Applying Psychology to Everyday Life Assignment PDF

Title Applying Psychology to Everyday Life Assignment
Author Joelle Mugisha
Course General Psychology
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 6
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Applying Psychology to Everyday Life


Joelle Mugisha Grand Canyon University: PSY102 November 1, 2020


Applying Psychology to Everyday Life There is no such fascinating subject in life as psychology and it is omnipresent from the beginning to the end of life. We learn a variety of things from psychology and according to Grison & Gazzaniga, psychology can even help to explain why people are thrilled by celebrities and to know if it is good to talk on the phone and driving at the same time (Grison & Gazzaniga, 2019). Psychology is defined by Grison & Gazzaniga as a study done in the purpose of grasping the brain functioning, discern mental action and human behavior (Grison & Gazzaniga, 2019). This class was so informative, we discussed about sensation, perception, and consciousness. We also discussed about the lifespan development, learning and memory as well as personality. During this class, I gained knowledge on how psychology can affect my personal life, professional life as well as academic career. Personal Life

This course helped me understand some factors that apply to my life such as stress caused by sleep deprivation. According to Labh, Devi and Priya, there is a study conducted that showed that students are more likely to be sleep-deprived (Labh, Devi & Priya, 2018). I am currently working full time, with a toddler full of energy. I have been dealing with sleep-deprivation since I started online schooling, but the pandemic has added more weigh on it. According to Grison & Gazzaniga, motor issues and stress can result from sleep-deprivation which can also lead to obesity and depression in the long run to some people (Grison & Gazzaniga, 2019). After learning the kind of sleep needed in this course, I have been trying to prioritize my work and not waste my time on social media , which was taking most of the time, in order to get at least 6 hours of sleep because I rarely get that much sleep per night. I have learnt that sleep-deprivation can even cause problem with immune system and end up causing death (Grison & Gazzaniga, 2019). Overall, Psychology helped me to know my brain and certain aspects that improved my

Applying Psychology to Everyday Life


human understanding, and this will help me know better how to take care of myself, like trying to get enough sleep. During this class, I have also learnt more about personality and that will surely help me to improve my relationships. Knowing my personality will allow me to set a standard and make my expectations clear which will prevent me from being walked on as I will stay true to myself as much as I can. Based on the knowledge gained from PSY102, I can say that my personal life will be refine and more enjoyable. Professional Life In my professional life, I am looking forward to being in a healthcare field, especially a healthcare administrator. I know that I will be dealing with people that have particular needs such as medical care without having an insurance. I have learned a lot from the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Stress that comes with some jobs. The theory describes and analyzes the human needs. According to Grison & Gazzaniga, there are five categories of human needs and they are explained in a pyramid with each its level of intensity. The five categories explained in the theory are physiological needs, safety needs, the needing to belong, love needs, esteem needs, and selfactualization needs (Grison & Gazzaniga, 2019). People that I will be helping in my professional life may not have all those needs but they will indeed have some and this subject helped me understood that I will have to be their advocate, help them be understood and take their concerns where they cannot get to. I will be in a position where I can help minorities get health care they deserve. During this course, I have learned also that stress can be a good thing, it was my very first time to hear that and I found it very interesting. Stress can actually create motivation and help someone achieve some goals. According to Grison & Gazzaniga, our body communicate to us through stress when dealing with stimuli through three process which are behavioral, mental and physic

al (Grison & Gazzaniga, 2019). Even if stress is sometimes good to boost

Applying Psychology to Everyday Life


someone’s capacity od doing something, it can also be very devastating, this is why I will need to pay attention to my stress level, practice some techniques that can help me decrease it such as physical activities and a healthy diet in order to serve my community in the best way I can. Academic career One of the lessons learned in this course that I will use throughout my academic career is memory. Psychology can help enhance my memory. According to Unsworth, memory is a great tool that gives us the ability to execute our daily tasks without forgetting that it stores and recover an uncountable amount of information (Unsworth, 2019). This statement made think about my daily routine and I realized that I use memory from the time I wake up until I go back to sleep at the end of the day. Without memory, I would not be able to work and even my parenting skills would be damaged. Unsworth stated that, even though memory is very efficient in assisting us in our daily routine, it can also fail in some major areas (Unsworth, 2019). Encoding, storage and retrieval are the three different stages of the memory and its types are sensory, short term and long-term memory (Grison & Gazzaniga, 2019). I think I will need to use more long-term memory in my academic life as everything is somehow complementary. For example, knowledge gained in this course will probably help me throughout my academic journey as the course was mainly about things that assist someone in the daily activities whether it is professionally, personally, or academically. The tools that will continue to help me are for example how to deal with stress and working on my personality. Using memory throughout my academic career will allow me to be more productive and successful in my future courses.


Applying Psychology to Everyday Life


Psychology touches every area of one’s life including personal, professional, and academic. No one can escape stress, but we can learn a manageable way to deal with it without it being a barrier to our success. Some techniques that help coping with stress has been discussed such as physical activities and a healthy lifestyle. Stress can also be a result of sleep-deprivation and that can also be dealt with by trying to get a recommended sleep. Personality was also one of the subjects learnt in this course and this helped me to know myself and others better which will surely improve my relationships. Last and not least, I learnt that memory is a great aspect that help someone to do the daily activities and, from what I learned in this course, I will better myself in my future courses by for example getting enough sleep and deal with stress early in order to be as successful as possible. All those strategies will be helpful to me because they stocked in my memory and not forgotten.


Applying Psychology to Everyday Life References Grison, S., & Gazzaniga, M. (2019). Psychology in your life (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Norton Publishing. ISBN-13: 9780393265156 Labh, A. K., Devi, R. G., & Priya, A. J. (2018). A survey-based study of sleep cycle patterns among dental and management students. Drug Invention Today, 10, 2688–2691. Unsworth, N. (2019). Individual differences in long-term memory. Psychological Bulletin, 145(1), 79–139....

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