Course BPT1501
Institution University of South Africa
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Learning Mediator – It is a way to help teachers and students to have an
understanding for one another, for the teachers to teach in a way that everyone can
understand and enjoys the lessons and class interactions. This helps students learn
better by interacting with them...



ASSIGNMENT TWO (2): LESSON TWO QUESTION 1: BEING A PROFESSIONAL TEACHER 1. In my opinion the teacher was not in a place where she could comb the students’ hair. And her behaviour cannot be referred to as a professional conduct of being a teacher. The teacher must respect the dignity, beliefs, and constitutional rights of learners, which includes the right to privacy and confidentiality (SACE). For me, the word privacy means, giving someone space when they need it. It is the right of an individual to control what information they share with others about themselves. Secondly confidentiality to me means information you receive about a learner or everything you learn about the student during their time in your class etc. it is our obligation to protect that information at all costs. In this video that has been going around on the internet of the teacher helping the students I feel to have a presentable look. We do not know the whole truth of what happened before the day she decided to comb their hair. I would like to point out that I do not condone her behaviour, but I feel that she violated their rights in this matter. - As the Educator/Teacher you must acknowledge the uniqueness, individuality, and specific needs of each learner, helping, guiding, and encouraging each of the learners to realise their full potential (SACE). She should have tried different strategies to encourage the students to uphold a neat appearance as it is also part of the schools’ rules. You should always be prepared to handle a difficult situation in class, on the school premises or even on social media, in a professional way where you do not give the word ‘teachers’ a bad reputation if it makes sense. Being a compassionate teacher is a characteristic that I admire most. I remember my grade 11 Afrikaans teacher who helped me through many difficult situations with schoolwork and my personal life. Where she related with me in many things I went through, she was always positive and giving me hope and I also felt safe in her presence. I feel that if this teacher really knows her own learners and their challenges that she would have a good and understanding relationship with each individual learner. Most people will say that they are underprivileged, but I see it differently. They just need someone to give them extra motivation, time and help them in areas where they need it to get ahead in their lives. - (SACE) They say in the code of conduct ‘3.4 exercises authority with compassion;’ I have noticed that students are far more likely to respond to a teacher who cares, that is when they are also more likely to learn from you and engage during the lessons etc. - The teacher could have gone the extra mile by creating a rewarding system for the students ho can uphold a neat appearance the longest (just an example). - She could have scheduled a meeting with each parent (different time slots each) to keep each students information confidential and to adhere to the ‘new rules’ because of the virus. - She could have sent letters to the parents explaining their behaviour and asking about their child behaviour outside of the classroom (at home etc.)

When I was in high school (matriculated in 2015) and our female teachers felt that our bathrooms were not being kept neat or we did not apply personal hygiene. They would call in the girls of the school and have a session on why it is important to keep good personal hygiene and present the lesson in a creative way, also not to make it feel directed to you only. So, she could have done a lesson like this too. Which I feel it not inappropriate, and much more efficient than the way she handled it. Being a teacher does not only mean to learn students the curriculum and it should not be about your credentials or experience etc. but being a great teacher is about what is in your heart. Characteristics I feel that a teacher should have and will make him/her a great teacher is empathy when you can place yourself in someone else’s shoes and understand it from their perspective. Being kind, compassionate, positive, being a builder, the quote I love most is “A boss manages their employees, while a leader inspires them to innovate, think creatively, and strive for perfection. Every team has a boss, but what people need is a leader who will help them achieve greatness.”

QUESTION TWO: TEACHER ROLES AND COMPETENCES 1. Learning Mediator – It is a way to help teachers and students to have an understanding for one another, for the teachers to teach in a way that everyone can understand and enjoys the lessons and class interactions. This helps students learn better by interacting with them. During the pandemic (lockdown) this changed dramatically not only because face-to-face communication got limited, but that not all students had access to internet for school or communication platforms. The rural and urban, meaning that the students who live in the urban areas have upmarket computers and then there are children who stay in the rural areas who does not even have food to eat everyday. Both the students and teachers have learning preferences, some prefer talking and others writing. That is why it is important to grant a way for both to communicate feeling comfortable and being able to learn still. If the instructor(teacher) for online learning is not confident, able to hold the learner’s attention online or understand how they learn to take in or retain information from the internet (use of technology) I would suggest taking a course to teach you on online teaching or doing research.

I believe that being a lifelong learner/mediator it also ties in with being a specialist teacher (Learning area subject discipline/phase specialist). Not everyone is able to gain this role, it is very hard, and you have to be very passionate about teaching and children. This role makes outstanding and very diverse teachers, they would be able to handle any child that comes to the school . It creates such a great bond between the teacher and student; it is so rare and admiring. A specialist teacher needs

to have very high tolerance levels; they need to put in a lot of extra time and effort; they need to be able to have good time management in order to spend enough time and focus on both children with difficulties and the rest of the class; they need to be able to manage the rest of the school and make sure all the teachers and children, if a serious case, understand the children’s disabilities and what they specially need, and lastly they need to have patience with a loving a heart. With their being no contact during the lockdown it makes it extremely difficult to reach out and build or maintain your relationship with your students not only in this role but in every other mentioned in this assignment. (Department of Education) 1.3 Curriculum delivery support structures What is the role of school curriculum structures in leading and managing subjects, learning areas and phases? What curriculum structures are there in your district and province and how does your school connect with these structures? Besides the SMT, departmental policy makes provision for the establishment of the following structures to drive curriculum delivery in a school: • School Assessment Team • LTSM Team • Phase Team • Learning Area Teams • Subject Teams • School Based Support Team • School Governing Body • Development Appraisal Team • Staff Development Committee • School Development Team This structure that is in place to support the teachers in their roles they must fulfil is a great way to go through and ask for assistance if you feel that you are facing difficulties. You should also remember that you are never alone and there are support structures in place but not only through learning but emotionally also. An assessor is a very good trait to have. It is an asset that you acquire to work at becoming an outstanding teacher. The role of an assessor is to be able to “see behind closed doors” and to know what is happening around you and in your classroom. able to know that a child is down in the dumps even when they have the biggest smile on their faces or know that a learner is struggling even though to others it may look like they are doing alright. An assessor must have the ability to be able to assess what is wrong with the children or what they are struggling with, they must be able to help guide the learner to fix the predicament that they are in and make sure that the learner is following through to fix the problem. Teachers lacked relevant resources at home, training, and experience, particularly on digital learning platforms. Some programmes largely reduced the amount of time allocated to teacher-directed learning processes by focusing on children’s self-learning. You are literally behind closed doors now. It is difficult to assess if students are on track with the curriculum or needs help in any other area when you have no contact with your students or receive any feedback.

I would suggest, distance learning programmes should integrate a formative assessment component, whereby students submit work to teachers and teachers provide individualized and/or collective feedback regarding learning content and student error patterns. Another very important role is to be a leader, administrator, and manager. The learners in your class look up to you, all teachers are role models and children will copy you as an adult. I know from experience children think teachers know everything, they will go home and tell their parents that they are wrong because their teacher said otherwise and that is why I believe this is such an important role and that teachers must be very careful with what they say and what they do around their students. Teachers have a very big responsibility to make sure the learners are growing and moving in the right direction to be mature and responsible young adults. An outstanding leader, administrator and manager can do outstanding tasks to make the school a better place and the learners’ better people. They can motivate everyone, lead the school and scholars to do better and to aim higher. - Leadership is often given little attention, and there has not been enough investment to understand how to best select and professionally develop leaders so they can support a wide range of education outcomes for all students. - (Education Development Trust) “One thing I’ve seen from an education standpoint in this crisis is the role of collaboration – among teachers, leaders, and parents – and it determined education success during this time,” said Dr. Asmaa Al-Fadala, Director of Research and Content Development at WISE. Facilitator of learners. I believe facilitators responsibilities are to build a relationship of trust with learners that have difficulties and that struggle in and out of the classroom. Facilitators are there to act as a support system, an encourager and friend. It is someone who can understand a child’s hopes and dreams and help them to achieve it. Facilitators must pick up on the learner’s weaknesses; help them to understand; to improve and cope with difficult situations; and all in all, to gain confidence in themselves so that they can be independent and work at the same pace as the general child. This will then help the child with social skills as well. To be a facilitator of learners is very rewarding and you become a big part of their lives and an inspiration to the learners, fellow students, and parents. Imagine the child being at home with no communication, support or helping system. Or if it is a child that stays in an environment that is rural (not offering what the students’ needs to accomplish his/her tasks) or even being able to receive any schoolwork etc. The students will be discouraged, negative and just lacking in motivation to do their studies by themselves. They will therefore not be able to absorb new information or be on track with the learning process. The distance learning material, guides and all form of communication and the courses should be available to students online and offline where video and audio are uploaded on a system to conduct the educational process. Because not all can retrieve their information needed for school online. All students should have equal attention and provided the same education as every other student that is fortunate enough to get it online.


Department of Education [Visited on the 11th of May 2021] Education Development Trust [ Visited on the 15th of May 2021]

(SACE) CODE OF PROFESSIONAL ETHICS [ Visited on the 3rd of May 2021]...

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