Author Orjada Lika
Course Creativity, Innovation and Design Thinking
Institution Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
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Table of content: Identify which job/occupation you will enter upon completing your degree and briefly describe what this job/occupation entails


Reflect on how two of the digital tools you've learned about in the micro-cred can be applied in your future job/occupation 2 Reflect on how the learning from the course can be applied in your future job/occupation 3 Provide one example from your life during the semester where you used the learning and skills gained from the course to creatively (i.e., novel and useful ideas) and effectively solve a problem/task you were facing 4 References

1. Identify which job/occupation you will enter upon completing your degree and briefly describe what this job/occupation entails.

Once I have completed my degree, I would like to continue widening my knowledge and skills and commence into Human Resource as a HR advisor. This occupation requires exemplary communication and interpersonal techniques. As an HR advisor it is necessary to be well organised and have the capability to handle competing arrangements which accommodate time limits with a high level of consideration to details. I think my degree has provided me with the required skills and knowledge to know how to operate. From my current position as a Workforce analyst, I am choosing to enter into HR as the occupation provides the opportunity to develop relations between employees and management with the methods and operation to investigate employees' disciplinary actions and facilitating conflict resolutions. To enter in Human Resource as an advisory it is critically important that you have a wide experience in financial management and budgeting, governance and reporting. These tools will provide the knowledge on task management which will allow to create effective recruiting and hiring processes. It is important to have the ability and willingness to learn and have a motivated attitude to be proactive and develop skills for the future. Creativity, innovation and design has been the subject that has taught me how to think outside the box and provide innovative ideas.

2. Reflect on how two of the digital tools you've learned about in the micro-cred can be applied in your future job/occupation: Rebounding on the digital tools accomplished from the micro-cred there are 2 divisions of mechanism that I have cultivated in this course which will implement to my future occupations. This course demonstrated a powerful understanding of teamwork. From these experiences I foresee a boost in huge improvement on my skills on the usage of better materials and the involvement with my team members with constructing an innovative group report. One of the most important learning outcomes that I have acquired from completing the course is the ability to widen our knowledge and develop a supportive culture in teamwork. This also relates to technology in a workplace which allows us to manage workload and communication more easily. Moving into HR it is crucial to develop a cultural teamwork environment. A successful example is our group innovative report for assessment two which we required to conduct through technology due to Covid-19, with restrictions of face-to-face contact. Industries use implemented technologies to make changes and progress. This opportunity provided me with the ability with advanced techniques of searching out bigger sources into improving myself. This tool formed the ability to boost my product knowledge and thus allowed for me to be a better team member. Hargadon (2002), has demonstrated that when there is a connection amongst development and innovation usually reconstructs current product awareness into new processes and services. Due to the new skills built throughout the course improved the result of achieving an endgame of transforming that knowledge into a new process with the culture of teamwork. The second tool that can be applied into my future occupation is the understanding to conclude whether innovation or ideas in a corporation can continue to be well achieved. Allowing innovation into the acquired ability which has been shown on other courses such as Macroeconomics or Management showing the accomplishment of innovation in the business industry. This illustrated that the benefits of technology provide creativity to be successful into the new evaluating idea of future work. This tool encourages groups to implement creativity to provide persuasive design from the product process. This opportunity allows self-reflection and develops a strategy to provide success in future occupations.

3. Reflect on how the learning from the course can be applied in your future job/occupation: There are many categories of skills that have been implemented by undertaking this course. The learning effect for myself is the perception of how powerful team formation can manage to encourage ideas or changes in an organisation. Sharing knowledge is beneficial not for my learning but also amongst other members in the team. Providing opinions and having your voice heard is important to be implied in any occupation (Rosendaal, 2009). Reflection back on the learnings of this course the most useful lesson would be having the opportunity to form a group with members from different cultural beliefs and backgrounds. This allows me to adapt in understanding these options to be better applied in the workforce in the future. I know as I come from a different culture and beliefs this lesson allows a huge benefit of making network and increasing creativity in the workload.

There are no arrangements on developing an example or analyse the prototype, although in real life angle, it can be considered as a sequence. Furthermore, on my future occupations when engaging in a supply matter, I will reflect on my skills and knowledge with diversified teams to allow input from different aspects. Another example would be to compose on presentation and communication implementing creative concepts. Additionally, on our tutorial our tutor provided us with the opportunity to discuss with our group's personal reflections on what we accomplished from the class. From my perspective this gave us the ability to improve our communication skills which acuminated our brain to further expand our critical thoughts

4. Provide one example from your life during the semester where you used the learning and skills gained from the course to creatively (i.e., novel and useful ideas) and effectively solve a problem/task you were facing: Throughout this semester an example which I have been able to employ on my work life is “cross cultural management”. I was required to be the project leader of developing a new system to analyse data through customer service experience. This project consists of five members and we were required to deal with the challenges facing multicultural backgrounds. As the team leader of the project I managed to implement that all team members followed technique to generate ideas. I had the ability to practice Tuckman’s stages of team formations (Robbins, 2015): Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing and Adjourning that all team members will adapt past becoming an effective crew. To be a leader in the team you are required to have a sense of creative leadership. My role required cultivating on the ability of creativity (Cekmecelioglu & Ozbag 2016).

Arranging team meetings allowed the opportunity to tackle any issues and effectively solve any problems facing by applying mind-mapping. This allowed us to strictly follow steps on deciding the successful solution without causing any conflicts of what the right ideas are. This opportunity allowed us to listen to each other's point of views and the challenges that could arise. This technique gave the option of working successfully as a whole team and respecting our point of views to dissipate the task conflict. As the team leader, I had the opportunity to allow everyone to share their ideas and express their opinions on how the new system will benefit the organisation.


1. Stahl, G., Mäkelä, K., Zander, L. and Maznevski, M. (2010). A look at the bright side

of multicultural team diversity. [online] 26(4), pp.439-447. Available at: 2. Blayse, AM & Manley, K 2004, ‘Key influences on construction innovation’, Construction Innovation, vol. 4, no. 3, pp.143-154. 3. Elsbach, K 2003, ‘How to pitch a brilliant idea. How screenwriters propose ideas to producers can apply to business marketing techniques)’, Harvard Business Review, vol. 81, no. 9, pp.117-123. 4. Hargadon, AB, K 2002, ‘Brokering Knowledge: Linking Learning and Innovation’, Research In Organizational Behaviour, vol. 22, pp.41 85.

5. Cekmecelioglu, HG & Ozbag, GK 2016, ‘Leadership and Creativity: The Impact of Transformational Leadership on Individual Creativity’, Procedia – Social and Behavioural Sciences, vol. 235, pp. 243-249. 6. 7. King, EB, Hebl MR & Beal DJ 2009, ‘Conflict and Cooperation in Diverse Workgroups’, Journal of Social Issues, vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 261-285 8. Rosendaal, B. (2009). Sharing knowledge, being different and working as a team. KnowledgeManagement Research & Practice, 7(1), pp.4-14...

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