Ash garden mind map PDF

Title Ash garden mind map
Course Literature and Love
Institution Wilfrid Laurier University
Pages 3
File Size 65.8 KB
File Type PDF
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ash garden is a great book to read this is a summary...


Ash Garden Mind Map Relationships Trust Trust is very prevalent in ‘The Ash Garden’, as it has been portrayed through support and love. These two key factors are show in in a variety of ways, and further branched off into examples and real-world connections. Firstly, support throughout this novel relates to their transitions and how they've both adapted together to new situations. These situations in the realworld can exemplify things such transitioning homes, jobs, languages which all are very difficult and have their own challenges that goes along with it. For example, moving homes can result in submerging oneself into a new country/culture. This results in a completely new scene which includes new norms, values, foods, and religions. A real world example of this would be an individual moving from America, to Japan for a architecture job. The American would have to transition into a completely new culture, with unfamiliar norms, values, foods and religions; examples being “konichiwa” as a sign of thanks, traditional raw fish and Buddhism. Secondly, love is also a very frequent emotion shown between Anton and Sophie is love. They are typically in each others best interest, whether it be in communication, sacrifices, or financials. Sacrifices can further lead and relate to leaving toxic situations, that are hurtful for the one or both partners, whether it be the house, city or friend/family relationship. However, in the real-world communication is the key to a functional relationship- happiness. Without communication, misleading information may be circled around which creates a variety of unsettled situations and emotions. Lack of communication leads to deceit, misperception and problematic situations.

Loyalty Loyalty is also a very prevalent subtopic, in relation to relationships through this novel as well as the real world. Separation and truth are two contradicting points which are both as important while examining what loyalty is. Separation leads to affairs, which a prime example is shown in this novel as Sophie cheats on Anton with a man she met in English class. This leads to many different and conflicting feelings for both partners, as Sophie will feel regret, and Anton anger, disappointment, and sadness. In the real-world, these specific scenarios lead to a rise in

divorce, mental health illnesses, and fear of what ones partner may do. Furthermore, separation may also lead to lies, which in Sophie and Antons case, they became extremely homesick. Sophie wants to go back home to Austria with her family, as she deeply misses them, but is too scared to tell Anton. Loyalty also relates to truth, and how promises may lead to conflict. A prime example of this is how Anton is conflicted with Sophies dying wish to let her die in peace. Since Sophie has Lupus, she is unable to work on her garden which compresses her into a depression and realization she does not want to try to be saved when she dies. Anton then is conflicted whether or not he lets her die in peace of calls the ambulance ; selfishness or selflessness.

Dishonesty Dishonesty is a topic of relationships, that has three subtopics which all can easily be related to real-world scenarios and situations today. Firstly, disease is a major factor that can affect both partners almost equally. In Sophie and Antons case, Sophie denied the fact she was having multiple warning signs of a disease and refused to enlighten Anton about her worries. It later was revealed to the reader that she had Lupus, which enabled her to recreate. In today's world, many scenarios similar to this still happen which lead to hurt, pain and secrets, creating an unhealthy relationship. Secondly, mental health is another factor similar to disease which results in dishonestly. Mental health often goes more untalked about, as many do not believe it as much as physical health. Anton failed to share with Sophie that he has PTSD symptoms from war, and the bomb dropping. Relating this in a larger sense of the world, is to rape victims and trauma. Lastly, the third subtopic of dishonesty is Sophie's loneliness which was triggered by WW2 and having to abruptly leave Europe and her family. This can further relate to witness protection and how some people who are innocent stand up for what's good, must hide away so they do not get hurt. Struggle In the realm of relationships, two major points include ‘gain vs loss’ and despair. In this novel, gain vs loss streams into family, faith and physical dignity; ultimately what one has gotten or had to lose during these catastrophic events. Family: Sophie and Anton found each other after the war, however they had lost friends/family extremely important to them after fleeing Europe. Faith: they both shared common denominators of the faith that the damage of hiroshima would be rebuilt. Physical dignity: affairs, and sadness as well as running from the war damaged their

physical and mental dignity/ego. The second subtopic of struggle has been despair, and how these traumatic events have impacted humanity through hiroshima. The amount of innocent people killed lead to the survivors being hurt, and experienced a multitude of loss took a large toll on Sophie and Antons future unknown relationship. Hiroshima relates to terrorism and how they are both unexpected and considered mass murder. Terrorism instills fear into daily lives, created stereotypes and prejudice as well as some examples of this are 9/11 and the Boston marathon....

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