ATS2469 Pub-style quiz PDF

Title ATS2469 Pub-style quiz
Author Emily Timewell
Course Criminal Law 1
Institution Monash University
Pages 2
File Size 71.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 88
Total Views 155


Quiz for ATS2469 on victims ...


ATS2469 ‘Pub-style Quiz’ 1) Identify and explain two ways in which victim precipitation views continue to exist in a contemporary context. Bonus Point: Why is it problematic to conceptualise victims in this way? 2) How did the feminist movement and theory challenge previous understandings of victims and their victimisation experiences? Bonus Point: Give examples of the types of changes they advocated for. 3) What are some of the consequences for victims who do not fall into ‘ideal’ victim categories in terms of the reaction and treatment they are likely to receive from society, the media and the criminal justice system? 4) According to Clark (2010), what are four key elements of procedural justice theory? Bonus Point: Identify a victim-focused reform that could meet one (or more) of these key elements. 5) What is intersectionality and why is it so important to take into account? 6) Who was the founder of the original # Me Too movement and what was she campaigning against? 7) What events led to the re-iteration of the #Me Too movement – and which celebrity was at the centre of the allegations? 8) Identify one benefit of victims using social media as a platform to obtain justice 9) Identify one disadvantage of victims using social media as a platform to obtain justice 10) Identify a group within society that is especially vulnerable to victimisation and its impacts. Explain why. 11) In what ways have the LGBTIQ community been victimised in society? Can you provide an example? 12) What legal changes have happened in the last two decades in Australia in relation to members of the LGBTQI community? 13) Identify one benefit and one limitation of allowing victims to be more than simply ‘prosecution witnesses’. 14) Identify one example of a victim-focused law reform in Victoria. Bonus Point: Explain one benefit and one limitation of this reform. 15) Provide one example of an international victim-focused law reform. Bonus Point: Explain a key benefit and limitation of this reform. 16) Identify one way in which the implementation of victim representation could address some of the criticisms of the prosecution process for sexual assault victims.

17) Which reform would be more viable within Victoria at this present time – a Victims’ Right to Review scheme (such as that operating in England and Wales) or introducing independent legal representation for victims? Why?...

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