Assignment 4 Facebook DOCX

Title Assignment 4 Facebook
Author Touhida Hedayet
Pages 2
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In our opinion, the Facebook operates in a blended organizational based on a CLan and Adhocracy cultures. It is important to remember that Facebook Principles are related to a more open and transparent world. The company values regard to the creation of a better place by providing employees the powe...


In our opinion, the Facebook operates in a blended organizational based on a CLan and Adhocracy cultures. It is important to remember that Facebook Principles are related to a more open and transparent world. The company values regard to the creation of a better place by providing employees the power of information, discernment, and a responsible risk-taking. We assume that regarding some facts founded in the way of Facebook working, such as the following: Clan The way of sharing information between any hierarchical levels. The Principle #1 of Facebook (Freedom to Share and Connect) defend distribution of information in any possible ways. As a result, the company can do things right.Establish a fair and open dialogue. By doing that, the company avoids bigger problems solving most of them in the beginning. On the text, we can see how hard is to employee go through higher levels to complain about an issue. The importance is given to mentoring all the staff, no matter the position to level the culture and spread values. An example of this is the "Bootcamp" provided since day one for all new employees.The family-like value can easily be seen regarding how employees operate in a collaborative way, making a critical decision as a group and sharing different points of view to get to a standard level. Adhocracy Facebook trust in their employees and allow them to take risks regularly without any criticism or condemnation of eventual mistakes. The company provides opportunities for its staff to come up with new ideas, the continuously innovation the online environment. An example of this attitude is the "Hackathons" night. Finally, this culture also provides them a chance to do things first. 1. Facebook is an organization that tolerates worker´s failure, encourages risk taking and new ideas. The integration of all members is a mandatory policy. In the leadership point of view, Facebook uses to work with a mix of supportive and achieved-oriented goal behavior. All the members working as a family complements the Clan Organizational Culture. Apart from that, it also has characteristics of another leadership style. Facebooks' 'Do-it-now culture' matches with Advocacy organizational culture. Its organizational structure is flat, and its leadership style promotes participative environment but with supportive and friendly nature as employees can meet anytime they want to resolve any issue or share any idea straight with Mark Zuckerberg. Also, its risk- taking attitude complements the democratic style of leadership where employees can try new things, even if it clashes the system and costs the organization as a whole. In short, Mark Zuckerberg, the Facebook´s owner, can be identified as both a transformational and charismatic leader. As a leader, he encourages employees to take the risk to achieve the organizational vision, help others to focus what is right for the organization and turn followers into believers of a mission. His basis of the power of influence through his leadership is his 'Expertise' in IT sector. His leadership style supplements some people oriented behavior as well. 2. As stated in the article "4 Types of Organizational Culture", a company is never wrong by choosing a particular organizational culture or mixing two to build a culture that fits with the desired directions and strategies. Our group agrees that Facebook is a company...

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