Article 1292-1355 - Obligations PDF

Title Article 1292-1355 - Obligations
Author Sharmine Monay
Course Intermediate Accounting
Institution Laguna College
Pages 4
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Article 1292. In order that an obligation may be extinguished by another which substitutes the same, it is imperative that it be so declared in unequivocal terms, or that the old and the new obligations be on every point incompatible with each other.Article 1293. Novation which consists in substitut...


Ar t i cl e1292.I nor dert hatanobl i gat i onmaybe ex t i ngui shedbyanot herwhi c hsubs t i t ut est hes ame,i t i si mper at i v et hati tbesodecl ar edi nunequi v ocal t er ms ,ort hatt heol dandt henewobl i gat i onsbeon ev er ypoi nti ncompat i bl ewi t heac hot her . Ar t i cl e1293.Nov at i onwhi chcons i st si nsubst i t ut i nga newdebt ori nt hepl aceoft heor i gi nalone,maybe madeev enwi t houtt heknowl edgeoragai nstt hewi l l oft hel at t er ,butnotwi t houtt hec onsentoft hecr edi t or . Paymentbyt henew debt orgi v eshi mt her i ght s ment i onedi nar t i c l es1236and1237. Ar t i cl e1294.I ft hesubst i t ut i oni swi t houtt he k nowl edgeoragai nstt hewi l loft hedebt or ,t henew debt or ’ si nsol v encyornonf ul fi l l mentoft heobl i gat i on s hal lnotgi v er i s et oanyl i abi l i t yont hepar toft he or i gi naldebt or . Ar t i cl e1295.Thei nsol v enc yoft henewdebt or ,who hasbeenpr oposedbyt heor i gi naldebt orand acc ept edbyt hec r edi t or ,shal lnotr evi v et heact i onof t hel at t eragai ns tt heor i gi nalobl i gor ,ex c eptwhens ai d i ns ol v enc ywasal r eadyex i s t i ngandofpubl i c k nowl edge,orknownt ot hedebt or ,whenhe del egat edhi sdebt . Ar t i cl e1296.Whent hepr i nci palobl i gat i oni s ex t i ngui shedi nconsequenceofnov at i on,access or y obl i gat i onsmaysubsi stonl yi nsof arast heymay benefitt hi r dper s onswhodi dnotgi v et hei rconsent . ft henewobl i gat i oni svoi d,t heor i gi nal Ar t i cl e1297.I oneshal l subsi s t ,unl esst hepar t i esi nt endedt hatt he f or merr el at i onsshoul dbeext i ngui shedi nanyevent . Ar t i cl e1298.Thenovat i oni sv oi di ft heor i gi nal obl i gat i onwasvoi d,ex ceptwhenannul mentmaybe cl ai medonl ybyt hedebt or ,orwhenr at i ficat i onval i dat es act swhi char ev oi dabl e. Ar t i cl e1299.I ft heor i gi nalobl i gat i onwassubj ectt oa suspensi v eorr esol ut or ycondi t i on,t henewobl i gat i on shal lbeundert hesamecondi t i on,unl essi ti sot her wi se st i pul at ed. Ar t i cl e1300.Subr ogat i onofat hi r dper soni nt her i ght s oft hecr edi t ori sei t herl egalorconvent i onal .Thef or mer i snotpr esumed,excepti ncasesexpr essl yment i onedi n t hi sCode;t hel at t ermustbecl ear l yest abl i shedi nor der t hati tmayt akeeffect . Ar t i cl e1301.Convent i onalsubr ogat i onofat hi r dper son r equi r est heconsentoft heor i gi nalpar t i esandoft he t hi r dper son. Ar t i cl e1302.I ti spr esumedt hatt her ei sl egal subr ogat i on:

( 1)Whenacr edi t orpaysanot hercr edi t orwhoi s pr ef er r ed,evenwi t houtt hedebt or ’ sknowl edge; ( 2)Whenat hi r dper son,noti nt er est edi nt heobl i gat i on, payswi t ht heexpr essort aci tappr ovaloft hedebt or ; ( 3)When,evenwi t houtt heknowl edgeoft hedebt or ,a per soni nt er est edi nt hef ul fil l mentoft heobl i gat i onpays, wi t houtpr ej udi cet ot heeffect sofconf usi onast ot he l at t er ’ sshar e.( 1210a) Ar t i cl e1303.Subr ogat i ont r ansf er st ot heper son subr ogat edt hecr edi twi t hal lt her i ght st her et o apper t ai ni ng,ei t heragai nstt hedebt ororagai nstt hi r d per sons,bet heyguar ant or sorpossessor sof mor t gages,subj ectt ost i pul at i oni naconvent i onal subr ogat i on. Ar t i cl e1304.Acr edi t or ,t owhom par t i alpaymenthas beenmade,mayexer ci sehi sr i ghtf ort her emai nder ,and heshal lbepr ef er r edt ot heper sonwhohasbeen subr ogat edi nhi spl acei nvi r t ueoft hepar t i alpaymentof t hesamecr edi t .

CONTRACTS Ar t i cl e1305.Acont r ac ti sameet i ngofmi nds bet weent woper sonswher ebyonebi ndshi ms el f ,wi t h r espectt ot heot her ,t ogi v esomet hi ngort or ender s omeser v i ce.( 1254a) Ar t i cl e1306.Thecont r ac t i ngpar t i esmayest abl i sh s uchst i pul at i ons ,cl auses ,t er msandc ondi t i onsas t heymaydeem c onv eni ent ,pr ovi dedt heyar enot cont r ar yt ol aw,mor al s ,goodcus t oms ,publ i cor der ,or publ i cpol i c y .( 1255a) Ar t i cl e1307.I nnomi nat econt r act sshal l ber egul at ed byt hest i pul at i onsoft hepar t i es ,byt hepr ovi si onsof Ti t l esIandI Ioft hi sBook ,byt her ul esgov er ni ngt he mos tanal ogousnomi nat econt r act s,andbyt he c ust omsoft hepl ace.( n) Ar t i cl e1308.Thecont r ac tmus tbi ndbot hcont r act i ng par t i es ;i t sv al i di t yorc ompl i ancecannotbel ef tt ot he wi l lofoneoft hem.( 1256a) Ar t i cl e1309.Thedet er mi nat i onoft heper f or mance maybel ef tt oat hi r dper son,whosedeci s i ons hal lnot bebi ndi ngunt i li thasbeenmadeknownt obot h cont r act i ngpar t i es .( n) Ar t i cl e1310.Thedet er mi nat i ons hal lnotbe obl i gat or yi fi ti sev i dent l yi nequi t abl e.I nsuchc ase, t hecour t sshal ldeci dewhati sequi t abl eundert he c i r c ums t ances.( n) Ar t i cl e1311.Cont r act st ak eeffectonl ybet weent he par t i es ,t hei ras si gnsandhei r s ,ex cepti ncas ewher e t her i ght sandobl i gat i onsar i si ngf r om t hec ont r actar e nott r ans mi s si bl ebyt hei rnat ur e,orbys t i pul at i onor

bypr ovi si onofl aw.Thehei ri snotl i abl ebey ondt he v al ueoft hepr oper t yher ecei v edf r om t hedecedent . I facont r actshoul dc ont ai nsomes t i pul at i oni nf av or ofat hi r dper son,hemaydemandi t sf ul fi l l ment pr ovi dedhecommuni cat edhi saccept anc et ot he obl i gorbef or ei t sr ev ocat i on.Amer ei nc i dent al benefit ori nt er estofaper s oni snots uffic i ent .Thecont r act i ng par t i esmus thav ecl ear l yanddel i ber at el yconf er r eda f av oruponat hi r dper son.( 1257a) Ar t i cl e1312.I ncont r act sc r eat i ngr ealr i ght s ,t hi r d per sonswhocomei nt oposs ess i onoft heobj ec tof t hecont r actar eboundt her eby ,subj ectt ot he pr ovi si onsoft heMor t gageLawandt heLand Regi st r at i onLaws .( n)

mus tbec er t ai nandt heaccept anc eabsol ut e.A qual i fi edacc ept ancecons t i t ut esac ount er offer . Accept ancemadebyl et t erort el egr am doesnotbi nd t heoffer erex c eptf r om t het i mei tcamet ohi s k nowl edge.Thecont r act ,i ns uchacase,i spr esumed t ohav ebeenent er edi nt oi nt hepl acewher et heoffer wasmade.( 1262a) Ar t i cl e1320.Anaccept ancemaybeex pr essor i mpl i ed.( n) Ar t i cl e1321.Theper s onmak i ngt heoffermayfixt he t i me,pl ac e,andmannerofacc ept ance,al lofwhi ch mus tbec ompl i edwi t h.( n)

Ar t i cl e1313.Cr edi t or sar epr ot ec t edi ncasesof cont r act si nt endedt odef r audt hem.( n)

Ar t i cl e1322.Anoffermadet hr oughanagenti s acc ept edf r om t het i meacc ept ancei scommuni cat ed t ohi m.( n)

Ar t i cl e1314.Anyt hi r dper sonwhoi nducesanot her t ovi ol at ehi scont r actshal lbel i abl ef ordamagest o t heot hercont r act i ngpar t y .( n)

Ar t i cl e1323.Anofferbecomesi neffect i v eupont he deat h,c i v i li nt er di ct i on,i ns ani t y ,ori nsol v enc yofei t her par t ybef or eaccept ancei sconv ey ed.( n)

Ar t i cl e1315.Cont r act sar eper f ect edbymer e consent ,andf r om t hatmomentt hepar t i esar ebound notonl yt ot hef ul fil l mentofwhathasbeenexpr ess l y s t i pul at edbutal s ot oal lt heconsequenc eswhi c h, acc or di ngt ot hei rnat ur e,maybei nk eepi ngwi t hgood f ai t h,us ageandl aw.( 1258)

Ar t i cl e1324.Whent heoffer erhasal l owedt he offer eeacer t ai nper i odt oaccept ,t heoffermaybe wi t hdr awnatanyt i mebef or eacc ept anceby communi cat i ngsuchwi t hdr awal ,ex ceptwhent he opt i oni sf oundeduponaconsi der at i on,ass omet hi ng pai dorpr omi s ed.( n)

Ar t i cl e1316.Realcont r act s ,suc hasdeposi t ,pl edge andcommodat um,ar enotper f ect edunt i l t hedel i v er y oft heobj ectoft heobl i gat i on.( n)

Ar t i cl e1325.Unl essi tappear sot her wi s e,busi ness adv er t i s ement soft hi ngsf orsal ear enotdefini t e offer s ,butmer ei nvi t at i onst omak eanoffer .

Ar t i cl e1317.Noonemaycont r acti nt henameof anot herwi t houtbei ngaut hor i z edbyt hel at t er ,or unl es shehasbyl awar i ghtt or epr esenthi m. Acont r actent er edi nt oi nt henameofanot herbyone whohasnoaut hor i t yorl egal r epr esent at i on,orwho hasact edbey ondhi spower s ,shal lbeunenf or c eabl e, unl es si ti sr at i fied,expr ess l yori mpl i edl y ,byt he per sononwhosebehal fi thasbeenex ecut ed,bef or e i ti sr ev ok edbyt heot hercont r act i ngpar t y .( 1259a)

Ar t i cl e1326.Adv er t i s ement sf orbi dder sar esi mpl y i nvi t at i onst omak epr opos al s,andt headv er t i seri s notboundt oacceptt hehi ghes torl owestbi dder , unl es st hecont r ar yappear s .( n)

Ar t i cl e1318.Ther ei snocont r actunl esst hef ol l owi ng r equi s i t esc oncur : ( 1)Consentoft hecont r act i ngpar t i es ; ( 2)Obj ectcer t ai nwhi c hi st hesubj ectmat t er oft hecont r act ; ( 3)Causeoft heobl i gat i onwhi chi s es t abl i s hed.( 1261)

Ar t i cl e1328.Cont r act sent er edi nt odur i ngal uci d i nt er v alar ev al i d.Cont r ac t sagr eedt oi nas t at eof dr unk ennessordur i ngahypnot i cs pel lar ev oi dabl e. ( n)

Consent Ar t i cl e1319.Consenti smani f es t edbyt hemeet i ngof t heofferandt heacc ept anc eupont het hi ngandt he c aus ewhi c har et ocons t i t ut et hecont r act .Theoffer

Ar t i cl e1327.Thef ol l owi ngc annotgi v econsentt oa cont r act : ( 1)Unemanci pat edmi nor s; ( 2)I nsaneordement edper sons ,anddeaf mut eswhodonotknowhowt owr i t e.( 1263a)

Ar t i cl e1329.Thei ncapac i t ydecl ar edi nar t i cl e1327 i ssubj ec tt ot hemodi fic at i onsdet er mi nedbyl aw,and i sunder st oodt obewi t houtpr ej udi cet ospec i al di s qual i fic at i onses t abl i shedi nt hel aws .( 1264)

Ar t i cl e1330.Acont r ac twher econsenti sgi v en t hr oughmi st ak e,v i ol ence,i nt i mi dat i on,undue i nfl uence,orf r audi sv oi dabl e.( 1265a) Ar t i cl e1331.I nor dert hatmi s t ak emayi nv al i dat e consent ,i tshoul dr ef ert ot hesubs t anceoft het hi ng whi chi st heobj ec toft hecont r act ,ort ot hose condi t i onswhi chhav epr i nci pal l ymov edoneorbot h par t i est oent eri nt ot hecont r act . Mi st ak east ot hei dent i t yorqual i fic at i onsofoneoft he par t i eswi l lvi t i at econsentonl ywhens uchi dent i t yor qual i fi cat i onshav ebeent hepr i nci palcauseoft he cont r act . Asi mpl emi st ak eofaccountshal lgi v er i s et oi t s cor r ect i on.( 1266a) Ar t i cl e1332.Whenoneoft hepar t i esi sunabl et o r ead,ori ft hec ont r acti si nal anguagenotunder s t ood byhi m,andmi st ak eorf r audi sal l eged,t heper son enf or c i ngt hec ont r actmus ts howt hatt het er ms t her eofhav ebeenf ul l yex pl ai nedt ot hef or mer .( n) Ar t i cl e1333.Ther ei snomi s t ak ei ft hepar t yal l egi ng i tk newt hedoubt ,c ont i ngenc yorr i s kaffect i ngt he obj ectoft hecont r act .( n) Ar t i cl e1334.Mut ualer r orast ot hel egaleffectofan agr eementwhent her ealpur poseoft hepar t i esi s f r us t r at ed,mayvi t i at econs ent .( n) Ar t i cl e1335.Ther ei svi ol encewheni nor dert owr es t consent ,ser i ousori r r esi st i bl ef or c ei sempl oy ed. Ther ei si nt i mi dat i onwhenoneoft hecont r act i ng par t i esi scompel l edbyar easonabl eandwel l gr oundedf earofani mmi nentandgr av eev i luponhi s per sonorpr oper t y ,orupont heper sonorpr oper t yof hi sspous e,desc endant sorasc endant s ,t ogi v ehi s consent . Todet er mi net hedegr eeofi nt i mi dat i on,t heage,sex andcondi t i onoft heper sonshal lbebor nei nmi nd. At hr eatt oenf or ceone' scl ai mt hr oughcompet ent aut hor i t y ,i ft hecl ai mi sj ustorl egal ,doesnotvi t i at e consent .( 1267a) Ar t i cl e1336.Vi ol enceori nt i mi dat i onshal lannult he obl i gat i on,al t houghi tmayhav ebeenempl oy edbya t hi r dper sonwhodi dnott ak epar ti nt hecont r act . ( 1268) Ar t i cl e1337.Ther ei sunduei nfluencewhenaper s on t ak esi mpr operadv ant ageofhi spowerov ert hewi l l of anot her ,depr i vi ngt hel at t erofar easonabl ef r eedom ofchoi ce.Thef ol l owi ngc i r c ums t ancess hal lbe consi der ed:t heconfident i al ,f ami l y ,spi r i t ualandot her r el at i onsbet weent hepar t i es ,ort hef actt hatt he per sonal l egedt ohav ebeenundul yi nfluencedwas

s uffer i ngf r om ment al weakness ,orwasi gnor antori n fi nanc i aldi s t r ess .( n) Ar t i cl e1338.Ther ei sf r audwhen,t hr oughi ns i di ous wor dsormac hi nat i onsofoneoft hec ont r act i ng par t i es ,t heot heri si nducedt oent eri nt oacont r ac t whi ch,wi t houtt hem,hewoul dnothav eagr eedt o. ( 1269) Ar t i cl e1339.Fai l ur et odi sc l os ef act s ,whent her ei sa dut yt or ev ealt hem,aswhent hepar t i esar eboundby confident i al r el at i ons,cons t i t ut esf r aud. Ar t i cl e1340.Theusualex agger at i onsi nt r ade,when t heot herpar t yhadanoppor t uni t yt ok nowt hef act s , ar enoti nt hems el v esf r audul ent .( n) Ar t i cl e1341.Amer eexpr es si onofanopi ni ondoes nots i gni f yf r aud,unl essmadebyanex per tandt he ot herpar t yhasr el i edont hef or mer ' sspec i al k nowl edge.( n) Ar t i cl e1342.Mi sr epr esent at i onbyat hi r dper son doesnotvi t i at econs ent ,unl esssuch mi sr epr esent at i onhascr eat eds ubst ant i almi s t ak e andt hesamei smut ual .( n) Ar t i cl e1343.Mi sr epr esent at i onmadei ngoodf ai t hi s notf r audul entbutmaycons t i t ut eer r or .( n) Ar t i cl e1344.I nor dert hatf r audmaymak eacont r act v oi dabl e,i tshoul dbeser i ousandshoul dnothav e beenempl oy edbybot hcont r ac t i ngpar t i es . I nc i dent alf r audonl yobl i gest heper sonempl oy i ngi t t opaydamages .( 1270) Ar t i cl e1345.Si mul at i onofacont r actmaybe absol ut eorr el at i v e.Thef or mert ak espl acewhent he par t i esdonoti nt endt obeboundatal l ;t hel at t er , whent hepar t i esconcealt hei rt r ueagr eement .( n) Ar t i cl e1346.Anabs ol ut el ys i mul at edorfi ct i t i ous cont r acti sv oi d.Ar el at i v esi mul at i on,wheni tdoesnot pr ej udi ceat hi r dper sonandi snoti nt endedf orany pur posecont r ar yt ol aw,mor al s ,goodcust oms ,publ i c or derorpubl i cpol i cybi ndst hepar t i est ot hei rr eal agr eement .( n)

Ar t i cl e1347.Al lt hi ngswhi char enotout s i det he commer ceofmen,i nc l udi ngf ut ur et hi ngs ,maybet he obj ectofacont r act .Al lr i ght swhi c har enot i nt r ans mi s si bl emayal sobet heobj ectofcont r act s . Nocont r actmaybeent er edi nt ouponf ut ur e i nher i t anceex cepti ncasesex pr es sl yaut hor i z edby l aw.

Al ls er vi ceswhi c har enotcont r ar yt ol aw,mor al s , goodcus t oms ,publ i cor derorpubl i cpol i c ymay l i k ewi sebet heobj ec tofacont r act .( 1271a) Ar t i cl e1348.I mposs i bl et hi ngsors er vi cescannotbe t heobj ectofc ont r act s .( 1272) Ar t i cl e1349.Theobj ec tofev er ycont r actmus tbe det er mi nat east oi t ski nd.Thef actt hatt hequant i t yi s notdet er mi nat eshal l notbeanobst ac l et ot he ex i s t enceoft hecont r act ,pr ovi dedi ti spos si bl et o det er mi net hesame,wi t houtt heneedofanew cont r actbet weent hepar t i es .( 1273)

CauseofCont r act s Ar t i cl e1350.I noner ouscont r act st hecaus ei s under st oodt obe,f oreac hcont r act i ngpar t y ,t he pr est at i onorpr omi seofat hi ngorser vi cebyt he ot her ;i nr emuner at or yones ,t heser v i ceorbenefit whi chi sr emuner at ed;andi ncont r ac t sofpur e benefic ence,t hemer el i ber al i t yoft hebenef act or . ( 1274) Ar t i cl e1351.Thepar t i cul armot i v esoft hepar t i esi n ent er i ngi nt oacont r actar edi ffer entf r om t hecaus e t her eof .( n) Ar t i cl e1352.Cont r act swi t houtcaus e,orwi t h unl awf ulcaus e,pr oducenoeffectwhat ev er .The c aus ei sunl awf uli fi ti scont r ar yt ol aw,mor al s ,good c ust oms ,publ i cor derorpubl i cpol i c y .( 1275a) Ar t i cl e1353.Thest at ementofaf al secausei n cont r act ss hal lr endert hem v oi d,i fi ts houl dnotbe pr ov edt hatt heywer ef oundeduponanot hercause whi chi st r ueandl awf ul .( 1276) Ar t i cl e1354.Al t hought hec ausei snotst at edi nt he cont r act ,i ti spr esumedt hati texi st sandi sl awf ul , unl es st hedebt orpr ov est hecont r ar y .( 1277) Ar t i cl e1355.Ex cepti ncasess peci fiedbyl aw,l esi on ori nadequac yofcauses hal l noti nv al i dat eacont r act , unl es st her ehasbeenf r aud,mi s t ak eorundue i nfl uence.( n)...

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