Behavior Improvement Plan (BIP) Form PDF

Title Behavior Improvement Plan (BIP) Form
Course Behavioral Support Strategies for K-12 Learners with Mild to Moderate Exceptionalities
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 5
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Behavior Improvement Plan (BIP) Form

D001: BIP

Karen Ehresman D001

Behavior Improvement Plan (BIP) Form

Student: Eric

Date: May 2, 2021

Target behavior: In the classroom when instructed by his teacher to work on independent work Eric will refuse. Eric will doodle on his schoolwork, ignore his teacher by looking out the window, or put his head down on the desk. The teacher will try to prompt Eric by giving the Work First Then Choice reward. After 10 minutes the teacher will redirect again by reminding Eric his work needs to be done. When Eric still refuses to work, he is sent to the Safe Seat. When Eric displays this behavior, he is avoiding doing his independent work since he would rather be working with a group. This behavior is being reinforced by allowing Eric to change seats and still not be responsible to get his independent work done

Replacement behavior: Since the target behavior is refusal to do independent work, the replacement behavior will be for Eric to work on his independent work for at least 20 minutes and to communicate when he feels frustrated and needs a break.

Describe when and where the behavior is expected to be performed. The replacement behavior will take place in the classroom when the expectation is to be working on independent work and tasks. Eric will work on communicating with his teacher if he does not understand the assignment or material or is frustrated and needing a small break.


D001: BIP

Behavior Improvement Plan (BIP) Form

Strategies for teaching the replacement behavior: The first instructional strategy to be used to help Eric with behavior replacement would be to use questioning and prompting. The teacher will prompt Eric before group time is over that the next expectation is independent work time. Also, to help Eric with the transition the teacher can ask Eric if he needs a small break before he begins his independent work or remind him, he can always ask for a break. This strategy will help prepare Eric what is expected of him next and keep him on track. Another strategy that can be used to help teach replacement behavior is using the positive behavior support strategy. The teacher will provide Eric with positive feedback when she notices that Eric followed directions the first time and while Eric is staying on task and doing his independent work. This will help reinforce the desired replacement behavior as it will help Eric feel supported and he will gain confidence and recognition for his effort in completing his independent work.

Reinforcement procedure: Eric will be able to earn points towards for either free choice (writing, drawing, or reading time) or having the opportunity to have a peer work with him during independent work. To earn theses points Eric will need to be able to transition from group work to independent work being prompted or asked once and be responsible for completing his independent work during the assigned time.

Stakeholders: Since the reinforcement procedure will be taking place in the general education classroom, the responsible stakeholders will be Eric’s teacher and any support staff that may be in the room at the times when independent work will be done. The teacher will be responsible for awarding and keeping track of any points Eric earned. The support staff will help the teacher by letting her know when they see Eric following the expectations.

Appropriate of reinforcement procedure: This reinforcement procedure is appropriate since it was stated in Eric’s case study that he enjoyed writing, reading, and drawing. Eric stated himself that he enjoys working with his peers and doesn’t get the opportunity to unless it is during group work. Also, in the case study Eric’s mother mentioned that he does like to work for rewards and does works hard to earn the rewards.

Accommodations/modifications needed: To help support Eric in feeling like he can take a break when feeling overwhelmed or frustrated, he will be allowed to use “take a break” cards. Eric will start each day with 3 “take a break’ cards that he will be ale to use during independent work time throughout the school day. These cards will allow Eric to take a short 2-minute break before returning to his work.


Behavior Improvement Plan (BIP) Form

D001: BIP

This accommodation is appropriate as it help support Eric when he feels overwhelmed or distracted in class as mentioned in his case study.

Data tracking: The replacement behavior will be tracked by Eric’s general education teacher by using an interval recording data sheet. The teacher will track the replacement behavior in a 20minute observation period with 60 second intervals once a day. The time of the observations will occur at different times each day. At the end of each week the teacher will call Eric’s mother at a scheduled time to discuss his progress.

Time frame (in days, weeks, or months) when team will reconvene to review the BIP The team will reconvene in 4 weeks to review the BIP. At that time the team will review the data and make any adjustments to the BIP and discuss any additional concerns or achievements that they may have concerning Eric. It will be decided at that time if the BIP will still be needed and if so for how long.

Progress Monitoring and Adjustments Implementation of BIP The special education and general education teacher took time to meet with Eric to go over the expectations of what is to be expected of him before and during independent work time. They went over the plan to use prompts and questions when it is time to transition from group work to independent work. The teachers also discussed with Eric how the point system is going to work and how he can earn his free choice time or working with a peer. During that time, they also worked with Eric on how to use his “take a break” cards and where is break space would be in the classroom (at his desk). The general ed. teacher has been keeping track of Eric’s data on his work refusal and transitions from group work to independent work. Though there has been improvement, Eric is still having trouble transitioning from group work to independent work. When this happens, Eric will engage in the target behavior of work refusal and will ignore the teacher putting his head on his desk. Eric has shown improvement on communication of feeling


D001: BIP

Behavior Improvement Plan (BIP) Form

overwhelmed or frustrated while doing his independent work and has used his “take a break” cards appropriately. The data is showing that Eric is completing the replacement behavior 55% of the time.

Adjustments to BIP A recommended adjustment to the Behavior Improvement Plan is for Eric to use a visual schedule. Research has shown that visual schedules can help students with ASD to process visual information more successfully than verbal directions. Visual schedules can also help those students with ASD feel more independent and can reduce anxiety by knowing what their day is going to look like and what the expectations will be for the day (Hume,2018). By using a visual schedule for Eric this will hopefully help him feel less overwhelmed and distracted in his transitions from group work to independent work. Another recommended adjustment to the BIP is to use Social Stories. Research has shown that using Social Stories can improve many types of behavior, such as on-task behavior. Having the teacher work with Eric on a Social Story will help him identify how he may feel during transition times and what his expectations will be, these can be reviewed repeatedly as needed to help keep his behavior on task (Gray, 2015). By using Social Stories with Eric this will play into his strengths of writing and illustrating.


Gray, C. (2015, November 2). What is a social story? Carol Gray - Social Stories. Hume, Indiana Resource Center for Autism, K. (2019, December 1). Visual schedules in the school setting. Reading Rockets.


D001: BIP

Behavior Improvement Plan (BIP) Form

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