APA questions and answers PDF

Title APA questions and answers
Author Natalia Bustamante
Course Transition To The Nursing Profession
Institution Chamberlain University
Pages 8
File Size 226.3 KB
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APA questions and answers for the assignment given in class...



Name:Natalia Bustamante__________________ D#:__D40751252______________________ Instructions: Please complete each question. Provide the section number supporting each question (to receive credit points). Each question is worth 1 point for a total of 40 points. Please do not “copy and paste” your response from the book. Summarize your response in 1-2 sentences in your own words. Example Question: What format should the title be on the title page? Provide the page & section number? Example Answer: Section 2.4: The title of the paper should be bolded, centered, and located in the upper half of the title page. Paper’s Format, Style, and Grammar 1. What information goes on the student title page? Provide the section number. - Section 2.3: The student title page should include the title of paper you are writing, the name of the author of who is writing the paper, the name of the school your attending, name of the course you’re writing the paper for and the date of when its being submitted including the professor’s name. lastly, the page number should be added as well on each page. 2. What type of line spacing should be used? Provide the section number. - Section 2.21: For the entire paper, double-space is the recommended line spacing.


3. What is the preferred paragraph indentation? Provide the section number. Section 2.24: The first line of each paragraph should be indented 0.5 inches.


4. What is the preferred paragraph alignment? Provide the section number. Section 2.23: The left margin should be uneven, and the text should be aligned to the left.



5. What heading do you use in the Introduction paragraph? Provide the section number. Section 2.27: A Level 1 Heading is the proper heading to use in the introduction paragraph. 6. What format do you use for level one and level two heading? Provide the page & section number. (worth 2 points) Section 2.27: Pages 47-49 are the first level headings. This format will be used for the top level or main sections.



a. Provide an example of level one: - Section 2.27 (Table 2.3): Centered, Bold, Title Case Heading Ex: Natalia’s Celebration


b. Provide an example of level two: Section 2.27 (Table 2.3): Flush Left, Bold, Title Case Heading

Ex: Theme of the celebration

Bias-Free Language 7. What spelling and capitalization is used for racial and ethnic terms? Provide the section number. (worth 2 points)


a. Provide an example: Section 5.7: Proper nouns are used to designate racial and ethnic groups, which are capitalized. For example, instead of "black" and "white," use "Black" and "White."

8. What is the proper way to report socioeconomic status? Provide the section number. (worth 2 points) -


Section 5.9- You want to report as detailed as possible the education, income, and occupations or unemployment situations.

a. Provide an example: When it comes to education, instead of saying "high school dropout," you should say "someone without a high diploma or equivalent."

Mechanics of Style 2



9. When is a double quotation mark used? Provide the section number. Section 6.7: Double quotation marks are used when refer to a letter, word, phrase, or sentence as a linguistic example or as itself. It is also used to present stimuli in the text, reproduce material from a test item or verbatim instructions to participants. To introduce a word or phrase used as an ironic comment, as slang, or as an invented or coined expression; use quotation marks only for the first occurrence of the word or phrase, not for subsequent occurrences. To introduce a label; after the label has been used once, do not use quotation marks for subsequent occurrences. To set off the title of a periodical article or book chapter when the title is used in the text or in a copyright attribution.

10. When do you use numerals to express numbers? Provide the section number. -



Section 6.32: When referring to a letter, word, phrase, or sentence as a linguistic example or by itself, double quotation marks are used. It's also used to show stimuli in the text, reproduce material from a test item, or give participants verbatim instructions. Use quotation marks only for the first occurrence of a word or phrase used as an ironic comment, as slang, or as an invented or coined expression; do not use quotation marks for subsequent occurrences. To introduce a label; do not use quotation marks for subsequent occurrences after the label has been used once. When the title of a periodical article or book chapter is used in the text or in a copyright attribution, it should be set off.

11. When do you express numbers in words? Provide the section number. Section 6.33: When numbers are zero through nine in text, including the abstract, they are expressed in words. Any number that appears at the start of a sentence, a title, or a heading. Fractions that are widely used and accepted.

12. What format do you use for an abbreviation the first time it will be used in the text? Provide the section number. (Worth 2 points) Section 6.25-6.26 When you first use a word that you want to abbreviate in the text, present both the full version of the word and the abbreviation. The format to use to form the plural of most abbreviations add a lowercase "s" alone, without an apostrophe.

a. Provide an example: URLs 3



13. What do the standard Latin abbreviations such as e.g., i.e., vs., v., and etc. mean? (worth 2 points) Section 6.44: ( Table 6.5) e.g., = for example

Works Credited in the Text -

14. What is Plagiarism? Provide the section number? Section 8.2: Plagiarism is the act of misrepresenting someone else's words, ideas, or images as your own; it deprives authors or content creators of credit.


15. What is Self-Plagiarism? Provide the section number. Section 8.3: Self-plagiarism is when you present your own previously published work as original; it's unethical, just like plagiarism.


16. What is a primary source? Provide the section number. Section 8.6: Original content is reported by a primary source.


17. What is a secondary source? Provide the section number. Section 8.6: Content first reported in another source is referred to as a secondary source.


18. What is paraphrasing? Provide the section number. Section 8.23: Paraphrasing is when you grab a sentence from an article, book, journal entry or anything that belongs to another person or author, and you rephrase it into your own words.



19. Below is an insert from an article. Write a paraphrase narrative and parenthetical citation, using your own words:

Write a narrative citation (worth 3 points): -

Section 8.11: Gittens (2016) acclaimed a closed society doesn’t permit the freedom to think, it fears and suppresses learning.

Write a parenthetical citation (worth 3 points): -


Section 8.11: To avoid being easily duped, we went over a list of common fallacies that pass for valid arguments (Gittens, 2016).

20. When do I use a direct quotation (Remember your RUA paper will not have a direct quote)? What is the format? Provide the section number. Section 8.25-8.29: When you give a direct definition of something, you'll use it.







21. How do you cite work by two authors in a text? Provide the section number? (worth 2 points) Section 9.11: After the period, spell out the group's full name. Although an abbreviation may be used, it should not be included in the reference list entry.

a. Provide an example: Use "National Institute of Nursing Research" rather than "U.S Department of health and Human Services, National Institutes of health, National Institute of Nursing Research."

22. How do you cite work by three or more authors in a text? Provide the page & section number. (worth 2 points) Section 9.8: When there are three or more authors, use a serial comma before the ampersand (&).

a. Provide an example: (Bustamante et al., 2021)

Reference Page



23. How do you cite a chapter in a book in the reference page? Provide the section number. (worth 2 points) Section 8.13: Provide an author-date citation for the work as well as information about the specific part to cite a specific chapter.

a. Provide an example: (Shimamura, 2017, Chapter 3)

24. How do you cite groups or corporations as authors (example CDC or FDA) in the reference page? Provide the section number. (worth 2 points) 6



Section 9.8: Do not use a comma to separate two group authors: American Psychological Association & National Institutes of Health.

a. Provide an example:



(National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH], 2020)

25. How do you reference two different works written by the same author in the same year in the reference list? Section 9.46: Section 9.46 You must include the authors name in every entry. It should be in order by when they were published.

26. How do you reference authors with the same surname in the reference page? Section 9.8: Provide surnames and initials for up to and including 20 authors. When there are two to 20 authors, use an ampersand before the final author's name. Examples: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. -

27. What is a DOI? Where is the DOI placed in the reference page? Provide the section number. -

Section 9.34-9.35- DOI (digital object identifiers) Most DOI are found at the end of the reference list. It is typically located on the first page of an article near the copyright notice.




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