AP2 - Lecture notes 1-5 PDF

Title AP2 - Lecture notes 1-5
Course Biology
Institution Houston Community College
Pages 6
File Size 36.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 79
Total Views 144




Directly causes mechanical motion Muscular

Responds to environmental changes by transmitting electrical impulses Nervous

Provides support and levers for muscles to work on Skeletal

Protects underlying organs from mechanical damage and synthesizes vitamin D integumentary

Controls the body with chemical molecules called hormones endocrine

delivers oxygen and nutrients to the tissues cardiovascular

produces antibodies that neutralize foreign substances immune

removes and filters excess fluid from tissues Lymphatic

Blood glucose levels

negative feedback

blood pressure negative feedback

blood clotting positive feedback

Delivering a baby positive feedback

Arteries, veins, heart cardiovascular

Trachea, bronchi, alveoli Respiratory

Adrenal glands, pancreas, pituitary Endocrine

Esophagus, large intestine, rectum Digestive

Kidneys, bladder, ureters Urinary

Stomach abdominopelvic

heart Thoracic

Uterus abdominopelvic

Brain Cranial

Lungs Thoracic

Arm Branchial

Buttock Gluteal

Head Cephalic

Knee ( anterior aspect) Patellar

chest thoracic

The bridge of the nose is to the left of the eye medial

The upper arm is to the forearm proximal

The heart is to the stomach superior

The fingers are to the wrist distal

the stomach is to the spine anterior

Positive feedback mechanism tend to increase the original stimulus TRUE

imaging is useful in discovering obstructed blood supplies in organs and tissues


the anatomical position means the body is standing at attention with the palms facing forward and the thumbs pointing away from the body TRUE

the elbow is proximal to the shoulder False

the serous membrane that lines the peritoneal cavity wall is called visceral peritoneum False

a major function of serous membranes is to decrease friction true

the right hypochondriac region contains the majority of the stomach false

lungs carry out an excretory function true

embryology concerns the structural changes that occur in an individual from conception through old age False

a tissue consists of groups of similar cells that have a common function True

it is important for any organism to maintain its boundaries so that its internal environmental remains distinct from the external environment surrounding it True

without some sort of negative feedback mechanism it would be impossible to keep our body chemistry in balance true...

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