APA 7th Word Template PDF

Title APA 7th Word Template
Course Online Education Strategy
Institution University of the People
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Template for proper APA 7th edition assignments ...


1 In APA 7th style, the page numbers are positioned at the far right in the header. The page number on the title page is inserted digitally and increases for each following page. Overwrite the elements of the Title Page as shown below. Delete this instruction text and replace with one line break (enter key).

Title with All Major Words Capitalized

Author Name Frontier Nursing University Course Number: Course Title Instructor Name Assignment Due Date

[Style note for APA 7th: Use the same font throughout the text of the paper (recommended fonts are listed in APA 7th, Section 2.19, p. 44). All content is double spaced with 1” margins. Insert one space after each sentence.]

2 Abstract An abstract is a single paragraph, without indentation, that summarizes the key points of the manuscript in 150 to 250 words. The abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the article. It allows readers to survey the contents of an article quickly and is the most important single paragraph in an article. It is very important to embed keywords into the abstract. The abstract should be accurate, nonevaluative, coherent and readable, and concise. It should include the problem or relations under investigation, in one sentence if possible. The study eligibility criteria, types of participants included in the primary study, the main results, conclusion, and implications for theory, policy, and/or practice should also be included in the abstract. Keywords: abstract, writing, summary, APA formatting, fun times

[Note: Some academic assignments will not require an abstract and keywords page. If your assignment does not require an abstract; delete this page.]

3 Paper Title Centered with Bold Text and with Major Words Capitalized Here begins the body of your paper and your Introduction section. Note that the title of your paper appears at the top of your introduction even though other sections begin with headings like “Method”, “Results” and so on. The introduction should introduce why the problem is important, how it relates to previous work in the area, lists the primary and secondary hypothesis and the relationship to the research design, and examines the theoretical and practical implications of the study. The introduction should also explore the importance of the problem and describe the relevant scholarship. The purpose statement should be written at the end of the introduction and should guide every aspect of the paper. Be precise, clear, and definite. APA 7th style specifies that major components of the paper (abstract, body, references, etc.) each begin on a new page with the heading centered at the top of the page. The body of the text will be divided into sections and include level one and two headings; headings are not followed by punctuation. The body should have a logical flow of thought discussing the points to support the purpose statement. Consolidate and interpret reviews of literature into cohesive, logical frameworks. If your assignment requires a table or figure, those are appended, each on a separate page, after your References section. Sections can be further divided into major sections (Level 1 headings) and subsections (Level 2 headings), formatted as shown below. Level 1 Heading Level 2 Heading Text for all paragraphs for each section will have the first line of type indented at .5” and following lines will position at the left margin. When you subdivide the content of a section of the body (by positioning a 2nd level heading at the right margin), you must also include an

4 additional 2nd level heading. You cannot split a section (and thus assign a subheading) without the other part; think of it as splitting an apple: you can’t just have one half. Where you do not have at least two sub-topics that relate to your 1st level heading topic, then no 2nd level headings are required under the first level heading. Level 2 Heading (1) The content beneath each second level heading refers to some issue related to the first level heading in the section of the body. Level 2 Heading (2) You may describe different issues that relate to the topic described by the first level heading. Or you might contrast two aspects of that topic. Conclusion Each paper should end with a conclusion (centered as a 1st level heading) or discussion in which you summarize the information you’ve written about throughout your paper.

5 Citations and References (example of level 1 heading: center/bold) Check your assigned reading materials for rules about citations (which occur within the text of the paper) and references (which are listed in their own separate section at the end of the paper). Always follow the guidelines in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition. About the References Section (example of level 2 heading: left margin/bold) An example of a References section is located further down in this template. Note that APA uses the "hanging indent" style for references. The easiest way to create hanging indents is to type each reference without worrying about the hanging indent. Then, when you are finished, select all the references at once (and nothing else) and apply the hanging indent. [You can find instructions for applying a hanging indent here: http://asklibrary.com.edu/faq/57140 or (YouTube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csVYFKal0qs]

6 References Editor’s notes: The following are examples or models for styling references. For more complete information and examples, please refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th ed. You may also find guidance for formatting references in student training materials housed in the APA 7th Infoguide on the Home Page of our library web site. As with other guidance information in this template, you may delete the information in the following pages after you complete your own reference list.  An APA styled reference list is assembled alphabetically by author name.  A section follows these model references to offer guidance on locating digital object identifiers (DOIs) or on when DOIs are not required.  Hyperlinks for URLs and DOIs should be live if the work is to be published or read online and will usually display with blue, underlined font.  Sample references can be found in the “Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition.” Authored Book [APA 7th, p. 321-322] Breckenridge, M. (1952). Wide neighborhoods: A story of the Frontier Nursing Service. University Press of Kentucky. Book Section or Chapter [APA 7th, p. 326-329] Bradshaw, M. (2017). Philosophical approaches to clinical instruction. In M. J Bradshaw, & B. L. Hultquist (Eds.), Innovative teaching strategies in nursing and related health professionals (pp. 311-316). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Dynamed Entries [APA 7th, p. 340] Citing a specific record Lin, M., Lang, E., & Ehrlick, A. (Eds.). (2018, June 3). Acetaminophen poisoning. DynaMed. Retrieved May 11, 2020, from https://www.dynamed.com/condition/acetaminophenpoisoning/ Citing using an in-text citation Severe effects of acetaminophen poisoning are more common after age 40. (Lin et al., 2018). Citing a specific drug record

7 Truven Health Analytics Inc. (2019, November 5). Varenicline. DynaMed. Retrieved May 11, 2020, from https://www.dynamed.com/drug-monograph/varenicline Citing using an in-text citation Varenicline is used as a smoking cessation agent (Truven Health Analytics Inc., 2019). Edited Book [APA 7th, p. 322] Cole, L., & Avery, M. (Eds.). (2017). Freestanding birth centers: Innovation, evidence, optimal outcomes. Springer Publishing Company. Electronic-only Book [Retrieval URL through FNU Library] Anderson, B. A., Rooks, J., & Barroso, R. (Eds.) (2017) Best practices in midwifery: Using the evidence to implement change (2nd ed.). Springer Publishing Company. http://eds.a.ebscohost.com.frontier.idm.oclc.org/eds/ebookviewer/ebook/bmxlYmtfXzEz MzE2MDRfX0FO0?sid=d17c5554-f2a5-489d-bb6f-1fbe72bd9cd0@sdc-vsessmgr01&vid=0&format=EK&rid=2 Government Report [APA 7th, pp. 329-330 (print) or 350-352 (online) ] National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (2014). Managing asthma: A guide for schools (NIH Publication No. 014-2650). https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/files/docs/resources/lung/NACI_ManagingAsthma508%20FINAL.pdf [Editor’s note: In the reference model above, the authoring agency includes the names of the parent and subsidiary agencies; only list the specific subsidiary agency as the author. Spell out only the parent agency in your first citation (and include the abbreviation for the parent agency in brackets in your first citation) (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute [NHLBI], 2014). In subsequent citations, you may use the abbreviation as the author name; e.g., (NHLBI, 2014).]

8 Journal Article – with or without DOIs [APA 7th, p. 316-319] Retrieved Online (a digital object) Baraona, L. K., Lovelace, D., Daniels, J. L., & McDaniel, L. (2017). Tobacco harms, nicotine pharmacology, and pharmacologic tobacco cessation interventions for women. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health. 62(3), 254-269. https://doi.org/10.1111/jmwh.12616 Print Article (no DOI) [often published prior to adoption of the DOI system] Nurse-midwifery education [editorial]. (1959). Bulletin of the American College of NurseMidwives,4(1):1-12. Photograph [APA 7th, p. 347] Westinghouse Electric Corporation. (2009). Lightning model [Photograph]. http://www.nationalgeographic.com/photography/photo-of-the-day/2009/12/lightningmodel-pod-best09/ Web page, group author [APA 7th, p. 350-351] ACT Raising Safe Kids Program. (2020). About ACT. https://www.apa.org/act/about/ Web page, individual author [APA 7th, p. 350-351] Colebourn, J. (2014). Want to reduce stress at work? Stop checking those emails. http://www.vancouversun.com/health/Want+reduce+stress+work+Stop+checking+those+ emails/10437354/story.html

Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs)  DOI: The organization that registers digital object indicators (DOIs) now requires that DOIs in references be styled with the prefix https://doi.org/ preceding the source individual doi.  LOCATE A DOI: Register (no fee required) for citation matching at CrossRef.org here: http://www.crossref.org/SimpleTextQuery/. You can place your references into the search field and the site will return them to you with DOIs, if those exist. [The DOI system was founded in 1998; many publishers did not begin assigning DOIs until the early 2000s, so older literature may not have DOIs.

9 

No DOI: One of the aims of referencing is to point your readers to the exact same source that you yourself used. Commercially printed materials (books, print journals, government documents, etc.) do not have DOIs assigned to them, as they're not digital objects, so you wouldn't be using a DOI in your reference for those anyway For more information, refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition. Refer to sections 9.35–9.37 on pp. 298-300....

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