Before The Flood movie review PDF

Title Before The Flood movie review
Author Sanam Ranamagar
Course Strategic Management
Institution Lincoln University College Malaysia
Pages 3
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This is an assignment on a movie review and to know the effect of climate change....


Before The Flood: Movie Review Climate change is coming much, much faster. We have seen such extraordinary extreme weather patterns. If you consider this vastness of this universe, this Planet Earth is just a small boat. If this boat is sinking, then I think we will have to all sink together. -

Ban Ki-moon - United Nations, Secretary General

Academy Award winner and an Environmentalist Leonardo DiCaprio was chosen as a United Nations (UN) Messenger of Peace in Climate Change in 2014. He addressed a UN summit meeting on climate change on Sept. 23, 2014, at United Nations Headquarters in New York to participants from 192 member countries. “Before The Flood” is presented by National Geographic, directed by Academy Award Winning filmmaker Fisher Fisher Stevens and produced by Fisher himself and Leonardo DiCaprio in 2016. The documentary also won “Best Documentary” in Evening Standard British Film Awards and the “Hollywood Documentary Award” in Hollywood Film Awards both in 2016. The documentary follows Leonardo DiCaprio on his three years journey around the globe in 5 continents including Artic and became face to face with the change in the earth. The documentary talks about the current climate change and ecological catastrophe that is going to bring within a few years. He does an interview and discussion on climate change with influential scientist, politicians, economist and on environmentalist like Piers Sellers – Astronaut / Director, Earth Sciences Division, NASA/GSFC, Greg Mankiw - Professor of Economics Harvard University, Elon Musk – CEO, SpaceX and Tesla, Johan Rockstrom – Professor, Environmental Science, Stockholm University/Director, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Farwiza Farhan Chairperson, and many other including the US Former President Barack Obama. This documentary has created a sense of urgency on climate change that is happening much faster than what we have thought. If we do not solve the problem, the flood will definitely sink us together. Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross, Gustavo Santaolalla and Mogwai created the music “I just need a minute to breathe” which is instrumental to the documentary. The film started with a description of painting “The Garden of Earthly Delights” which is considered one of art history’s most enigmatic paintings. Made by the Netherlandish master Hieronymous Bosch around 1500 ADi. Being emotional to the painting Leonardo says that, our earth, the paradise has been degraded and destroyed. The birds and animals like The Dodo, The Passenger Pigeon, The Tasmanian Tiger, The Great Auk, The Ouagga and The MOA has are now the part of the museum only and in the book. They don’t exist at all. They were wiped out by explores and settlers in the process. The differences are we doing it knowingly on a large scale. The documentary highlighted some of the evidence on global warming like melting of arctic ice, dying carol reef, the rise of sea level, high Temperatures, flood, migration of people to a safer place, a war over the water, the disappearance of endangers animals, etc. In the cause part, it says we have excessively used natural resources like fossil fuel, coal and natural gas for energy. It is used for transportation, cooking, running industries and running an economy itself and emission carbon dioxide (Co2) is much more that we cannot imagine. In the 21st century, we are being so addicted to energy that we are destroying our earth to an extreme level. Which are the main reason for climate change and global warming? The country like the US has been using much more energy than other countries for maintaining their wealthier lifestyle and blamed for not doing anything despite resources and technology. Whereas, the people of Asian countries like India and Nepal are facing the problem to access energy. The poor and small countries are the first ones to pay for climate change where their contribution to it is nominal. Not only our land and air are being populated our aquatic ecosystem is badly affected due to the mix of industrial wastages in the water. Our health is also being poor and has decreased in the immunity power. Deniers are on a mission to confuse the public and delay action on the climate crisis such as implementing the Carbon tax, stopping extreme use of the forest for industrial and energy purposes, investment in the alternative energy, etc. The documentary also directs us towards the use of renewable energy like solar and wind power as a sustainable source of energy. Amount the few countries in Europe including Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Spain and even France are trying to changing themselves to 100% fossil-free. Leonardo DiCaprio visits Tesla's Giga factory and discusses with Elon Musk how the world can transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. According to Elon Musk, one hundred factories like Gigafactory 1 would be necessary to transition the world to use sustainable energy. The documentary has been moving around the Paris

Agreement where singed members nation has agreed to keep the increase in global average temperature to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels of France where many countries have signed. The documentary end with a speech from Leonardo on Climate Change Summit 2014. Leonardo DiCaprio is an influencing actor, I think he has done justice to this documentary. The documentary has tried to give it best to the audience to know how climate change is changing and its effect in air, land and water. Besides this, a good thing to know was the beef is also polluting our environment with Methane (CH2). Yes, that was informational. The documentary has lots of high profile information than from the grassroots level. The carbon tax is not a new thing. It is being collected from the industries who are producing it like automobile industries from every car they manufacture and the cost is added to the customer. It could have shown more about how it is affecting the life of the people. This could have been more influential than an informational documentary. From the movie I can say that Leonardo gave a sense of urgency towards climate change and he also has promoted himself as an active environmentalist.


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