Belbeck case study 1 PDF

Title Belbeck case study 1
Course Marketing Management
Institution College of Staten Island CUNY
Pages 7
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Belbeck case study...


Leadership & Organizational Behavior (2019SP1-MGMT-6020-03) Bel asen' sCor por at eCommuni cat i on

Angela Przybysz

1 Angela Przybysz

1. What should Bell tell her management team?

Bell should convey the emergency of the matter and how it is important for the management to take a wakeup call to the underlying issues plaguing the company. She should also make it abundantly clear to her management team that failing to take actions may result in the company being merged or acquired by other company. This would convey the urgency of the matter better than any other method. The stake of the company's future in the actions taken for a better organizational culture will surely make the management listen and prepare them for the inevitable changes in the organization.

2. Who are the key stakeholders in this case? What kind of power do they have?

The key stakeholders, in this case, are the investors who have invested their money in the firm. They have huge power as it seems that their decision can very well lead to a merger or an acquisition of the firm by other company. And very rightfully so. The failure of the firm in the current condition is a sure thing and the investors will lose their money if they fail to take action to rectify the matter.

The second stakeholders are employees. They have medium power in the matter and will be easily convinced when the urgency of the changes proposed are conveyed in a constructive manner. From the management to the lower level employees, the communication system has failed at all lives and the employees not only need to take responsibility for their contribution in the matter but also help in implementing the new changes to make the communication system an effective one.

2 Angela Przybysz

3. How would you describe the culture at BelBeck? The company’s pattern of communication?

The culture at BelBeck is in haphazard shape with no clear lines of authority, responsibility and effective management of work. Although the staff gets work done, there is no coordination between their efforts. Any business organizations need to coordinate the efforts and the work performed by the staff to reach their short term targets, as well as long term organizational goals. When the work of the staff is not coordinated to meet small targets set for a shorter team, it is inevitable that they would be insufficient to meet the long term organizational goals as well.

The communication of the staff is minimal which leads to small as well as big problems for the company. The staff indulges in the blame game as well when things go awry which doesn't bode well for a business company. Poor communication leads to lower employee participation in the matters of importance to the company as they don't feel well connected to the organization, lower quality of the products and services as their efforts are not coordinated enough to provide high-quality output and poor customer intentions ultimately it is the customer who suffers the insufficiency of the staff and may change their loyalty to another firm in the industry.

To become and remain the top company in this industry, BelBeck has to coordinate their efforts, create an efficient communication system which provides responsibility as well as accountability for the tasks performed and the employees involved. This would ensure the proper

3 Angela Przybysz

management of the time, resources of the company and will help BelBeck in becoming a successful company in the industry.

4. What are the organizational issues confronting Bell?

The organizational issues faced by Bell are related to employee, management and investors. The employee needs to be trained in implementing a proper communication system which will be difficult as they are used to working in the current manner and will have to be prepared for a complete shift in the authority, accountability and responsibility changes in the organization.

The management must implement new working policies which will help them in achieving the target of creating efficient work communication between various teams and coordinating their efforts to achieve a higher goal for the organization.

The investors will have to convinced that the management is working towards bringing changes in the manner in which its daily operations are conducted and that the changes will yield positive results in a very short time due to the support of a very cooperating staff and the efficiency of management in implementing the changes down to the lowest levels of the management.

4 Angela Przybysz

5. Create a chart of BelBeck’s organizational structure.

6. How would you reconfigure the structure of BelBeck? What are the benefits of such a configuration? Chart the new structure.

The best thing to do is to move to a divisional structure, self-contained units. This is because the units are already specialized and are capable of performing independently. This will free up management time, reduce inter-divisional conflict and enhance connectivity (communication) within the units- ultimately improving communication across all levels.

5 Angela Przybysz

7. Develop a communication plan for monitoring the success of the reorganization.

The main idea is to have a roadmap for consistent communication across all levels so that the workforce remains focused and productive. The plan should define important communication strategies to focus on, their implementation and assessment.

The plan must comprise:

Current business status

Business goals that you seek to achieve

Your audience (who you need to report/communicate with)

Method of communication

Time of communication

How to measure progress (setting measurement criteria)

6 Angela Przybysz

8. Evaluate the success of the communication plan from the perspective of employees, manger, founders, customers, and equity holders.

Employees: Open, transparent work atmosphere. Defined targets lead to focused performance. Better communication avoids inter-worker/ manager-worker conflict

Managers: Easier to manage employees and evaluate their performance. Timely updates to superiors for action/insight. Speedier decision making. More time on hand for process improvement.

Founders: Process-oriented, productive workplace. Better output- increased sales, enhanced goodwill, more profits

Customers: Better products resulting from a focused & timely process. Higher satisfaction from improved quality, latest goods and timely service.

Equity Holders: Better organizational performance and happy customer’s leads to a higher market value. Share prices increase and there's more money!...

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