B30144 1604038166 - NWWWW PDF

Title B30144 1604038166 - NWWWW
Author Rajeev swami
Course The Construction and Appraisal of Real Estate
Institution Oxford Brookes University
Pages 13
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Individual Report

Table of Contents INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................2 TASK...............................................................................................................................................3 P5 How digital technologies enhance consumer experience: ....................................................3 M3 Evaluation of digital technologies in CRM:.........................................................................6 D3 Advantages and disadvantages of CRM system: ..................................................................6 Task 4...............................................................................................................................................6 P6 Effective customer service strategies of Rosewood hotel London........................................6 P7 Customer service management strategies a business should use to improve customer engagement : ..............................................................................................................................8 M3 Customer service strategies of Rosewood Hotel London : ..................................................9 D3 Customer experience management in Rosewood Hotel London........................................10 CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................10 REFERNCES ................................................................................................................................11 REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................13

INTRODUCTION Digital technology is becoming important part of business world, digital technology can help in improve communication, collaboration, access to analytical data and social networking as well as staff and customer experience. In the context of respected hospitality industry, digital marketing plays important role, hospitality industry works on core principle of serving others and to nature their customers (Abrol and et. al., 2017). These industries heavily focuses on creating relationship and experience with customers. However, digital technologies helps hospitality businesses to reduce cost, enhance operational efficiency, and improve service and customer experience. In the context of respected organisation, Rosewood Hotel London, Rosewood London is one of the capital's finest hotel, it was opened in 2000 and managed by Marriott international under its Renaissance hotel brand (Alper and Goggin., 2017). The scope of report includes information about various digital technologies, consumer relationship management techniques, customer service strategies and how digital techniques helps business of hospitality of respected hotel Rosewood London.

TASK P5 How digital technologies enhance consumer experience: Digital technology is only media predictive intelligence resource exclusively dedicated helping both hotels and restaurant business operations. Hospitality is an especially competitive business industry, as an increasing numbers of hotels in minds of customers. Thus, digital technologies, process and service can help to fuel high level of customer experience needed in hotel industries.

Types of consumer relationship management system:

 Operational : The main role of operational CRM is to generate leads and convert them into contacts whiten CRM. In a business of Hotel Rosewood London it can help organisation in offering products and provides way of communication with customers.

Analytical: data analysis is main system of CRM, it provide management with better insight with regards to current business status (Andrews, Nicoletti and Timiliotis, 2018). Hospitality business of Rosewood London can the provided information to support and improve consumer relationship.

 Collaborative: this type of CRM system shares customer information between different business departments. Hospitality business can use it for connecting and collecting information about their regular customers. Features of consumer relationship management:

 Customer needs: To know about consumers needs and wants is very essential for any organisation, likes and dislikes, choices, and preferences of consumer is important to know. Hotel Rosewood London, can interview a customer about their likes and dislikes so that the actual needs can ascertained and prioritize. They also can ask consumers to fill feedback form.

 Customer resonances: it's a reactions by the organization to the queries and activities of customers. Hospitality organisation should deal with these queries intelligently, they should understand these queries and then working out to provide the best solution of it.

 Customer retention: it is a capacity a organisation has to keep its customers engage with its product and services (Barbosa Neves and et. al., 2019). Hotel Rosewood London can use reward programs to encourage customers by giving them discount, exclusive access, or special offers.

 Customer loyalty: the goal of establishing customer loyalty to transform a company's one time customer into regular customer. Rosewood London should know about their customers needs and wants to full fill it. If the customer is getting satisfaction from the services of hotel they could be become their regular customer. Why digital technologies are important to build customer relationship: 

Consumer relationship management help in record consumer's likes and dislikes, their spending patterns and their business location:

with the help of digital

technologies Rosewood can have specific record of data of customers. They can know their choices and preferences, for improvement in their current services. This can help Rosewood's business to build relationship with their customers. 

CRM system can help in sending marketing massages and offers which are customised for customers: this can provide a basic knowledge about organisation's offers and services to customers. It could help the organisation to save its time and money, with the help of CRM system marketing of products and services would be easier for Rosewood hotel.

CRM helps owners to target new prospects and increase their sales: with the help of CRM system hotel can reach to their customers globally (Entman and Usher, 2018). And increase the efficiency of their sales and marketing strategy.

CRM system is easy to understand and attract new custom: it could be easy for management to understand the CRM system. Hotel management could use CRM to adopt new customs that attract customers. Hotel Rosewood London is continuously change their change their customs for better reach.

Different social media platforms use in hospitality business 

Email marketing: in business of hotel Rosewood, email marketing is most useful platform, they can use email marketing for sending commercial massages to customers and typically group of people.

Social media marketing: it is use for social media network and websites to market company's products and services. In a business Rosewood it's very useful to reach out to the people globally. Hotel businesses take help of social media platforms because of it's most used platform by local public.

Display advertising: Hotel Rosewood use display advertising for convey commercial massages visually using text, logos, animation, videos, photographs (Gay and et. al., 2016). they use display advertising frequently for target user with particular traits to increase ads.

Affiliate marketing: hospitality businesses hire affiliate and give them commission for doing marketing of their product and services. It could make the marketing processor of their services of hotel easier.

Impact of digital content and speed consistency on businesses: 

Boost sales: with the help of digital media and consistency businesses can improve innovativeness and effectiveness of their products and services. This can help them to increase their sale (George and et. al., 2018). When the advertisements of their products and services reach to the people daily it could be beneficial for their sales strategies.

Word of mouth: it can increase the interest of customer in business, if customer finds digital content interesting they will talk about company's products and services to their friends and family.

Generate leads: it can help the businesses to lead in their industries, digital content and speed consistency will reach to the customer directly and they have knowledge about the organisation.

M3 Evaluation of digital technologies in CRM: In today's business world digital technologies plays an important role for the growth and development organisation. They help the organisation to improve their relationship with customer and gain customer loyalty (Goldfarb and Tucker, 2019). Customers expect relevant content in relation to what they are doing anywhere, anytime on the device they are choosing. Digital technologies provide right content and material to customers and improve their relationship with company. In the context of respected hotel Rosewood London, hotel is continuously using digital technologies to improve their relationship with their customers. They are using online feedback forms for customer to know about their likes and dislikes (Jodaand et. al ., 2017). They send customise commercial massages to their customers for consistency. Thus, use of digital technologies plays important role in making good relations with customers.

D3 Advantages and disadvantages of CRM system: CRM system makes easy for organisation to collect data for those who needed it. the survival of organisation based on the appreciation of the value position from its growing customer base, CRM helps in increasing the number of customer of organisation (KardefeltWinther, 2017). It's maintain important customer data and sales reports as well as analytical reports. The down of CRM is that organisation has no control of customer's details and in case there is an outage in CRM system it will be next impossible for organisation to retire relevant information. Although CRM application allow automation of processes within the company , there is loss of human elements in the organisation. Thus there are always pros and cones of an factor that effect the organisation.

Task 4 P6 Effective customer service strategies of Rosewood hotel London. Assessing the Market needs – It is used to evaluate environment forces, market trends, competition risks, entry barriers, opportunities and the organisation's resources. It is further elaborated into parts :

 Urgency : Rosewood hotel London providing satisfactory customer services by hosting their guests as they walk in. The staff handles their customers with a sense of urgency which will gives an impression of serving them is their priority (Koekoek and et. al., 2018). Employees communication and visibility towards urging to clients helps in providing better servicing.

 Market Size : In perspective of Rosewood hotel London it has contributed to overall general market revenue amongst its competitors (Li and Found, 2017). The increase in buying power and standard of living are main factors responsible for attracting customers towards the hotel.

 Cost of the customer : Rosewood hotel has enabled room selection and customisation of services using mobile phones. It is allowing customers to use their phones as room keys hence extended its online check in and out services.

 How unique the product or the service :Rosewood hotel has replaced front desk assistant concept by having hosts culture as they come. It provides complimentary products to guest and provides customised rooms which furnish service personalization. They gives fun, free amenities to loyal customers hence which makes the customers stay satisfactory.

 Speed of the market :Rosewood hotel has adapted innovative technologies to reduce time for performing a task which increases client satisfaction. Using automation for administrative purposes can save time hence provide effective services to customers. Experience Mapping : It is important technique for knowing what encourages customers what their needs, concerns and expectations. Hospitality industry is good at gathering data about their guest for knowing the perspective of client. It is used to build higher client conversion rates by diminishing negative client experiences. Thus it improves customer retention and customer experience strategy.

 Business should understand their target market groups :Rosewood hotel has segmented its potential clients into groups founded on a set of shared preferences. Hospitality industry use this strategy to find more potential customers which enhances the sales efforts to maximize profitability (Mercer, Hennessy and Warwick, 2019). Thus which helps it to invest in extremely valuable features and upgrades customer services to attract more clients which minimizes per customer revenue.

 It's important to interview your best customers group : Rosewood hotel staff has communicated with the customers to know about their likings and disliking. This helps in knowing whether customer is satisfied with services and has specific preferences or not for providing satisfactory stay.

 Capture customer considerations : In Rosewood hotel it request customers to fill feedback forms for gathering information about their needs and wants. It helps staff to know about customer experience into hotel. Thus this provides better understanding about the choice, preferences of the customers regarding a service.

 Detail of every touchpoint : Rosewood Hotel interacts and greets customers when they walk in into hotel to make an positive impact on customers mind. By interacting with your customers it creates some bond which helps in knowing their preferences about products and services (Naslund and et. al., 2017). It helps in providing better consumerbased experiences and clients would like to stay in the hotel again as it creates its brand image by enhancing customer satisfaction. Touch point analysis : It is a manner a consumer can interact with enterprise, it can be personto-person, using an app or can be through a website. When guest comes in contact with these touchpoints it gives them possibility to compare their prior perceptual experience of enterprise and makes an opinion.

 Pre purchase :Rosewood Hotel has an official website where customers can get all information about their services through advertisements and sales promotion about their product to know about the organization.

 During the stay :Rosewood Hotel ensures to provide pleasant stay to its client for better customer satisfaction. They check guest should follow all hotel policies and thus not go against them. Hence it assures the guest to respect other guest privacy.

 After stay :Rosewood hotel ensures to give satisfactory services to customers and thus state them to provide reviews about their stay. which helps to know about clients taste and can provide better service to others. P7 Customer service management strategies a business should use to improve customer engagement : It helps companies to know about customers needs and wants thus which helps them to provide better services to their clients.

 Create a customer vision :Rosewood hotel staff provides the best services to customers to make their stay pleasant. It creates a vision about customers expectations before they check in to provide them appropriate facilities.

 Assess the customer needs :Rosewood hotel gathers the data of customers who have stayed in hotel by feedback forms. To know more about their needs, wants and their expectations towards staff.

 Hire the right employees : Rosewood hotel has hired the employees who believes in providing good services to their clients and should communicate to know about their taste.

 Set goals for customer service :Rosewood hotel has set goals for client servicing by making it easy for customers to approach the staff and has formulated customer loyalty programs.

 Train on service skills :Rosewood hotel provides training to their employees to improve support and enhance productivity which helps in serving better to customers.

 Attend :Rosewood hotel believes in getting involved with the customers to know more about their choices about a product or services. M3 Customer service strategies of Rosewood Hotel London : In today's business customer service is everything in hospitality industry. They plays a vital role in increasing sales and productivity of the business. It is made to enhance the satisfaction level of customers whether service has meet their expectation (Wilson, TewdwrJones and Comber., 2019). Strategies are made for providing good servicing to their guest which creates loyal customers thus develops referrals for approaching customers.

Advantages of Customer Service Strategies :In perceptive of Rosewood hotel these strategies helps in increasing sales of the company. Thus it enhances brand value and public representation of organization which builds customer loyalty. Staff can create points by providing satisfactory services to clients. Hotel should implement effective plan of action to create awareness towards consumers (Naslund and et. al., 2017). They should respond to negative comments on company website to know customer expectations. It should advertise and do promotions to get customers to visit their hotel. Make sure internal customers are getting satisfactory treatment and positive response. Disadvantages of customer service strategies :The drawbacks of not providing satisfactory services to customers can decrease their sales and productivity. Company will not be able to create loyal customers which will make an impact on growth of the business. They should provide proper training to their staff for customer engagement. Hence should offer certain discounts, vouchers to create more customer base. D3 Customer experience management in Rosewood Hotel London. It defines consumers perceptions to know customers to make and deliver individualised experiences so that they remain loyal to brand thus advertises brand. Advantages of Customer experience management :In hospitality industry it helps company to have depth knowledge of their customers. It comes from extracting clients insight from all touch points to know your customers more. In context of Rosewood hotel it helps in increasing brand preference and can gain sales. Disadvantages of customer experience management :In view of Rosewood Hotel they can make negative impact on company's creativity which will result into long-term profitability. Company should implement innovative ideas to make great customer experience (Tewdwr and Comber., 2019). To conduct a check on customer needs which changes from time to time.

CONCLUSION From the above given information it can be summarise that consumer relationship management plays important role in improving relationship with the customer of Rosewood London, organisation continuously working on updating its digital technologies for better customer satisfaction. Digital technologies are the major factor that are using in maintain a good relation with customers. Rosewood hotel is focusing on customer satisfaction more then gain profitability

for organisation. Thus, CRM is very important tool for understanding likes and dislikes of customer towards a particular organisation.

REFERNCES Books and Journals Abrol and et. al., 2017. Exploring the digital technology preferences of teenagers and young adults (TYA) with c...

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