fast. The characters take note of their feelings for each other and Ismene reminds Antigone that she already lost 2 siblings and does not want to lose another. The scene is heavy and filled with passionate love and hate. 38. What nostalgic memory serves to bring them together? Iseme reminds Antigone of a strong that their mother would tell them at night. The story was with two sisters born with each other’s’ hearts. 39. What does Ismene vow to do at the end of the scene? She promises to live for her and give her a buiral Scene 9: 40. How does Antigone die in scene nine? She hangs herself using a piece of her dress Scene 10: 41. Who discovers Antigone dead? Haemon 42. Describe Haemon’s reaction to seeing Antigone dead. What does he do to Creon? He cries over her body and gets mad at Creon. He suffocates Creon. 43. How does Haemon die? He kills himself by stabbing himself in the stomach...

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