Avoiding Plagiarism Online PDF

Title Avoiding Plagiarism Online
Author Yi Jason
Course Calculus II
Institution Oakton Community College
Pages 7
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ANT 202: Avoiding Plagiarism Assignment (15 points) Please read the directions carefully! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Plagiarism is a word that is used often in college but few students have a solid understanding of what constitutes plagiarism. This assignment is designed to give students a better understanding of how to properly cite a source when writing an assignment/paper, taking a test or posting an answer to a discussion question. Avoiding plagiarism is very important in academia and the consequences for plagiarizing, whether intentional or not, are significant. Here at Oakton, we take plagiarism very seriously and we DO file complaints of academic integrity that stay in the student's file for 3 years. Therefore my goal here is to get students to understand how to paraphrase correctly, how to cite correctly, and how to avoid future problems with plagiarism. The goal of this exercise in particular is to get students more familiar with common forms of plagiarism and to provide them with examples of how to correctly cite a source. The first part of the assignment involves just reading through a couple of examples. These examples are taken from Indiana University Bloomington's School of Education (https://www.indiana.edu/~istd/definition.html) which provides a number of excellent examples and tutorials on plagiarism. These examples should serve as a guideline for completing the second part of the assignment. The second part of the assignment ( 6 points) provides you with a paragraph and 3 "student" examples. Here your task is to determine whether each of the 3 examples is plagiarized or not. You will provide an explanation (2-3 sentences) where you see Explanation. The third part of the assignment ( 6 points) provides you with more paragraphs of original source material. In this part of the assignment, you need to summarize the paragraph using appropriate citations. You should paraphrase in your own words completely – no quoting. The fourth part of the assignment (3 points) is a reflection by you on the nature of plagiarism as it relates to American culture - there have been many recent examples of people plagiarizing or embellishing. Why do people in our culture plagiarize? What do you feel are American values about plagiarism? This assignment must be uploaded to D2L/Dropbox no later than the due date. You can always upload assignments before their due date. You can type your answers directly into this document, save it, and upload it when completed.

Part I. How to Properly Paraphrase – JUST READ Examples to read through A paraphrased example must be cited. You cite a paraphrased example as you would a word-for-word quote. Paraphrasing is a condensed version of another author's work, or putting the author's words into your own words. Read the example below carefully! Original Source Material Developing complex skills in the classroom involves the key ingredients identified in teaching pigeons to play ping-pong and to bowl. The key ingredients are: (1) inducing a response, (2) reinforcing subtle improvements or refinements in the behavior, (3) providing for the transfer of stimulus control by gradually withdrawing the prompts or cues, and (4) scheduling reinforcements so that the ratio of reinforcements in responses gradually increases and natural reinforcers can maintain their behavior. Source: Gredler, M. E. (2001). Learning and instruction: Theory into practice  (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Paraphrasing Student Example #1 Inducing a response, providing for the transfer of stimulus control by gradually withdrawing prompts or cues, reinforcing subtle improvements in the behavior, and scheduling reinforcements so that natural reinforcers can maintain their behavior are the key ingredients identified both in teaching pigeons to play ping-pong and in developing complex skills in the classroom. References: Gredler, M. E. (2001). Learning and instruction: Theory into practice  (4th ed.). Upper Saddle, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Explanation: This example has been plagiarized. The student has only moved the original author's words around, inserting and deleting small portions as needed. The student has not used quotation marks for the portions that are still identical to the original, and has not credited the original author. Even though the student includes the source as part of her reference page, this along is not sufficient citation. Note that this example is also word-for-word plagiarism, as well as paraphrasing plagiarism.

Paraphrasing Student Example #2 According to Gredler (2001), the same factors apply to developing complex skills in a classroom setting as to developing complex skills in any setting. A response must be induced, then reinforced as it gets closer to the desired behavior. Reinforcers have to be scheduled carefully, and cues have to be withdrawn gradually so that the new behaviors can be transferred and maintained. References: Gredler, M. E. (2001). Learning and instruction: Theory into practice  (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Explanation: This example has been paraphrased and is not considered plagiarized. The author was cited at the end of the passage as well as in the bibliographic section. Since paraphrasing occurred, quotation marks are not used. Nothing was directly quoted.

NOTE: If the attribution to Gredler at the beginning of the paragraph had been omitted, then this WOULD be paraphrasing plagiarism. The reader would not know that the writer was summarizing Gredler's thinking and expression. Avoiding plagiarism: How to properly quote word-for-word A word-for-word example of plagiarism is one in which the writer directly quotes a passage or passages from an author's work without the use of proper quotation marks. Read the example carefully! Original Source Material Technology has significantly transformed education at several major turning points in our history. In the broadest sense, the first technology was the primitive modes of communication used by prehistoric people before the development of spoken language. Mime, gestures, grunts, and drawing of figures in the sand with a stick were methods used to communicate -- yes, even to educate. Even without speech, these prehistoric people were able to teach their young how to catch animals for food, what animals to avoid, which vegetation was good to eat and which was poisonous. Source: Frick, T. (1991). Restructuring  education through technology . Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation. Word-for-word Student Example #1 In examining technology, we have to remember that computers are not the first technology people have had to deal with. The first technology was the primitive modes of communication used by prehistoric people before the development of spoken language. Explanation: This example of student written work is plagiarized. The student copied text from the original source material word-for-word . No credit was given to the author of the text and quotation marks were not used. Also, the student didn't provide a reference. Word-for-word Student Example #2 In examining technology, we have to remember that computers are not the first technology people have had to deal with. Frick (1991) believes that "... the first technology was the primitive modes of communication used by prehistoric people before the development of spoken language" (p. 10). References: Frick, T. (1991). Restructuring education through technology.  Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation. Explanation: This example is not plagiarized. Note in this example that the passage begins with the author and year of the publication. Quotation marks are used to indicate that this passage is a word-for-word citation from the original document. In addition, a reference sheet is provided, listing the source from which the quotation is derived. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Part II. Now it's your turn to decide! (6 points) First, read the original source material below. Then, look at the student attempts and briefly (2-3 sentences) identify whether the example is (1) an example of plagiarism (either word-for-word or paraphrasing plagiarism) or (2) an example of a proper citation. In your explanation, please include the things the student did well (in the case of an acceptable example) or the things the student should have done (in the case of a plagiarized example). Each example (highlighted in green) is worth 2 points. Original source material In the biological sciences, adaptation  refers to how organisms survive and reproduce in their environments. Humans also adapt to their natural surroundings. However, to emphasize that human groups- to greater or lesser degrees- alter their environments in the process of living in them, for humans the term interaction  is more accurate than adaptation . Of course, other animals also alter their environments, as when beavers construct dams, birds build nests, prairie dogs dig burrows, and earthworms aerate and create new soil with their "casings." However, humans sometimes extensively modify nature as they interact with it, as when farmers clear land for crops, families cut forests for houses and fires, and civilizations build cities. Source: Peoples, James and Garrick Bailey. 2015. Humanity: An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology . 10th edition. Belmont, California: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. (p. 134) Student example #1 According to Peoples and Bailey (2015), “adaptation” means that an organism survives and reproduces in their environments. We also do the same thing, but some say we just alter nature. Other animals, like beavers and birds, also change their environments. Humans change the land more than any other animal, because we clear land to farm and build cities. References: Peoples, James and Garrick Bailey. 2015. Humanity: An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology . 9th edition. Belmont, California: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Your Explanation:

Student example #2 According to Peoples & Bailey (2015), all animals change to survive in their areas. The adaptation of species is necessary in order to ensure their continued existence. Humans have the ability to adapt by interacting with, and thus effectively changing their environment to suit their needs. Other animal species do the same thing according to Peoples & Bailey (2015, p. 134) “as when beavers construct dams, birds build nests, prairie dogs dig burrows”. However, human species have the greatest ability to change things, in part because of modern technology. References: Peoples, James and Garrick Bailey. 2015. Humanity: An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology . 9th edition. Belmont, California: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Your Explanation:

Student Example #3 Humans change things in their natural surroundings and this is called adaptation. Humans interact with the land and its resources. Peoples and Bailey (2015) mention that other animals change the land too, like beavers, which construct dams, and birds, because they build nests. But, the most extensively modifier of nature is man. We clear land for crops, cut down forests to make houses, and build cities. References: Peoples, James and Garrick Bailey. 2015. Humanity: An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology . 9th edition. Belmont, California: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Your Explanation:

Part III. Your turn to paraphrase (6 points) Here I provide you with some original source material. Your task is to summarize the material in about 3-4 of your own original sentences while keeping the intent of the original large paragraph intact. Make sure you add the citation at the end. Your goal is to SUMMARIZE – put things in your own words from your understanding of the paragraph. Your goal is not to have one big quote – so please use your own words and summarize the material by paraphrasing.

Original Source Material A. Ecosystems have long felt the destructive hand of humans and the cultural landscapes they made. Forest removal, overgrazing, and ill-considered agriculture turned lush hillsides of the Mediterranean Basin into sterile and impoverished landscapes by the end of the Roman Empire. At a global scale however, human impact was minimal. But slowly, unnoticed at first, human activity began to have a global impact, carrying the consequences of human abuse of the ecosphere far beyond the local scene. Air pollution was at first local, in the form of household air pollution and negative health effects from indoor cooking over open fires. However, the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century and continued increase in the use of fossil fuel energy sources has changed the scale of impacts on the atmosphere. At the metropolitan scale, urban air pollution episodes have rendered the air unsafe in many cities. At the global scale, destruction of the ozone layer and climate change threaten the entire planet. Source: Bjelland, Mark D., 2013. Human Geography: Landscapes of Human Activities . New York:McGraw Hill Publishers. (p. 431)

Your Summary: (3 points)

Original Source Material B. The brain drain of well-educated medical professionals leaving poor countries to work in developed countries is a major barrier to improving global health. Developed countries such as the United States simply do not produce enough nurses and general practice physicians for their needs. Instead, the United States imports about a fourth of its practicing physicians from abroad, mostly from developing countries. A recent study showed more Ethiopian doctors practicing in the Chicago metropolitan area than there are doctors in the entire country of Ethiopia, despite its population of 87 million people. Health related contrasts between advanced and developing countries have become matters of international concern and attention. Taken at their extremes, advanced and developing countries occupy two distinct worlds of disease and health. Source: Bjelland, Mark D., 2013. Human Geography: Landscapes of Human Activities . New York:McGraw Hill Publishers. (p. 326)

Your Summary: (3 points)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part IV. Your Reflection (3 points) This section is a reflection paragraph by you on the nature of plagiarism as it relates to American culture - there have been many recent examples of people plagiarizing or embellishing. Why do people in our culture plagiarize? What do you feel are American values about plagiarism?...

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