Astronomy Lecture Notes PDF

Title Astronomy Lecture Notes
Author Anonymous User
Course Astronomy 1
Institution University of Windsor
Pages 166
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Astronomy Lecture Notes Chapter 1: Observing the Night Sky Our Place in Space -

Human history achievements: discovery of the incredibly vast Universe around us and understanding our place in it


Earth is not at the centre of the Universe 


Earth isn’t particularly special

Discoveries include… 

Exoplanet discoveries: Earth is an ordinary rocky planet

Earth is the 3rd of 8 planets orbiting a middle-aged, below-average sized star

In outer suburbs of a huge spiral city of stars called the Milky way

In small insignificant cluster of galaxies (Local Group)

One among billions of galaxies spread through observable universe; stretches 98 billion light years across

Arriving at Our Understanding of the Universe -

Through astronomy 

The study of objects beyond earth and the processes that they go through as they evolve and interact with one another

Astronomy involves attempting to build understanding of history of how everything came to be and how we (earth) have gotten to where we are

Helps predict future events

As with other sciences, ideas constantly involving equipment, technology, and theories improve

Astronomy and the Scientific Method -

Astronomy is similar to other sciences in terms of following systematic and logical processes (scientific method) to determine rules that nature follows


However, different in terms of controlled experimentation not being possible 

Observation leads to a theory explaining what was seen

Theory leads to predictions consistent with previous observations

Specific new observations of phenomenon or process carried out

If data from new observations agrees with the prediction (conclusions), theory gains more support, and more predictions can be made

If not, a new theory can be made

Laws of Nature and Scientific Understanding -

Good scientific theories must be… 


Continually tested


Elegant (symmetry)


Scientific theories can be proven wrong, but can never be proven with 100% certainty


The reason we can understand extremely distant, vast, and potentially dangerous objects in the universe are as follows… 

Over history, scientists have discovered many “rules” nature seems to follow

Scientists have been able to use these rules to develop theories that explain many different phenomena (“Laws”)

Also discovered that laws of nature are “universal” (apply to large/small, across tiny/large distances, and work the same under all but most extreme conditions)

Scientific Discovery Shaped our Understanding -

Current scientific understanding of cosmos is because of centuries of careful systematic observation, scientific reasoning, and modeling and insight by many astronomers/physicists


Humans first started to organize their knowledge of the universe through watching the night sky and noticing patterns

Constellations -

At any moment, in dark locations, there are 3000 stars visible above the horizon 


Over entire sky, 9000 visible to naked eye

Stars are unchanging (in their experience)


Practical matters taught to use stars… we began to recognize/make patterns (known as constellations) to tell stories, to teach important lessons, to easily keep track of time, to farm, and to navigate


Early constellations are familiar to daily life; animals, warriors, young maidens, monsters, weapons, strange magical creatures, special people…


Later ones (southern hemisphere) made for new inventions of things of interest of the time period (i.e. sailing chips, clocks, air pumps…)

Constellations and Mythology: Worldwide Phenomenon -

Constellation patterns existed in many ancient cultures 

Greek/Roman mythology passed on strongly through European/Western culture; acceptance developed internationally through conquest and academia


Now, 88 recognized internationally. About 67—75 can be seen from Canada/USA (others too far south)


Constellation patterns aren’t significant in daily life today, but are still used to organize and locate objects

Constellation Stars Not Generally Related -

While stars appear to be grouped close together within constellations, most aren’t physically related to each other 


Only appear so from earth’s position in space

Constellation figures also change shape over many 1000s of years 

Cause: motion of stars through space

Universe’s Enormous Scale -

As scientists’ understanding of the universe has developed (last 100 years), they realized size beyond comprehension; size of objects/distances between are so large, that numbers in scales we normally use, such as km, are too bulky


Solutions include… 

Some have used scientific notation to keep the same units; Diameter of S. S. is 9.90 x 109 km

Some have used astronomical units (AU) to measure distances; Earth is 1 AU from the Sun, and Jupiter’s orbit is 5.2 AU from the Sun


For much larger distance measurements (i.e. between stars/galaxies), astronomers use the parsec or the light year (ly)

Measuring Distance with Light -

Light year: not measured with time—used to measure distance


Light travels at the fastest velocity that is possible, 22,792 km/s 

At this velocity, a photon will travel 9,459,922,663,400 km in one year

So 1 light year is 9.46 trillion kilometers

This means, as a photon, you would travel… 

7 times around earth in 1 second

To the moon in 1.282 seconds

To the sun in 8.5 minutes

To the nearest star in 4.2 years

Consequences of Light Travel Time -

Because of incredibly enormous distances and limited speed of light photons, even our perception of the Universe is affected; we don’t see objects as now, but as they were in the past 

Farther away, light takes longer time to get here, and the farther back in time we see


The sky is a time machine 

I.e. Eta Cassiopeia is a sun-like star that is 15.4 ly away

Andromeda Galaxy is 2.5 million ly away; the farthest object the unaided eye can see

Celestial Navigation -

While constellations helped organize the sky for ancients, it wasn’t a practical system for locating objects and measuring motions/changes; also, constellations differ in different cultures


Astronomers needed a framework (simple, consistent, easy to apply, reliable, global) 

Solution is the coordinate location system (graphing) based on angular measurement

Locating Places on Earth: Latitude and Longitude -

300 BC: Greek philosopher Eratosthenes argues that the earth is round—measures diameter, then develops geometric grid system to locate positions


160 BC: Greek philosopher Hipparchus was the 1st to use latitude and longitude for estimating distance across earth and locating places


Great circle: any circle across earth’s surface whose centre passes through Earth’s centre


Equator: great circle halfway between north and south poles (hemispheres)


Latitude: a measurement of degree angle above/below the equator as measured from earth’s centre (oN/S)


Meridian: any great circle path traveling through N/S poles 


But no easy reference point to start measuring E/W from

Prime meridian: a starting reference point, set internationally at Greenwich, England in 1884


Longitude: a measure of angle away from the prime meridian as measured from earth’s centre 

Longitudinal lines—meridians traveling pole to pole

Perpendicular to equator (farthest apart there)

Measures up to 180o E/W of prime meridian

180o approximate location of international dateline (12 hr differ from prime meridian)

Divided into about 24 time zones (slightly more; doesn’t match up with longitudinal lines)

 -

1o = 60 minutes of arc = 3,600 seconds of arc

We use a coordinate system of latitude/longitude to locate any position on Earth 

Position at UofW is 42o,18’,18.7”N, 83o3’55.8”W (-)

The Celestial Sphere


It so happens that Polaris (fairly bright “north star”) lies very close to where the north pole projects into space 


Shows where the North is; no such star in southern celestial hemisphere

In ancient times, people imagined stars were imbedded in a crystal sphere high above that spun once every day


Useful to think of a celestial sphere in setting up coordinate system for sky (locating objects)


By projecting N/S poles and equator into space, we establish reference points organizing the coordinate system


From any point on earth’s surface, only half of the total celestial sphere is visible at any moment


At the north pole, Polaris stands straight up, at the celestial equator along the horizon


Zenith: term meaning directly overhead from your location


Transit: term meaning when an object crosses due south, and is at its highest point in arc across the sky


As earth rotates toward E horizon, stars appear to rotate westward around the north celestial pole (Polaris)


Depending on the latitude, the celestial sphere is tilted

Stars will move in an angled arc to the horizon

As night hours pass, constellations are seen rotating around the polar star 


Farthest from celestial pole have bigger arc covered

Circumpolar constellations are those that never set below the horizon as the sky rotates (actually Earth rotating) 

Number of them depends on how far north of the equator you are

Celestial Coordinates -

All planets in our solar system orbit the Sun in the same direction, more or less in the same orbital plane 


“elliptical plane”

The sun and planets always appear to move across the “star-filled” sky along the same path (ecliptic plane projected into sky)


Because the earth tilts 23o in path around the Sun, celestial equator tilts 23o from perceived path of planets and Sun through space (tilted from ecliptic plane)

Zodiac Constellations -

Because of the ecliptic plane, the Sun and planets (gods to ancients) are always seen to move through the same constellations


Astrology evolved from the desire to understand and predict how planet movements among these constellations would affect human lives 

The sun spends about 1 month in each constellation, so we have 12 zodiac constellations

There is a 13th zodiac constellation: Ophiuchus (the healer), but he has been ignored for astrological purposes

Organizing the Sky by Brightness -

Ancient cultures started to keep records of objects they observed within constellations and changes in the sky 

Needed a more convenient system, beyond maps and constellation descriptions, for organizing and locating things


Middle-Eastern astronomers developed the first method to organize/locate stars; ranking them by brightness in each constellation


Within constellations, Greeks gave stars letter designations by brightness—limited method, as there are too many stars, however still used today in identifying the brightest stars of each constellation 

Brightest: α , β , γ

Dimmest: Ω

I.e. Bellatrix is the 3rd brightest star in Orion, named



Celestial Coordinates -

Also started to develop tools to measure things; more precise measurement system needed, in terms of the celestial coordinate system 

Analog to latitude/longitude, except projected into space (virtual, not physical)


Declination (Dec): analogous to latitude, it projects an angular measure north (+) of the celestial equator, or south (-) of the celestial equator (from +90o to -90o)


Right ascension (RA): analogous to longitude, it projects grid systems into space (wrapping earth) and is divided into 24 hours 

Each hour of angular measurement is further divided into 60 minutes of arc; each minute has 60 seconds of arc


With a system projecting a grid onto the sky, we can give a very accurate location of any object in the sky 

(y,x)—(lat, long)—(Dec, RA)

Similar to lat/long system, Dec/RA must be anchored somehow (to the sky in this case)

Declination is anchored to celestial equator


As with lat/long, astronomers can quickly locate objects knowing RA/Dec coordinates


Having an object’s specific coordinate is particularly important when it is moving and/or changing velocity in space (any given day different position)

Celestial Cycles of Motion & Tracking of Time -

From earliest times, ancients understand concepts of past/present/future and could see different repeating patterns of motions of objects in the sky


Sun/Moon each day

Planets moving back and forth among stars (cycles of years)

Stars/Constellations rising and setting at the same places on a seasonal schedule

Many societies developed sundials, clocks, and astronomical calendars 

Used these patterns to track time and use this time-keeping ability to better understand and control their world

Importance of the Night Sky to the Ancients -

Early people of Earth had other very practical reasons for studying the sky 

Some stars were circumpolar; navigational aids (sailing and traveling to unknown regions during night travel)

Constellations and moon used to pass along oral history, important lessons, and entertainment

Using stars, the moon, and the sun to track seasons; better predict correct time to plant and harvest crops


Observing repeating patterns in the sky and associating with regular events on earth, astronomers began establishing concrete connections between celestial events and everyday life


Studying sky began our 1st steps toward a true scientific understanding of cosmos (observer techniques, record-keeping, etc…)


In a real way, power within human society, or even at times just survival, depended on astronomical knowledge


Ability to predict and explain astronomy events highly prized and closely guarded skill in many societies

Earth’s Orbital Motion – Keeping Time -

Apparent daily motion of Sun, Moon, planets, and stars across the sky which is due to Earth’s rotation is called Diurnal Motion


But positions of stars in the sky do not appear exactly the same after 24 hours… slight shift each night (easily noticeable in a week or two) 

Reason: Earth has moved in its orbit

Because of the shift, 1 day as measured by position of background stars (sidereal day) is 4 minutes shorter than 1 day measured by the position of the sun (solar day)

A solar day takes 24 hours, but a sidereal day takes 23 hours and 56 minutes

Sidereal vs Solar Day -

Sidereal Day: Time for one complete earth rotation around distant stars is 23 hours and 56 minutes 


They end up in exactly the same place

Because earth has moved around the sun a small amount in that time, earth must rotate for another 4 minutes to place the sun back in the same position in the sky as before

A solar day is 24 hours long

Noting Earth’s Cycle Around the Sun: 1 Earth Year -

As earth moves around its orbit, the Sun appears to move through the ecliptic plane, visiting different constellations of the zodiac


However, on the night-time side of Earth, we also see different constellations at different times of the year 

Constellations change with seasons

During each season, earth’s night sky points to different parts of space (different constellations)

Explaining the Seasons -

Seasons on Earth are caused by axial tilt (angle at which sunlight hits earth changes as earth travels around its orbit) 


Earth is closer to the sun in the winter

Heating of ground and air are different due to the angle of sunlight and duration of solar heating each day 

Higher arc means longer days, longer period of heating, and more efficient heating (ground gets warmer faster… warmer conditions)

Lower arc across the sky means shorter period of heating (ground not efficiently heating nor for long… colder weather)

Curvature of earth means southern hemisphere has opposite conditions of northern hemisphere—opposite seasons

Precession of Earth’s Spin -

Earth spins on its axis continuously 

North polar spin axis points at north star (Polaris) from every point in orbit around the Sun; creates seasons by changing the angle of sunlight at different points in the solar orbit


However, rotation of earth is similar to a spinning top; wobbles in its spin with time (“precession”)

 -

Wobble is very slow but cyclical

Pole star changes with time over 26,000-year cycle 

14,000 AD – Vega pole star

20,000 AD – star Thuban

Cause: gravity torques exerted by the moon and sun on earth’s spin, slightly oblate the earth

Over a long time, frame, it effects how we see the sky, use the coordinate system, and how to navigate with stars (ancestors)

Precession: Seasonal Effect -

Seasons defined by when the Sun appears travels across ecliptic plane (start of spring and fall) 

“Vernal/Autumnal Equinox” and by highest (in the summer) and by lowest (in the winter) point in constellations during the year – “Summer/Winter Solstice”

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