Assignment 4bhb PDF

Title Assignment 4bhb
Author bethany blankinship
Course Lab For Lecture 001
Institution George Mason University
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Writing Assignment # 3 Bethany Blankinship George Mason University (GMU) Introduction to Criminology CRIM 210 Dr. Wofsey March 27, 2021


Writing Assignment #3 6. What punishments should an individual receive for committing domestic violence? Should the punishment be greater if a child witnessed the violence? Why or why not?: Domestic violence is defined as “[also known as intimate partner violence] involves an act of violence committed by a current or former spouse, battering opposite-sex cohabiting partner, same-sex cohabiting partner, date, or boyfriend or girlfriend” (Wofesy, 2020, p.199). A crime as harmful as domestic violence can be a severe detriment to the lives of all people involved, especially children. Therefore, various forms of punishment should be within the laws because of the severity of domestic violence. Examples of punishment would include incarceration if the violence caused physical harm that either was greater than 3 incidents or a family member suffered broken bones or other serious injury. Nonetheless, if incarceration is involved, the family of the abuser should receive court appointed or community funded therapy to assist in the healing process. With incarceration, the abuser should also have a form of rehabilitation such as a jail-therapist setting. Next, the other punishment should be fines the abuser has to pay to the harmed family and a restraining order if incarceration was not an option. Further, a form of court-ordered monitoring should be in effect like electric tracking bracelets or a probation officer check-ins. But, rehabilitation should be incorporated in the abuser’s sentence in order to decrease the chance of reoffending and a possible treatment. Still a crime as harmful as domestic violence can be a severe detriment to the lives of all people involved, especially children. Wofsey (2020) phrases that if domestic violence revolves around a child’s life, the risk of committing a violent crime increases by 74 percent. Moreover, other factors that can worsen quality of life are a risk for kids are aggression, fear, and antisocial behaviors and traits which


interfere with a child’s daily living (Wofsey, 2020). Additionally, a child’s development and functioning in society is at stake when exposed to great amounts of domestic violence (Becker, 2020). Considering these risk factors, the punishment of domestic violence should be greater if a child is exposed. However, the majority of the consequences should consist of fines or other restitution being paid to the suffering family (Whitcomb, 2002). A longer prison term should only be considered if the child was harmed physically and to what level of harm imposed. The primary goal of the fines the abuser has to pay would be going towards therapy, medical payments for the injuries, and other forms of clinical or medical assistance that would help the family heal, and for the child to lower the risk factors associated with domestic violence trauma. 8. What can American society do to decrease the number of human trafficking cases in the United States?: Human trafficking is extremely prevelant in American society and happens to 1 out of 6 runaway children acording to UNVTF (n.d). Runaway and homeless children are the most at risk for human trafficking since they seek a better life and can easily fall prey to a trafficker conning them for financial or lifestyle gain (UNVTF, n.d.). Therefore, shelters should be more abundant in communities with a high to moderate level of runaway children and homeless young adults. Having an increase in shelters would help reduce the rate and risk of at risk youth becoming victims of human trafficking because they reside in a supportive and stable environment. Even though the child would live in a shelter, the streets are no longer the sole option. Moreover, the shelters should educate the children about the dangers and warning signs of human trafficking to better protect themsevles. Educating people about human trafficking should be a requirement for schools. The school district doesn’t need to have a class on the risks, but possibly be discussed in a health


class or other related seminar. Also, education should be in the communities as well to allow for the opportunity for parents and other members of neighborhoods to become more aware of this growing danger. Not only is human trafficking a detrimental impact on the victims, but also society because of the sheer number of people being trafficked and the amount of illegal money is made. Furthermore, according to UNVTF (n.d.) “The United Nations estimates the total market value of illicit human trafficking at 32 billion US dollars” (para. 3). Overall, bringing more knowledge to people would help shed light on just how human trafficking has become a large epidemic in America. The final aspect that American society can do to reduce and prevent human trafficking is to train law enforcement and border patrol officers in identifying signs of human trafficking. “Victims of human trafficking are also very often not identified as victims of a crime, but rather considered as persons who have violated migration, labour and/or prostitution laws. To identify victims of trafficking requires special knowledge by law enforcement officials, such as the ability to distinguish trafficking from migrant smuggling, and knowledge of trafficking indicators” (paras.10-11). Therefore, having training dedicated to identifying possible human trafficking during police academy, FBI training, and border patrol officer training could possibly help reduce a significant number of human trafficking victims. Education, awareness, and empathy are needed on human trafficking in order to better understand and prevent the crime (Wofsey, 2020, p.198). 18. Why are child sexual offenders’ recidivism rates so high despite existing laws and policies? For the crime sexually violating a child, the punishments are usually severe according to Becker (2020). The sentence of a child sexual offender is usually incarceration and being listed


as a sex offender on the national registery, which focuses on deterrence and punishment rather than rehabilitation for the offenders. Overall, Becker (2020) cites some concerns of the majority of punishments incorporating no form of treatment or healing for the child sexual offenders. At the same time, most of society argues against treatment and therapy for the offender and rather wants harsh jail time because the crime fits the punishment. However, child sex offenders who are imprisoned, typically do not receive therapy or other helpful treatment outside of the prison system. Some individuals within society do not recognize or believe that pedophilia can sometimes be influenced by a mental illness or other factors such as low-income, abusive parents or history, or substance abuse. If rehabilitation was given to people who are child sexual violators, could that help reduce the number of victims and offenders? Becker (2020) stresses that how can society reduce the staggering rates if treatment is automatically declined? Continuing the route of mental illness if that is the cause of pedophilic tendencies, then incarceration for a long period of time is not going to correct the issue, which would lead to reoffending and another victim of a terrible crime. Having treatment options is important for not only the offenders but the victims to help prevent child sexual violation from occurring On the other hand, the argument that the punishment is not strict enough for child sex offenders does exist. In the case of Kennedy v. Louisiana Patrick Kennedy was convicted of raping his eight-year old step daughter, therefore, received the death sentence. Patrick Kennedy argued that it was a violation of the Eighth Amendment and brought his hearing to the United States Supreme Court (Cornell Law School, n.d.). The majority agreed with Kennedy that Capital Punishment is too severe of a sentence for the rape of a child and violates “no cruel and unusual punishment”. Nevertheless, there were some court justices who thought that execution


was fit for the rape of a child because of the effects it would have on his step-daughter. The ruling was 5-4 in favor of Kennedy.

References Becker, S. (2020, June 8). Violence against children. Retrieved March 28, 2021, from Cornell Law School. (n.d.). Kennedy v. Louisiana. Retrieved March 27, 2021, from UNVTF. (n.d). Human Trafficking [PDF]. UNODC. Whitcomb, D. (2002). Prosecutors, Kids, and Domestic Violence Cases. NIJ Journal., no. 248. Retrieved March 28, 2021, from Wofsey. (2020). Criminology: Theories and Concepts. [VitalSource Bookshelf]. Retrieved from

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