Bella’s A case study in organizational behavior Single Case Documentation Package - Winter 2020docx.docxv 1 (1) (1) PDF

Title Bella’s A case study in organizational behavior Single Case Documentation Package - Winter 2020docx.docxv 1 (1) (1)
Author Elfenderiqī yeeeet
Course Organizational Behaviour
Institution Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
Pages 26
File Size 656.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 92
Total Views 151


Download Bella’s A case study in organizational behavior Single Case Documentation Package - Winter 2020docx.docxv 1 (1) (1) PDF


ORGB1135 Team Case Project – Documentation Bella’s: A case study in organizational behavior (Your roadmap to success!) Winter 2020


Getting Started on your Team Case Project: Individual work first! NAME______________________________________ This project is meant to be a wholly integrated report. You will work collaboratively to produce a jointly researched and authored final product. The scope of research is limited to your textbook and the case study you are given. Other groups are working on the same project at the same time; there is a standard of achievement described on the assignment details in this package. One of the most challenging aspects of collaborative group work assignments is knowing how to get started. The first step is to make certain that you understand the assignment. On your own through the Case Documentation Package carefully. Then answer the following questions (adapted from Graham Gibbs, Learning in Teams: A Student Manual (Oxford: Oxford Brookes University, 1994), to help you clarify the objectives and expectations for this project before you get started: 1. What is the purpose of the project?

2. What are you expected to learn?

3. What skills are you expected to develop?

4. How this group work assignment is related to the course content and learning outcomes?

5. What are you expected to produce? What are the formatting requirements for the project report?

6. Are you skilled with the requirements of the format or will you need support, resources, or instruction? What avenues of support are available to you?

7. What are the deadlines?

8. What specific skills or traits do you as a team member bring to your case team as a contributing member? 2

ORGB1135 – Organizational Behaviour Team Case Study Project and Team Performance Contract Guidelines As a member of a team, you will be completing an analysis of a case study. The purpose of the project is threefold: I. Use the case study method to analyze a business situation


Gain an understanding of team dynamics Recognize how individual behaviours have implications and have an impact on

others. However, before you begin working as a team on the case study your team will develop a team contract that clearly outlines team member expectations. Creating Your Team Contract: The framework for your contract that you are required to develop is on the next page of this package. Each team will submit a charter with each member’s name and signatures included. The team contract must include: 1. TEAM NAME: The name should be something your team can identify with. 2. OBJECTIVES: Determine the goals for your group. That is, what do you hope to accomplish? Get a good mark? (be specific on the grade) Learn course material? Develop new friends? Learn how to work better in a group setting? When will your project be ready for submission: before the due date, on the due date? 3. TERMS OF YOUR CONTRACT: The main purpose of a charter is to provide a sense of organization between those who are in the group. What are the basic requirements and expectations for each team member? Consider attendance to meetings, being ready for meetings, contributions towards the team project. 4. CONTINGENCY PLANNING: is a plan devised for an outcome other than in the usual (expected) plan. How will you deal with breach of contract: lack of attendance to meetings, being late for meetings, lack of contribution and participation, etc…? 5. CREATE A FIRING CLAUSE: what actions or lack thereof constitutes being released (fired) from the team. Note: the instructor must be consulted on all recommended firings. To begin:  Access an electronic copy of the basic contract from Moodle  With your team discuss and complete the required fields, and any additional pertinent information  Print off a copy and have everyone sign it  Hand in the signed copy


TEAM CHARTER / CONTRACT FOR ORGB1135 Case Project Team TEAM NAME: _______________________________ OBJECTIVES: 1. 2. 3.



FIRING CLAUSE: Active participation is required for all stages of the Team Case Project. Failure to be actively involved in any stage may result in an individual’s firing from the team. The team in consultation with the instructor will fire a team member who is in breach of Team Contract terms and/or the expectations of the Team Case Project assignment. Name: (Print)











________________________ 4

APPENDIX A – PEER EVALUATION ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION: 1.0 Attendance was sporadic and often unexcused; was not dependable; handled less than fair share. Was often texting or doing other work; left early. 2.0 3.0 Was usually present for team work and accepted responsibility for assignments. Sometimes left early, did other work or was distracted. 4.0 Was present almost every time we convened as a team. If s/he had to be absent, s/he volunteered to handle more of the assignments the next time. Focused on the group. 5.0 Had perfect attendance and was focused on the group. PREPARATION: 1.0 Was unfamiliar with the assigned material; did not complete readings or homework. 2.0 3.0 Was somewhat familiar with the material but seldom volunteered ideas or other discussion of it. 4.0 5.0 Knew the assigned material well, completed all readings/homework, and offered ideas. INITIATIVE AND COLLABORATION: 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

Displayed no interest in assignment beyond the bare minimum to get by. Showed some initiative and was moderately interested in improving his/her performance and in helping the team beyond what is minimally required to complete the assignment. Was very interested in going above and beyond the call of duty in order that the team did a thorough job completing assignments.

COMMUNICATION: 1.0 Was often incomplete and/or vague; main points were poorly stated; was often misunderstood; unable to handle situations that required thinking on your feet. 2.0 3.0 Does an adequate job of getting ideas across, but often has to be questioned closely for clarification 4.0 5.0 Communication was consistently accurate, well organized, and articulate; presented thoughts in a clear and logical manner, helped the team focus on key points COOPERATION: 1.0 Resisted assignments and was generally unconcerned about what the team had to do. 2.0 3.0 Would take on assignments if requested and was generally helpful. 4.0 5.0 Consistently volunteered to take on assignments and was very flexible in meeting the team’s needs CONTRIBUTION: 1.0 Acted more like an observer; seldom, if ever, had any ideas or comments. 2.0 3.0 Was willing and able to share and discuss ideas.


4.0 5.0

A very strong team member who contributed numerous good ideas to our team.





FALL 2019

CASE: Bella’s: A case study in organizational behavior (back of this package) PROJECT REPORT LAYOUT: (not to exceed 20 pages of content excluding *) Please ensure the following sections are included in your report and in the following order (page guidelines are provided): o o o o o o o

*Title Page & Table of Contents Introduction to the Situation: no more than one page Statement of the Problem: - 1 to 2 sentences (see page 14) Analysis of the Problem: 8 page minimum Alternatives and Solution to the Problem: 1.5 to 2 pages Justification of the Solution: 2-3 pages *References List: Textbook and case only; no outside sources permitted

STANDARDS: Your report is to be completed with a consistent business report quality. Please edit and proofread your report carefully as grammar and spelling errors may result in up to a 10% deduction. Report formatting standards are detailed on page 10 of this document. DUE DATES:  Feb. 7, 2020: Paper copy of submission of Team Contract (worth a maximum of 2 bonus points added to STAGE 2 total points). Online sections will post to Moodle Dropbox.

 Feb. 7, 2020: Problem Statement: will be approved in class. Online sections will post their proposed case problem statement to Moodle on the Team Discussion forum no later than 11:55pm. After approval of your team’s problem statement, you will proceed logically through three distinct stages. The due dates for these stages are:

 STAGE 1 March 20, 2020: DRAFT Case Report Submission including Title page, Introduction, Problem Statement and Analysis posted to Moodle drop box no later than 11:55pm. Day class will post to Moodle Dropbox. Online class – XXXXXXXX DRAFT Case Report Submission including Title page, Introduction, Problem Statement and Analysis posted to Moodle drop box no later than 11:55pm. Stage one can be use only if the instructor is requesting a draft….  STAGE 2 March 27, 2020 @ FINAL SUBMISSION due @ start of class: STAGE 1 and 2 components. Online sections only will post to Moodle Dropbox 11:55pm.


 STAGE 3 – Process Report Friday, April 3, 2020 (Worth 10%). will post on Moodle Dropbox by April 3, 2020

Day Class/Online


ORGB1135 Team Case Report Requirements The case study is both an academic exercise as well as an opportunity to resolve an organizational problem. In this context, as Organizational Behaviour (OB) students, you will work in teams, acting as consultants, to analyze an organizational situation by applying the theories and concepts learned in class. Your team will identify possible solutions and recommend an overall best solution. Your written case report must include the parts indicated below:

REPORT SUBMISSION INCLUDES: STAGE 1 and STAGE 2 Introduction (STAGE 1): This section is a very brief summary of what is happening and should be limited to no more than one page. Assume that the reader has never seen the actual case study, so you will need to be sure that the reader understands the “big picture” as to what is happening in the case. Include names and information on significant occurrences/events. Statement of the Problem (STAGE 1): In no more than one or two sentences, present the major Organizational Problem as you see it. Remember to focus on the problem, not a symptom. Refer to page 14 of this documentation package. Analysis (STAGE 1): A major objective of this section is to illustrate clearly how you are using each chosen theory or theory areas to better understand the causes of the problem. Show that you are applying course material. Use subject terminology and concepts to demonstrate your understanding and ability to link to a situation (details from the case) Some questions to ask when writing your analysis of the problem section are a. Have we applied appropriate course material? b. Do the causes relate to the problem statement? c. When we draw conclusions or make assumptions, do we support these conclusions or assumptions with an example from the case? In the Analysis you MUST use OB terminology throughout the report in your explanations to demonstrate your understanding and application of the concepts. However, definitions are not required. Although you may use definitions to introduce a topic, keep them short. Additionally in the Analysis section:  Apply a theory/concept to a given situation or person and provide examples from the case to support your viewpoint. Use of direct quotes from the case can be useful.  Explain how the concept relates to the situation or is a factor contributing to the problem. This must always be done. If what you are discussing cannot be related to the problem and/or situation, then it is not worth discussing.  Be thorough in your analysis. Use the textbook as well as supplemental course notes and handouts to aid you in your analysis.  Do not make value judgments without support.  Do not offer solutions in the analysis section. Do not say what should or shouldn’t happen. Stick with analyzing what has already occurred.  Do not say what someone should or should not have done in the past. Discuss only what happened. Reference List (STAGE 1): No outside sources are required for this project as the purpose of 9

this project is for the student to demonstrate their ability to connect organizational behaviour theories to an organizational setting. Therefore, the only sources will be the required Organizational Behaviour textbook and the Case Study reference. STAGE 2: Includes all STAGE 1 components (edited from instructor feedback provided) PLUS these final components: Solutions to the Problem (STAGE 2): Begin this section by restating your problem statement. Next, identify two potential solutions to the problem. These must be distinct, realistic and practical. 1. For the first solution explain why it is an option, but also why you are not choosing it as the optimal solution. 2. For the second and chosen solution, simply state what the solution is. The explanation will come in the Justification section. Solutions should be reasonable, practical ideas based on O.B. theories. Any solutions that have a financial cost should be carefully explored because companies do not like to implement expensive solutions. Solutions that suggest education or training of current managers or employees should also be carefully explored because they may be long-term strategies where there are critical short-term needs. Feel free to discuss your solutions with your instructor to see how cost effective and timely they are. Some questions to ask when writing your solutions a. Have we provided specific solutions that could easily be acted upon? b. Are our solutions going to resolve the problem as quickly as possible? c. Are there additional long-term solutions that are required to completely eliminate our identified problem? d. Have we stated the solution(s) in clear, strong, confident language? Justification of the Solution (STAGE 2): The justification identifies why your chosen solution will work, not only to solve the problem, but to deal with the symptoms as well. You need to connect this justification back to all of the issues you discussed in the case study analysis. Be detailed in your explanation. In some cases, a chosen solution may not address everything. In that case, indicate that a particular issue will need to be dealt with separately. Some questions to ask: a. Does our justification apply the O.B. theories from our analysis? b. Does our justification use only theory and material discussed in previous sections of our case discussion? Note, this isn’t the place to introduce new material. c. Is the reader going to be convinced by our justification that our solution will work? 10

REPORT FINAL SUBMISSION: You will submit your full case report; all case report requirements of STAGE 1 and 2. Based on instructor feedback of your team's STAGE 1 submission, you will be expected to revise STAGE 1 accordingly as part of your FINAL SUBMISSION. FORMATTING: Cover : The report must be submitted as a Word Document. Title page: The title page must include the following: The Assignment Title of your report; your group’s name and each group member’s name; the course (ORGB1135 - Organizational Behaviour ); instructor’s name; the submission date; school name. Table of Contents: A correctly formatted table of contents must be included. Your report must include page numbers on the bottom of each page. Page Numbers: Page numbers must be included on each page, starting with Page 1 after the Table of Contents. Report Proper: 1. The report must include all of the sections and components as listed above. You do not need to begin a new page for each section/component. For example, the Introduction and Problem Statement can be on the same page, etc. 2. You must submit all assignments / projects using APA format, which includes:  1-inch margins on all sides  12-point Times New Roman font  Double spacing  Indented paragraph style  Word formatted headings are to be used, where appropriate.  Page numbers  All outside sources – whether quoted, paraphrased, or summarized – must be cited using both in-text citations and a reference page. 3. Documentation: You must include in-text citations and a references list using the APA format. Include author’s last name, date and page number. Here are two quick reference electronic sources: APA Formatting and Style Guide - The OWL at Purdue How to Write Citations and Bibliographies in APA Style The reference list is on a separate page with all entries being listed alphabetically.


READABILITY: In order to get your point across and be understood, your writing must be clear, concise and grammatically correct. Pay attention to the following:  Maintain a consistent style of writing. If your group decides to have different people type up different sections of the report, you need to ensure that the report reads as if one person wrote it. Everyone has their own style, so you must merge styles so that the report is cohesive.  Always lead into a topic. That is, if you are discussing the topic of Personality, discuss the concept first and why it is important to analyze before you start describing an individual’s personality.  Do not use YOU. Your report is a third party narrative and you should never use the words you, your, me, my, I or any other 1st or 2nd person pronoun. Approach the case as if you are a consultant to the issue.  Maintain tense. Be sure that you don’t switch between tenses (i.e. Present tense and past tense) without a smooth transition. This includes incorporating quotes.  Proofread carefully for grammar and spelling. ALL members of the group should proofread the final copy.  Ensure your report is readable. It is essential that reports in today’s business environment are clear, and readable. Compiling a case study report requires a lot of time, so it is important to ensure the content is given the merit it deserves by producing a readable report.


ORGB1135 TEAM CASE: – Bella’s: A case study in organizational behavior A Guide for Stage 1 STAGE 1: Introduction, Problem Statement, Analysis Mark

Introduction Problem Statement Analysis: Chapter 9 and 10: /5 Group Behaviour/Work Team:  Group Cohesiveness  Creating Effective Teams  Other(s)  Meaning is clear and concise Chapter 3: /6 Attitudes and Job Satisfaction  Job Attitudes  Responses to Dissatisfaction  Meaning is clear and concise Chapter 4 – Emotions: /3  Emotional Intelligence/Emotional Labour Chapter 5 – Personality: /5  Meaning is clear and concise Chapter 6 – Perception: /5  Social Perception: Making Judgments about others.  Other(s)  Meaning is clear and concise Chapter 7/8 Motivation Theories/Concept to Applications: / 6  Three Theories  Other (Optional)  Meaning is clear and concise


Based on instructor’s feedback of your team’s Stage 1 submission, the team will be expected to revise Stage 1 accordingly as part of the Final Submission.

STAGE 2 RUBRIC: Case Grading Criteria DUE DATE: Friday, November 15, 2019 FINAL SUBMISSION Includes STAGE 1(edited) and 2 components (Stage 2) TEAM NAME: __________________________________________ STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 





Problem is clearly stated in no more than two sentences

ANALYSIS (see page 12)    

All assigned concepts are thoroughly applied Adequate support is given including quotes from case study OB terminology is used and definitions supplied where appropriate Ideas are connected to the problem statement/situation Topics are clearly led into Writing is clear, well organized and flows well.

  

Problem is restated Two realistic, dist...

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