Behavior Change Final Paper PDF

Title Behavior Change Final Paper
Course Wellness For A Diverse Society
Institution Towson University
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Behavior Change Final Paper: Final graded and major project for class needed in order to receive a good grade. Detailed Paper and layout easy to follow...



Behavior Change Reflection Paper

Today, millions of Americans are becoming “victims” of highly processed foods, such as foods from fast food companies. In fact, research has shown that the average American purchases a meal from a fast food restaurant approximately 5.8 times a week (USHFC, 2016). This action has a major impact and is one of the main reasons why the country has a 70 percent overweight and/or obese “epidemic” (USHFC, 2016). For instance, a health study, conducted in 2015, released that only 1 out of 10 Americans eat the recommended daily fruit and vegetable intake (Thompson, 2015). To add, only 9 percent of Americans consume two to three cups of fruits and vegetables a day, which is the suggested daily intake (Thompson, 2015). Furthermore, because Americans are eating unhealthy foods and gaining weight as a result, they are not motivated to exercise. In fact, in a recent government study, 80 percent of Americans are not exercising at the recommended weekly rate (Jaslow, 2013). Therefore, after learning these frightening facts, I decided that my target behavior was to incorporate five servings of fruits and vegetables in my daily diet and exercise regularly. After eight weeks of altering my eating habits, I can happily state that I achieved and exceeded my goal of my target behavior. Although I succeeded my goal, there were many difficult challenges throughout the weeks; these included a lack of access to fruits and vegetables on the weekends, temptation of choosing unhealthy foods, and a lack of motivation during days that I was ill. After tweaking my target behavior and motivation, I realized that a major factor is the access to fruits and vegetables. I noticed that I will only eat healthy foods if it is readily available;

!2 therefore, in the future, I need to purchase fruits and vegetables prior to my meals so that I will be motivated to eat them. As I reflect on these past few weeks, I learned vital information regarding myself, the average American, and the food industry that I can apply for the rest of my life. One aspect that I learned about myself is that I became consciously aware what I was putting in my body. Before this course, I would eat unhealthy foods without thinking twice; now, I check labels and determine if it is healthy enough to consume. Moreover, I also became consciously observant of how the average American eats. Since this project started, I would sit in the college cafeteria and observe people’s eating habits. I noticed that hundreds of students consume harmful foods, such as high contents of fat and sodium products and highly sugared beverages, which all contribute to obesity and life-threatening health conditions. Lastly, I have also realized that food companies’ primary goal is to make money, while their secondary goal is providing nutritious foods for the public. I say this because companies that claim their foods to be healthy are actually harmful if not read and eaten properly. Therefore, after taking this course, succeeding in my target behavior, and observing the public, I can use the methods I have learned to apply it for the future. I have gained the necessary tools to motivate myself, my friends, and my family to eat the recommended fruit and vegetable intake and eat healthy overall. By doing so, I can avoid the risk of developing obesity and its life threatening conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and even death (DeAngelo, Kalumuck, & Adlin, 2016). Goal Progress

!3 Stated goal – My goal is to increase servings of fruits and vegetables each week. I will start

week 1, step 1 by monitoring my baseline of one serving of fruits and vegetables; I will then increase by one serving each week until I reach my goal of five servings of fruits and vegetables per day (35 servings of fruits and vegetables per week). Actual Goal – Adding more servings of fruits and vegetables until I reach five servings per

day. Goal Status – did you meet your stated goal? I met my stated goal 5 out of the 8 weeks. The reasons I

missed 3 weeks was either because a lack of access to fruits and vegetables or I was ill during that week.

Stated Goal

Actual Goal:

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

1 serving (7)

2 servings (14)

3 servings (21)

4 servings (28)

5 servings (35)

Monitor (35)

Monitor (35)

Monitor (35)












Not Met

Not Met


Not Met


Total for the week

Goal Status


!4 DeAngelo, L. P., Kalumuck, K. P., & Adlin, E. M. (2016). Obesity. Magill’S Medical Guide (Online Edition). Jaslow, R. (2013, May 3). CDC: 80 percent of American adults don't get recommended exercise. Retrieved November 15, 2016, from Thompson, D. (2015, July 09). Only 1 in 10 Americans eats enough fruits and veggies: CDC. Retrieved November 15, 2016, from USHFC, 2016. About the United States healthful food council. Retrieved November 15, 2016, from

HLTH 101 Journal


After you decide on a behavior to change for the Behavior Change Project, you will need to track that behavior, the number of steps you take, and the number of ounces of water you drink 5 days a week (at least one day should be a weekend day). You should do the following: 1. Using the behavior change packet where you developed weekly goals, enter the weekly goals at the beginning of each week. 2. Add each days date 3. Log the number of steps you took for the day from your pedometer 4. Log the number of ounces of water you drank 5. Log the behavior you are changing including if you met your goal and any barriers you experienced.

Name: Justin Joffe Target behavior to change: Adding more servings of fruits and vegetables until I reach five servings per day. Week 1 Goal: Date: 9/12/16 # Steps: 13,967 # ounces water: 128 Behavior observation: I had two apples today; one for breakfast and one for dinner. One apple is 2 servings. I did not eat any salad today. I played a long game of soccer and drank a soda and ate a bag of chips to satisfy my hunger; however, I felt guilty after. Date: 9/13/16 # Steps: 15,440 # ounces water: 130 Behavior observation: I did not have any fruit today but I had 2+ plates of salad and cooked vegetables. I went to the gym for an hour and a half and felt great after. Unfortunately, I was very hungry after the gym and start to snack a little too much. Date: 9/14/16 # Steps: 13,705 # ounces water: 144

!6 Behavior observation: Had two apples and a small plate of salad today. Went to the gym and played a hard game a soccer after. My friend offered to buy me a soda and it was hard to deny him; I wish I said no, as a felt guilty after drinking it. Date: 9/15/16 # Steps: 6807 # ounces water: 96 Behavior observation: Did not have any fruit but had a lot of vegetables in salad and as a side (cooked vegetables). Did not go to the gym as I was very sore from the gym and soccer yesterday; this is why I believe I did not have that many steps. Date: 9/17/16 # Steps: 4285 # ounces water: 76 Behavior observation: Slept in till the afternoon as I was very tired but I played a long and tiring game of ultimate frisbee; felt good and tired after! Had two plates of salad. Week 2 Goal: Date: 9/19/16 # Steps: 7095 # ounces water: 128 Behavior observation: Had two apples and a plate of salad. Although I did not get my steps up, I felt good physically and mentally. Date: 9/20/16 # Steps: 9125 # ounces water: 80 Behavior observation: Had an apple and a plate of cooked vegetables. Played an hour long game of ultimate frisbee and went to the gym after but didn’t feel like a had a good workout. Date: 9/21/16 # Steps: 12,302 # ounces water: 146 Behavior observation: I was very active today as I played a long game of soccer in the evening. I ate 3 apples today and two small plates of salad over the course of lunch, dinner, and snack. I weighed myself after the gym at the end of the day and I dropped 3

!7 pounds; because it was the end of the day, this means I could have lost close to 5-8 pounds total. Date: 9/22/16 # Steps: 12,296 # ounces water: 90 Behavior observation: Ate a banana and two plates of salad yesterday. Went to the Oriel’s game last name and was very active walking around. I tried going to the gym before but had no time to get there. Date: 9/25/16 # Steps: 7679 # ounces water: 64 Behavior observation: I was in the car for the most of the day because I was driving back home. I weighed myself when I got home and I believe I lost more weight than I have originally thought. I had 3 fruits and a small plate of salad for dinner (I only ate one meal that day). Week 3 Goal: Date: 9/26/16 # Steps: 9744 # ounces water: 106 Behavior observation: I had two apples and two small plates of salad for lunch and dinner; bringing my total of servings to four, which is my new target number for the week. Date: 9/27/16 # Steps: 9979 # ounces water: 90 Behavior observation: I had 3 apples and a plate of salad throughout the day. I did not go to the gym because I donated double red blood cells at the blood drive. I felt great and was active throughout the day.

!8 Date: 9/28/16 # Steps: 10625 # ounces water: 160 Behavior observation: I felt very active today; I had 3 plates of salad and an apple throughout the day and I played a game of soccer. I had a lot of studying for an exam so I could not be as active as I would have wanted. Date: 9/29/16 # Steps: 11264 # ounces water: 160 Behavior observation: Pulled an all-nighter then was very active during the day. Had my weekly servings of fruit and vegetables. Even though I only got one hour of sleep that night, I still managed to go to the gym for an hour and a half! Date: 10/2/16 # Steps: 1469 # ounces water: 48 Behavior observation: I had to write a paper the entire day and did not feel physically active at all. Had a family dinner and made sure to include my daily servings of fruits and vegetables. I have noticed that it is becoming much more natural to grab fruits and vegetables before the main dish or the deserts. Week 4 Goal: Date: 10/5/16 # Steps: 13,661 # ounces water: 160 Behavior observation: Had to pull an all-nighter for an exam. Still managed to meet the necessary requirement of daily fruits and vegetables, however I became sick from staying up all night. Still played a game of soccer. Date: 10/6/16 # Steps: 9294 # ounces water: 64 Behavior observation: Felt very sick and could not meet the daily requirements as I couldn't make myself eat that much. Still managed to go to the gym and have a small workout.

!9 Date: 10/7/16 # Steps: 9539 # ounces water: 80 Behavior observation: Did not meet requirement again due to being sick, even though I wanted to reach it. Felt very weak so I did not go to the gym and just rested. Date: 10/8/16 # Steps: 2188 # ounces water: 48 Behavior observation: Was very sick so I slept the most of the day. Had 4 servings of salad but no fruit. Date: 10/9/16 # Steps: 5309 # ounces water: 90 Behavior observation: Still felt sick but managed to go to the gym for an hour and a half workout. Only had 4 servings of fruits and vegetables because of little access to it since it is the weekend and I do not eat at the on campus dining hall. Calculated the # of calories I had that day (assignment for my other class) and it was just over 1000 calories total. Week 5 Goal: Date: 10/10/16 # Steps: 9469 # ounces water: 80 Behavior observation: Today was the first day that I stated to feel better. Had 2 apples, a pear, and two plates of salad. I even went to the gym after a 3 hour exam because I was motivated to get healthy again after being sick. Date: 10/11/16 # Steps: 3060 # ounces water: 90 Behavior observation: I can tell that my strength is regaining from being sick. Had two plums and 3 servings of salad. Had to drive back home so I could not go to the gym.

!10 Date: 10/13/16 # Steps: 12736 # ounces water: 112 Behavior observation: Had an apple in the morning for breakfast, and a plate of salad for lunch and dinner. Although I did not go to the gym, I played in the championship soccer game for my intramural team, so I was very active. I also had two apples after the game and a bag of chips. Date: 10/14/16 # Steps: 8645 # ounces water: 82 Behavior observation: Had a banana for breakfast but could not make myself have salad at lunch because I was not that hungry; was full right after main course. I had cooked vegetables for dinner, which brought me to my daily servings requirement. Date: 10/15/16 # Steps: 2533 # ounces water: 70 Behavior observation: Saturday’s are usually my off days, as I slept in until 1pm. I did manage to eat fruits and vegetables and had the weekly requirement over lunch and dinner and had an apple for a snack. Week 6 Goal: Date: 10/18/16 # Steps: 3788 # ounces water: 56 Behavior observation: Although I wasn't as active today, I monitored what I ate and still managed to eat the necessary amount of fruit and vegetable servings for the day. Date: 10/19/16 # Steps: 14,726 # ounces water: 128 Behavior observation: Today I was very active and felt great. I even managed to push myself to go to the gym (once in the morning and once in the evening). I had 3 medium apples and two plates of salad over the course of lunch, dinner, and snack. I also had cooked vegetables during dinner.

!11 Date: 10/20/16 # Steps: 8811 # ounces water: 100 Behavior observation: I had fruit for breakfast and managed to meet the daily requirement throughout the day. I did not go to the gym because I needed to rest from the day before. Date: 10/21/16 # Steps: 8570 # ounces water: 90 Behavior observation: I was very motivated to meet the daily requirement and even exceeded by one serving. I had an apple for snack and managed go to the the gym before I hung out with friends in the evening. Date: 10/23/16 # Steps: 8570 # ounces water: 120 Behavior observation: I went to the gym in the morning and had a very good and intense workout. I had an apple for snack and some salad but did not meet the daily requirement. Week 7 Goal: Date: 10/24/16 # Steps: 11240 # ounces water: 210 Behavior observation: I had either 6 or 7 servings of fruit and vegetables and I went to the gym. I was very thirsty the entire day and drank a lot of water. Date: 10/25/16 # Steps: 10455 # ounces water: 128 Behavior observation: I managed to eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables but had to force myself. I was very motivated to go to the gym again and had a great workout. Date: 10/26/16 # Steps: 13215 # ounces water: 100

!12 Behavior observation: I was short for my servings of fruit and vegetables as I only managed to get 4 servings. I still went to the gym and did 45 minutes of intense cardio on the bike. Date: 10/27/16 # Steps: 10691 # ounces water: 96 Behavior observation: I exceeded the daily requirement of fruits and vegetables as I had three apples and three plates of salad throughout the day. I could not go to the gym because I was very sore and tired from the previous workouts. Date: 10/30/16 # Steps: 9489 # ounces water: 100 Behavior observation: I did not have any access to fruits or vegetables so I was unable to meet the daily requirement. I did, however, go to the gym and had a great workout. Week 8 Goal: Date: 10/31/16 # Steps: 8308 # ounces water: 120 Behavior observation: Not only did I meet the daily requirement, but I succeeded it by 2 servings for a total of seven servings. I was too tired to go to the gym because of waking up early and the workout from the day before. Date: 11/1/16 # Steps: 11,117 # ounces water: 140 Behavior observation: I felt very active today and even exceeded my daily requirements. I forced myself to go to the gym because I slacked off yesterday. Date: 11/2/16 # Steps: 8139 # ounces water: 100 Behavior observation: Today was a day of a lot of sitting and studying as I have a big exam tomorrow. I still managed to have 5 servings of fruits and vegetables and managed to go to the gym for my break.

!13 Date: 11/3/16 # Steps: 11166 # ounces water: 150 Behavior observation: I went to sleep very late the night before and woke up very early. I studied most of the day but somehow I was very active and still managed to push myself to get the the gym. I noticed that when I woke up I am starting to get sick. For meals, I ate 6 servings of fruits and vegetables. Date: 11/6/16 # Steps: 6085 # ounces water: 120 Behavior observation: I am very sick since the end of the week (probably from late nights and early mornings). Accessing fruits and vegetables were hard but I had 4 servings of fruits and vegetables. I did not go to the gym because I am sick.

!14 HLTH101 - Health Behavior Change Project PUPROSE The purpose of this assignment is for you to work on your own WELLNESS by adopting a health behavior that will help you to improve your own life. You will be journaling daily to keep track of progress along with tracking steps from your pedometer and water intake. INSTRUCTIONS Below is a behavior change process that you are to follow in changing any health related behavior you wish. Your choice of behavior should be made after completion of the pre-test assessment. You do not have to limit your choices to the categories in this assessment since some behaviors (e.g., better use of time, meditation, etc.) are not included. The only requirement is that behavior you want to change must clearly be health-related. The intent of the assignment is to provide you with a specific, step-by-step process to try as a method of changing behavior now or anytime in the future. Once you have decided upon the behavior you wish to change complete Step 1, sign the bottom of the page and hand it in to the instructor. You will be required to submit this COMPLETED packet during the first few weeks of the semester. There will be a journal check approximately halfway through the semester. Near the end of the semester (see Syllabus for exact due date) you will be required to submit: 1) evidence of your progress in record/journal form with daily journaling, daily steps, and daily water intake 2) a two-page reflection paper based on this process. In your paper you should: A. Provide evidence (including all tables and charts as required in the process) that you followed the process, including documentation of tracking your progress and journal entries. B. Compare your behavior change with US population. Use relevant data and statistics. C. Provide evidence that you reached your goal, or, if you did not reach your goal, explain why and suggest changes you could make in the future. Use the provided “Goal Progress” table to summarize your results. D. Analyze this process. Did it work for you? What did you learn from following the process? Could you use the process personally in the future? You should have three reputable sources. These sources should help you describe the behavior and provide the data used in the comparison calculations. The sources should be in APA format.

!15 The reflection should be 2 pages, 12 point font (Ariel or Times New Roman), double spaced, with 1 inch margins. Your behavior change packet and journal should be submitted for review with the reflection paper. All files should be uploaded to Blackboard.

BEHAVIOR CHANGE PROCESS OF_______________________________________ (Name)

STEP 1: SELECT YOUR LONG-TERM GOAL. From the results of your HRA/Wellness Survey and/or your awareness of your own behaviors, identify one behavior that you would like to work on ch...

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