APA Summary PDF

Title APA Summary
Course English 103
Institution MacEwan University
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APA Summary...


Running head: APA STYLE DOCUMENTATION 1 (Use a shortened title containing no more than 50 characters, including spaces and punctuation. The words “Running head” should appear on only the title page; see the headers on pages 2-12)

APA Style Documentation Name or ID MacEwan University Date Course and Section Instructor: Name of Instructor

MacEwan University students should always check with their instructors for any preferences or requirements that may vary from the guidelines in this handout.

These guidelines are based on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th edition, published in 2010 and the APA Style Guide to Electronic References supplement published in 2012. For other examples and guidelines, consult the APA manual or website at http://www.apa.org.

Writing and Learning Services, MacEwan University 2016-17



Table of Contents APA Style Documentation ...................................................................................... 3 Academic Integrity................................................................................................. 3 I. General Formatting ............................................................................................ 3 II. References Page General Format ...................................................................... 3 III. Reference Entries ............................................................................................ 4 Author Rules....................................................................................................... 4 Examples ............................................................................................................ 4 A. Periodicals (journals, magazines, newspapers, etc.).................................... 4 Journal Article With a DOI Number ................................................................................... 4 Journal Article Without a DOI Number .............................................................................. 4 Magazine or Newspaper Article, Electronic Version ........................................................... 5 Magazine or Newspaper Article With no Author................................................................. 5 B. Books............................................................................................................5 Book ..................................................................................................................................... 5 Article or Chapter in an Edited Book................................................................................... 5 E-Book ................................................................................................................................. 6 C. Reference Works ......................................................................................... 6 Encyclopedia Entry With the Author Identified .................................................................. 6 Encyclopedia Entry With Author NOT Identified ............................................................... 6 Dictionary Entry .................................................................................................................. 6 Online Dictionary Entry....................................................................................................... 6 D. Audiovisual Media ....................................................................................... 6 Video/ DVD.......................................................................................................................... 6 Single Episode from a Television Series ...............................................................................7 Podcast ..................................................................................................................................7 E. Websites and Other Online Materials ...........................................................7 Document that does NOT Stand Alone.................................................................................7 Document that Stands Alone ................................................................................................7 Variations ............................................................................................................................. 8 IV. In-Text Citations............................................................................................... 8 A. General Rules ................................................................................................. 8 B. Quotations ...................................................................................................... 8 Short Quotations (fewer than 40 words).......................................................... 8 Long Quotations (40 words or more)............................................................... 9 Changes to Quotations ..................................................................................... 9 Square Brackets ................................................................................................................... 9 Ellipsis Points ...................................................................................................................... 9 C. Paraphrases ................................................................................................... 10 D. Works by Multiple Authors ...........................................................................10 Crediting More than One Source..................................................................... 10 Crediting Sources With More than One Author ..............................................10 E. Special Cases of Parenthetical Citation .......................................................... 10 Personal Communications .............................................................................. 10 Crediting Online Sources ................................................................................ 11 Organizations as Authors................................................................................ 11 Indirect or Secondary Sources ........................................................................ 12

Writing and Learning Services, MacEwan University 2016-17



APA Style Documentation Academic Integrity Plagiarism is presenting others’ words or thoughts as if they were your own. Whether you are quoting directly or putting the ideas of an author into your own words (paraphrasing), you must formally acknowledge the source of your material. Even though most plagiarism is unintentional, there are serious consequences for plagiarizing in writing assignments. You must always cite quoted or paraphrased information with an in-text citation. Each source you use must be included on a references page.

I. General Formatting          

Double space all pages, including title page and references page. Use a 12-point serif font (Times New Roman is preferred.). Use one-inch (2.5 cm) margins on all sides. Indent all paragraphs one tab (5-7 spaces). Leave one space after all punctuation marks, including periods. Order pages in an APA document as follows: title page, abstract (if required), text, references, and appendices (e.g., tables, charts, and illustrations). Consecutively number every page of the paper, including the title page and the references page, in the upper right-hand corner. Include a running head if required (See page 1 for a sample title page.). Represent single digit numbers in letter form (e.g., three, not 3). Use italics (NOT quotation marks) to add emphasis to key terms, if necessary.

Please check our APA Formatting Tutorial for Microsoft Word to get help with the formatting rules above: http://www.macewan.ca/wls

II. References Page General Format     

Use the single word References in plain font, centered as the heading at the top of the page. Use a hanging indent by keeping the first line of each entry at the left-hand margin and indenting all following lines 1 tab (See page 12.). Arrange entries alphabetically by author or by title if there is no author. For a reference entry ending in a DOI or a URL, do not include a final period. Note the following guidelines for capitalization and italicization of titles: o For titles, except those of periodicals, capitalize only the first word of the title, proper nouns (e.g., MacEwan University), and any word following a colon (:). o For titles of periodicals, capitalize the first letter of the first word and every subsequent important word. o Italicize titles of complete works (e.g., books, periodicals, videos, and plays). o For journals and periodicals, italicize both the title and the volume number (if there is one). Writing and Learning Services, MacEwan University 2016-17



III. Reference Entries Each reference entry has four basic elements that direct readers as closely as possible to the source you used: Who. (when). What. Where. Author(s). (date). Title(s). Publication or retrieval information.

Author Rules 

1 to 7 authors: Include all authors Sommerville, T., Champoux, G., Kadima, D., Hall, K. A., Roberts, N., & Gnauck, C.

8 or more authors: Include the first six authors, an ellipsis, and the last author. For example, Sommerville, T., Roberts, N., Gnauck, C., Champoux, G., Johnson, B. L., Kadima, D., . . . Hall, K.

Examples A. Periodicals (journals, magazines, newspapers, etc.) Journal Article With a DOI Number

If the article does not include a DOI, first use http://www.crossref.org/guestquery to see if

one has been assigned to the article. If so, copy and paste the DOI (http://dx.doi.org/xxxxx). If not, see the next section, Journal Article Without a DOI Number. Template Author, A. (date). Article title: Article subtitle. Journal Name, volume(issue), pages. doi:digital object identifier number Landsbury, J. K. (2007). Community efforts proven to increase empathy for the homeless. Community Network Journal, 13(3), 233-254. doi:10.198/005-9852.45.3.447 Journal Article Without a DOI Number

Include the homepage of the journal, NOT the database name. Use a search engine (e.g.,

Google, Bing, Yahoo!, etc.) to locate the homepage URL of the journal. It is not necessary to locate the article on the journal’s website. Hall, K., & Miller, D. (2009). Citation software: Use with caution. Journal of Technology Research, 17(2), 344-756. Retrieved from http://www.jtr.org Writing and Learning Services, MacEwan University 2016-17



Magazine or Newspaper Article, Electronic Version Hampton, S. (2008, February 28). The Bluenose sails again. Halifax Herald. Retrieved from http://www.halifaxherald.com Magazine or Newspaper Article With no Author

If no author is identified, the title moves into the author position of the entry. In-text, cite

the source using the first few words of its title in quotation marks. However, use the full title in your references list. Death role earns doctor criticism but not discipline. (2000, November 27). The Vancouver Sun. Retrieved from http://www.vancouversun.com/death_role Corresponding in-text citation: Dr. Signide was acquitted without prejudice (“Death Role,” 2000, para. 4). B. Books Book

Use this example if the entire book is written by the same author(s). Template Author, A. (date). Book title: Subtitle of book (edition). Place: Publisher. Stewart, K. L., Bullock, C. J., & Allen, M. E. (1997). Essay writing for Canadian students: With readings (4th ed.). Scarborough, ON: Allyn and Bacon. Article or Chapter in an Edited Book

Use this example if different authors write different parts of a book. The author(s) of the

specific part is(are) listed first. Both the article title (regular font) and the book title (italics) are included. The editor(s) is(are) included immediately before the book title; add an ‘s’ to ‘Ed’ if there are multiple editors. Template Author, A., & Author, B. (date). Title of chapter or article. In E. Editor (Ed.), Book title: Subtitle of book (edition, page numbers). Place: Publisher. Stenson, R. J., & Laustensen, J. L. (2005). Racial and ethnic disparities in crime and criminal justice in China. In M. Sanchez & J. G. Ramirez (Eds.), Ethnicity and enforcement: Comparative and cross-national perspectives (2nd ed., pp. 311-374). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. Writing and Learning Services, MacEwan University 2016-17




If an e-book has been assigned a DOI number, use that number instead of a URL. If you are using an article or chapter in an edited e-book, combine the example above with this one:

Hershatter, G. (2007). Women in China’s long twentieth century [eBrary Reader version]. Retrieved from http://site.ebrary.com/lib/macewan C. Reference Works

 Some reference works do not list editors, so write the title after the word “In” (See the next example or the Online Dictionary Entry example.).

Encyclopedia Entry With the Author Identified Wexler, B. (2006). Myocardial infarction. In The Gale encyclopedia of nursing and allied health (Vol. 3, pp. 1646-1652). Detroit, MI: Gale. Encyclopedia Entry With Author NOT Identified

Place the entry title in the author position. Duckbilled platypus. (2005). In B. Singh (Ed.), Collier's encyclopedia (Vol. 8, pp. 408-409). New York, NY: Collier. Corresponding in-text citation: This mammal is revered as a symbol of fertility by the residents of Jupiter (“duckbilled platypus,” 2005, p. 408). Dictionary Entry Poverty. (2002). In K. Rooney et al. (Eds.), Encarta: World English dictionary (p. 535). New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press. Online Dictionary Entry Schizophrenia. (n.d.). In Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary (11th ed.). Retrieved from http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/schizophrenia D. Audiovisual Media

These sources require notes to explain major contributors (e.g., writer, producer, director)

and types of media (e.g., DVD, CD, VHS). Use parentheses after the names to identify the roles of the contributors, and use square brackets after the title to identify the medium.

Video/ DVD Kilmer, J. (Writer), & Lazarus, M. (Producer & Director). (2008). Still killing us [DVD]. London, ON: Police Commissioners’ Association of Ontario. Writing and Learning Services, MacEwan University 2016-17



Single Episode from a Television Series Egan, D. (Writer), & Alexander, J. (Director). (2005). Failure to communicate [Television series episode]. In D. Shore (Executive Producer), House. New York, NY: Fox Broadcasting. Podcast Enigk, E. (2012, November 8). Writing for dyslexic readers [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from http://grammar.quickanddirtytips.com/writing-for-the-visually-impaired.aspx E. Websites and Other Online Materials

Some web material may not indicate all the information normally required in a reference

entry. Credible sources should include an author and/or an organization responsible for the document and a date indicating when the document was created or updated. Identify the form (e.g., PDF, Table, Video file) of the material in square brackets after the title. The following is the basic template used to create reference entries for websites: Author, A. (date). Title of document [Description of form]. Retrieved from Website name: http://www.websiteaddress.com

The next examples are of web pages that include all four elements for a reference entry (See page 4.). Note that if the publisher is not named elsewhere in the entry, you must include the publisher prior to the URL. Document that does NOT Stand Alone (do NOT italicize title) E.g., Web page, Blog post, Forum message, etc. Statistics Canada. (2012, October 03). Undergraduate tuition fees for full time Canadian students, by discipline, by province (Alberta) [Table]. Retrieved from http://www.statcan.gc.ca/tables-tableaux/sum-som/l01/cst01/educ50j-eng.htm Document that Stands Alone (italicize title) E.g., Report, Brochure, Government document, etc. Uppal, S., & LaRochelle-Côté, S. (2013, April). Insights on Canadian society: Employment changes across industries during the downturn and recovery (Catalogue No. 75-006-X) [PDF]. Retrieved from Statistics Canada website: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/75-006x/2013001/article/11775-eng.pdf

Writing and Learning Services, MacEwan University 2016-17




If any elements are missing from a website, use this chart to create a reference entry. The title is not italicized unless the document stands alone, such as a report or PDF file. What is missing?




Title [Description of form].

(date). Retrieved from http://www.website.com


Author, A.



Author, A.

(date). [Description of form].


Title [Description of form].


Retrieved from http://www.website.com Retrieved from http://www.website.com

IV. In-Text Citations A. General Rules In-text citations generally include three elements: the last name(s) of the author(s), the year of publication, and the page number (or paragraph for some electronic sources). In-text citations for quotations always include all three elements. According to the APA (2010), in-text citations for paraphrases require only the author and year; however, the APA encourages writers to include page numbers as well (p. 171). When you use the authors’ names to introduce a quotation or paraphrase, use the word “and.” When you place the names in parentheses at the end of a sentence, use the ampersand (&). See section IV.C for an example.

B. Quotations The following are the two ways in which these three elements can be placed into the text of your paper: Short Quotations (fewer than 40 words) Use double quotation marks around the quoted words and incorporate them into the text of your paper. Note the period is placed after the final parenthesis. For example, In his analysis of seemingly inconsistent English spelling rules, Wolman (2008) noted, “For nearly as long as English has had a relatively stable or ‘settled’ spelling system, there have been people complaining about it and campaigning for change” (p. 3). or Individuals and organizations have argued for changes to the system of spelling: “For nearly as long as English has had a relatively stable or ‘settled’ spelling system, there

Writing and Learning Services, MacEwan University 2016-17



have been people complaining about it and campaigning for change” (Wolman, 2008, p. 3). Long Quotations (40 words or more) Display long quotations in a double-spaced block of type without quotation marks. Indent one tab from the left margin and type the entire quotation on the indented margin. Note that the period at the end of a long quotation is before the parentheses. For example, Kessler and Van Ullen (2006) found that citations provided in databases are often inaccurate: All the databases . . . had many [citation] errors. If students aren’t confused about citation styles when they start their research, surely they will be by the time they consult the help files. It is apparent that much of this information was put together . . . without reference to official style manuals or any proofreading. (p. 40) Changes to Quotations Square Brackets Use square brackets to insert changes, additions, or explanations into a quotation. However, when you change capitalization at the beginning of a quotation, punctuation at the end of a quot...

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