Autocad 2016 Tutorial v2 PDF

Title Autocad 2016 Tutorial v2
Course Chemical Engineering Design 4
Institution The University of Edinburgh
Pages 7
File Size 533.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Autocad 2016 Tutorial v2...


AUTOCAD 2016 TUTORIAL: 2D FOUNDAMENTALS START A NEW DRAWING In the application Menu (top left of the screen) select New -Drawing to start a new drawing. The Select Template dialog box appears on the screen. Click Open to accept the default acad.dwt as a template to open. In this way we have an AutoCAD template file contains predefined settings.

DRAWING SETUP The units setting is fundamental to work with drawings. In the Menu Bar select Format – Units. In this way you can set the unit type for the length and the angle. Select Decimal for the length type and Decimal Degrees for angle type (for the acad.dwt template they are the default settings). You can also set the precision for the decimal numbers. THE DRAWING AREA SETUP The bar in the upper part of the Drawing area contains all of the drawing commands.

In the bottom right part there are useful options to control the drawing. It is possible to enable and disable these commands in any moment. The first is the GRIDMODE (on/off) to hide or show the reference background grid; the second is the SNAPMODE (on/off) to introduce a restriction of cursor movements (see the snap setting). The ORTHOMODE (on/off) is really useful for the orthogonal drawings; other restrictions are POLAR TRACKING and ISODRAFT. The first botton shows the snapping reference lines (on/off); the second enables several reference points: -





LAYERS Layers are the primary method for organizing objects in a drawing by function or purpose. Layers can reduce the visual complexity of a drawing and improve display performance by hiding information that you don’t need to see at the moment. Before you start drawing, create a set of layers that are useful to your work. In a house plan, you might create layers for the foundation, floor plan, doors, fixtures, electrical, and so on. In the upper bar there is a set of command dedicated to layers

Under Layer Properties it is possible to manage the layers of the drawing.

Each layer is identified by: Status (to identify the current layer), Name (editable to better identify the layer); On (to show/hide the objects of a layer in the drawing area); Freeze (freezing and thawing layers is similar to turning them off and on. However, working with drawings with lots of layers, freezing unneeded layers can speed up display and regeneration); Lock (to prevent objects on selected layers from being inadvertently modified); Colour, Linetype, Lineweight (each layer is identified by a colour, a type and a weight of the line). 0 is a layer present by default in every AutoCAD files;



In this session, you will learn to:     

Create and manage layers Draw using line, circle and polyline Use Modify commands Insert text objects Print and print to file

LAYERS SETTING In the Home menu, under Layers, the current layer with which you are drawing is visualized. It is possible to change it clicking on the arrow. It is also possible to show/hide, freeze/thaw, lock/unlock the current layer and have access to the Layer properties. Current Layer

According to the exercise you have to create five different layers: - Annotation: layer visualized in white in the Drawing area (black if printed), created for the text in the drawing. - Equipment: layer visualized in green to identify the major items in the diagram; - Mechanical: layer visualized in white in the Drawing area (black if printed), to identify the mechanical components such as valves; - Primary line: layer visualized in white in the Drawing area (black if printed), created for the plant primary line, the lineweight is set at 0.4 mm thicker than the others; - Secondary line: layer visualized in blue in the Drawing area, created for the plant auxiliary line. 1. In the Home menu, click on Layer properties, the Layer properties manager is now opened. 2. Create a new layer: press on New layer icon

. Name your new layer, set the colour, linetype,

lineweight double clicking on each column. With the icon it is possible to delete existing layers. 3. Close the Layer properties manager. You can always modify and create layers later, according to your needs. 3

VESSEL DRAWING The dimensions of the vessel are the following.

You can start using the Polyline in the Draw menu of the Home. Polyline is a single object composed by different segments (straight or arc). 1. Click on Polyline, chose a starting point in the Drawing area. If you have not selected yet the reference points (see paragraph 3 of the foundamentals), this is the moment to enable some of these. For example, the ORTHOMODE can help to draw straight lines. Select ORTHOMODE; now the cursor is mainly bounded to the vertical and orizontal directions. 2. Set the length of your first segment by tapying the number and pressing enter; with the tab command you can also modify the inclination angle of your segments. Having choose the Polyline, after the first segment, you can draw the adiacent ones (and so on) to complete the rectangle. 3. Exit from the Polyline mode, just pushing Esc on the keyboard. As you can see, clicking on the rectangle, you have a single object composed by different segments. If you want to work on the single segment you have to use the Explode command the rectangle you will notice that it is not a single object anymore.

in the Modify menu. In this way, clicking on

4. To draw the upper and bottom part of the vessel, use the Arc function. There are several type of arcs. Choose for example: Start, End, Radius. Click on the starting point, click on the end point and set 20 cm as radius. Note: you might need to invert the starting and ending point in order to obtain the right concavity.


5. Use the Line function for the crossed lines inside the vessel. 6. To draw the valve connection of the vessel, create a line of 3 cm on the top of it. For the horizontal line (the flange of the vessel) let’s learn another command: 7. Draw a 2 cm horizontal line in another part of the Drawing area; select the line, in the Modify menu click on Move icon . If MIDPOINT is enable (see the foundamentals), passing with the mouse on the segment, a green triangle appears in the middle of it (this is the middle point), click on it and move the horizontal segment on the top of the vertical line. For the other flange (on the lateral side) you can use the command Copy

in Modify menu:

8. Select the flange create (on the top of the vessel), it is sufficient to click on the two segments to select them. Now, click on Copy icon, and choose a point on the selected piece. You have created a copy of it, choose a point in the Drawing area for the new piece, and click. The piece that you want has to be rotated anticlockwise: select the object to rotate. In Modify menu click on Rotate icon , click on the rotation point of your object and choose the proper angle (type 90°to be sure that is in line). 9. With the command Move, put the object in the right position, 2.5 cm from the corner of the vessel. To do this select your object, click on Move, select the base point as reference on your object, pass with the mouse on the corner of the vessel, type 2.5 and enter. 10. Draw the heat exchanger using Polyline, Line, Copy, Rotate, Explode etc. For the dimension use the following:

Remember: using he tab keyboard command you can set the length and the angle of the new segment. 11. Place the heat exchanger in the vessel selecting and moving it. To select a group of objects click from top left to bottom right including all of its parts. There is another type of selection: from the bottom right to the top left, in this way you include in the selection everything is touched by the area that you cover (even if it is not completed cover by the selection area).

VALVES DRAWING There are several way to draw the valve.

1. Draw a rectangle (Draw -Rectangle ). The dimensions are 2 cm base and 3 cm height. Draw its diagonal and use the command Explode to unlinked the segments. Leave the bottom triangle and delete the rest. Copy, Rotate and Move the triangle in order to obtain the angle valve shape. Now draw the handle and place the valve 1 cm over the flange. 2. Use the created valve to draw the other one, copying, rotating and moving it. 5

OTHER USEFUL FUNCTIONS: TRIM, MIRROR Use the following commands to finish the drawing according to the scheme of pag.4 Mirror: select the object to reproduce; click on the Mirror icon in Modify menu. Select the first point on the mirror line; select the second point on the mirror line. Now AutoCAD asks ‘Erase source objects?’ you can type ‘n’ and press enter to keep the source object (‘y’ to erase it). You can make your choice also with the arrows of the keyboard and press enter or clicking with the mouse on it.

Trim: to delete quickly construction lines (for example drawing valves), click on Trim icon in Modify menu, select the trim lines (which have to cut unwanted lines) clicking on them. Then right-click in the Drawing Area to confirm the choice, and left-click on the lines to delete.

TEXT ANNOTATIONSDN10 1. Click on the arrow below the Text icon in Home - Annotation menu. You can choose between Multiline and Single line text. Click on Multiline, and choose the starting point (the text can be moved later). 2. Write the text to indicate, for instance the diameter of the pipe: DN10. Selecting the text it is possible to change the height and the font. For example, set 1 cm for the height and iso for the font; click outside the text window to confirm (double clicking on the text it is possible to modify the content, dimension, font). 3. Select the text box and copy for the other pipes, according to figure in pag.4. For the vertical pipe rotate the text. Complete the drawing.

LAYERS ASSOCIATION At the beginning we set all the layers. We have now to assign to the different parts in the system the right layer. Select the vessel’s parts:

1. Click in the Layers menu the arrow to look for the correct layer, in this case, the one dedicated to the vessel. 2. Click on the chosen layer. 3. Select now the heat exchanger and look for the layer for secondary line. Do the same for the other objects, according to the created layers (for the annotations, primary line, valves etc.). 6

PRINT AND PRINT TO FILE We want to give you a brief introduction about the use of Print and Print to file in AutoCAD. In the application Menu

(top left of the screen) select Print. The following dialog bow is opened.


b) c)

The most important selections to set are the following: a) Print/plotter: you can select the printer, an existing one or AutoCAD PDF to print to file. b) Paper size: you can select the size of your paper (mainly between the regular size: A5. A4, A3, etc.) c) Plot area: you can print what is currently displayed in the Drawing area, what is included in the limits (if you have set the limit of your drawing in Format – Drawing limits in the main menu) or select a window. Print your drawing in a PDF file: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Print/plotter: AutoCAD PDF (High quality print) Paper size: ISO A4 (297.00 x 210.00 MM) Plot area: Window  select the part of the Drawing Area that you want to print Tick Center the plot Click OK Name your .pdf file and save it

The colour and the lineweights will be as indicated in the layer setting. Before printing on a real paper is always useful to print to a pdf file to have a preview of your drawing.


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