Assignment-1 - First assignment for 2019/2020 winter term PDF

Title Assignment-1 - First assignment for 2019/2020 winter term
Author Jeffery Epstein
Course Software Testing and Analysis
Institution The University of British Columbia
Pages 3
File Size 79 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 61
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First assignment for 2019/2020 winter term...


CPEN 422

Lab Assignments

Assignment 1

THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Lab Work

Assignment 1: Setting the stage 1


The TAs will mark the submitted reports along with your code on GitHub on the specified deadline. Follow the steps below to make your environment ready for the lab work.


Setting up your environment



Study the following resources for learning Git/GitHub if you have never used Git/GitHub: • Git Basics: • Git Reference: • Git tutorial: • Handling merge conflicts: There are multiple ways you can work with Git. 1. Use the terminal. For example: git status -s 2. Use EGit in Eclipse. See for instructions. 3. Use a Git client: or 2.1.1

Most frequently used Git operations:

• git clone REPOS: clone the remote repos. • git pull origin master: get all the changes from remote repos. • git status -s: what has changed? • git add FILENAME or git add .: add changes in my working directory to my local Git repos. • git commit -m "my changes include...": commit all the added changes to my local Git repos. • git push origin master": push all my committed changes to remote repos.


Install Software

If you plan to work on your own machine/laptop follow these instructions. • Java 8 is a requirement. Install Java 8 if you don’t have it installed. • Install a recent version of an IDE such as Eclipse from (you can also use Intellij from • We will use Apache Maven to build and manage the dependencies of our Java projects. Install Maven on your machine:

CPEN 422

Lab Assignments

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Exercise 1.1 Each group has a dedicated private repository on GitHub. These repositories belong to UBC/ECE and are not to be made public or shared with anyone outside of your group. In the first part, you are required to set up your Eclipse environment and commit/push your version of the JPacman project to your own GitHub repository. 1. Clone your own repository from onto your machine. Make sure you replace the “X” in the url with your group number.1 2. Download the JPacman zip onto your machine from Canvas (Files/LabWork/). Direct Link https: // 3. Unpack the zip and copy the contents of the unzipped directory into your Git cloned directory, and in that directory run: mvn compile to make sure everything is working. 4. Then to run the test suites, run mvn test 5. Import this project into Eclipse as a Maven Project. To import JPacman into Eclipse: in Eclipse, go to File > Import..., and choose ‘Existing maven projects’. Find the JPacman directory you have cloned and select it for import. 6. Now from Eclipse, run org.jpacman.framework.ui.MainUI as a Java Application in Eclipse. 7. Create a README file (if none exists) add your teams number in there. 8. Finally, add, commit, and push these files and changes to Git and your GitHub repository. 9. To check if your changes have been committed/pushed properly, go to your GitHub page using a browser and check the content of the repository online. (Again X is your group number). Now you are all set up to start working on your lab assignments.

Exercise 1.2: Exploratory Testing Apply exploratory testing to JPacman. Define a charter and explore the main features, and identify potentially missing functionality. Document your findings in your charter. In your report, describe three scenarios you explored, and functionality you considered important for a game like JPacman that is missing. Also, include any exploratory “tours” you considered to identify these.

Exercise 1.3: Running the Test Suite The existing test suite of JPacman is far from adequate, and during the lab work we will improve upon it. As a start, we will inspect the current test suite. Within Eclipse, run the project as a JUnit test suite. How many test classes are there? How many test cases? Modify one of the test cases so that it fails, and see what happens. Briefly report your actions and findings in your report. 1 If

you don’t know which team you belong to see Piazza/Resources.

CPEN 422

Lab Assignments

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Exercise 1.4 Take one of the test classes, and inspect it. Describe in your report which test class you picked, describe what is being tested in that class, how it is done, how you could improve the test. Submit your whole report as a PDF, with different sections, each pertaining to the exercise numbers used in this assignment. Create a folder under your GitHub repository and call it “Reports”. Your PDF report should be added/pushed to that folder by the specified deadline!. Also commit/push your improved test cases to GitHub....

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