Beat PCOS Diet Cheat Sheet with Kym Campbell (Smart Fertility Choices) PDF

Title Beat PCOS Diet Cheat Sheet with Kym Campbell (Smart Fertility Choices)
Author Vinodhini
Course Alimentación institucional
Institution Kagawa Nutrition University
Pages 5
File Size 511.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 108
Total Views 178


nothing just an overview for the things needed to follow...



How I beat PCOS and fell pregnant naturally All my life I was a committed sugarholic and like any addiction I was blind to the harm it was causing.


y wakeup call finally came when I got married and discovered that I couldn’t fall pregnant.

problems, and despite being extremely active, I always carried excess stomach fat. Having PCOS explained ALL of this and my sugar habit, along with some other unhelpful food choices was making everything worse.

Like many women in my situation, I was let down by my doctors who only It wasn’t until I was 30 and struggling offered band aid solutions like birth to conceive that I was diagnosed with control and metformin. After putting PCOS. Suddenly 15 years of ill-treated health issues finally made sense to me. up with PCOS for all these years, I had been on birth control since I was infertility was a bridge too far. I decided 16 because I never got my period, and it was time to get serious about my health and to solve the underlying was prescribed antidepressants for issues, even if it meant no more bread, insomnia and anxiety at a young age also. Acne had followed me throughout pasta, cereal or candy. adulthood, I had severe digestive

How I beat PCOS 2


hrough years of research and working closely with a Functional Medicine practitioner I was able to transform my health and restore my ovulatory cycle without the use of pharmaceutical drugs. By using food as medicine, by exercising in tune with my hormones, and through learning some essential emotional wellness techniques I eventually conquered my own personal Everest. After failing multiple rounds of IVF and with my chances of becoming a mom dwindling by the day, the positive changes I made finally paid off. I started getting a regular period and then fell pregnant naturally with my beautiful son, Jai. I now know that there is nothing magical or lucky about my experience. It is simply a scientific fact that if you make the right lifestyle changes and put in the hard work, you can overcome PCOS too.

Whether you’re trying to conceive, you’re ready to lose weight, or you just want to rediscover a healthy happier you the road is always open. The scientific literature could not be more supportive of a healthy lifestyle as the number one treatment for PCOS. But having been through this difficult process, I appreciate better than anyone that putting good advice into practice can be a tough challenge to face alone. This is why I created the free 30 Day PCOS Diet Challenge and my full Beat PCOS 10 Week Program. These programs are my small way of making things right for women like me that have suffered unnecessarily because of outdated or inadequate health care. My goals are to use evidence based research to provide you with the best advice possible, and to give you the support you really deserve so that you can beat PCOS for good.

How I beat PCOS 3



Healthy Whole Food Examples


Eggs Chicken Turkey Beef Veal Pork Lamb Duck

Liver Kidney Ox tongue Heart Rabbit Venison Bison Elk

Crab Cod Halibut Sardines Salmon Shrimp Clams Lobster

Low GI Carbohydrate Grains and Starchy Vegetables

Quinoa Black rice Red rice Wild rice Buckwheat Peas Chickpeas Lentils

Adzuki beans Black beans Fava beans Kidney beans Mung beans Navy beans Pinto beans Yellow beans

Artichoke Beetroot Parsnip Plantain Squash Sweet potato/Yam Sweet corn Taro

Non-Starchy Vegetables

Asparagus Bell peppers Bok choy Broccoli Brussel sprouts Cabbage Carrots Cauliflower Chinese cabbage Chives

Collard greens Cucumber Eggplant Garlic Ginger Green beans Kale Leek Lettuce Mushrooms

Mustard greens Onions Rhubarb Seaweed Shallot Spinach Swiss chard Tomato Turnip Zucchini

Fatty meat Oily fish Fish oil supplements Pork rinds Coconut cream

Nuts & seeds Avocados Lard Ghee Butter

Olive oil Avocado oil Coconut oil Macadamia oil Walnut oil

Chia seeds Flaxseed Pumpkin seeds Almonds

Brazil nuts Cashews Hazelnuts Macadamia nuts

Pecans Pine nuts Pistachio Walnuts

• Chia seeds, flaxseeds, and walnuts are the best.

Nuts and Seeds

Grapefruit Guava Honeydew melon Loquats Nashi pear Nectarines Oranges

Passion fruit Peaches Plums Raspberries Strawberries Tamarillo Watermelon

• Enjoy whole fresh fruit only and avoid fruit juices, canned fruit, or processed fruit concentrates.

Low Sugar Fruits

Apricots Blackberries Blackcurrants Blueberries Cantaloupe Cranberries Currants

• Add healthy fats like coconut yogurt or nut butter to lower the GI.

Probiotic Foods

Coconut yogurt Fermented pickles Sauerkraut

Kimchi Miso Natto

Chickpea tempeh Soy tempeh Kombucha

• The gut microbiome is one of most exciting fields in medical research. Click here to stay up to date with the most important PCOS related findings.

Sauces, Condiments, and Spices

Apple cider vinegar Avocado mayo Ceylon cinnamon Chili Cumin Dairy free pesto Fresh & dried herbs

Guacamole Salt & pepper Horseradish Lemon & olive oil Lime juice Mustard Paprika

Salsa Siracha sauce Tabasco sauce Tamari sauce Turmeric Vinegar Wasabi


Almond meal Amaranth flour Arrowroot flour Buckwheat flour

Cassava flour Chickpea flour Coconut flour Corn flour

Flax meal Sorghum flour Tapioca flour Teff flour

Fresh fruit Dried fruit Brown Rice Syrup

Glucose powder Dextrose powder Corn syrup*

• Use sweeteners for special occasions only. Monk fruit Stevia Click here to learn more about why I recommend these specific Unheated raw honey • sweeteners and discover my 5 sugar hacks for having dessert.

Fats and Oils


Notes • Aim for approximately 3 servings of animal protein per day. • Organ meats are amongst the most nutrient dense foods you can find and are normally very cheap. • Click here to learn why I don’t recommend a plant based diet for women with PCOS.

• Aim for approximately 3 servings of low GI carbs from whole food sources per day. • Consider legumes a carb rather than protein due to amino acid bioavailability and composition considerations. • Click here to learn why I recommend a small amount of low GI carbs with every meal.

• Non-starchy vegetables are the most important element of a PCOS friendly diet and should be given top priority at every meal. • Aim to eat at least 6 oz (170 g) of non-starchy vegetables with every meal (including breakfast). This is approximately equivalent to 2 cups when the vegetable is cut up and packed down a little. • Click here to discover my top 3 reasons for eating more vegetables.

• Use coconut oil, ghee, and lard for high temperature cooking as these fats are more heat stable. • Click here to learn my 6 reasons why saturated fat is good for you.

• Enjoy the others liberally but don’t snack on nuts so much that you aren’t hungry for your next meal.

• To keep your sugar consumption low, limit your fruit intake to 1-2 servings per day (approximately 1 cup, or one medium sized piece per serve).

• Keep to low sugar products and watch out for hidden sources of gluten and dairy within the ingredients list. • Pretty much all herbs and spices are fine so long as they don’t contain any added sugar or gluten.

• Pick the most suitable flour for your recipe. Gluten-free flour baking mixes can be a quick and easy substitute for regular flour.

* Corn syrup products like Karo Light are 100% fructose free and should not be confused with high fructose corn syrup (HFCS).


Soda water Water infusions Coconut water Nut & seed milks

Green smoothies Bone broth Kombucha Roasted cocoa

Hot cacao Hot tea Iced tea Turmeric latte

• There’s no need to overthink your drinks. Keep to low sugar options, drink water when you’re thirsty and stop once you’ve had enough.

If you’d like a checklist of foods to avoid with PCOS, click here.

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