Billionaires, Beavers & Bandits PDF

Title Billionaires, Beavers & Bandits
Author Cameron Tabatabaei
Course Billionaires, Beavers, & Banditos
Institution Wilfrid Laurier University
Pages 6
File Size 132.9 KB
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All 3 NA countries have been colonized (Canada, US, Mexico) Names Than-a-dell-tour La-Ma-lynch-eh Club Native ❏ Oka Crisis(1990) ❏ Near Montreal ❏ Sacred Ground to be covered for a golf course to be built ❏ Stand-off resulted w/ police, military to stop it ❏ Gov + Mohawk ❏ Waneek Hornmiller took to court and won. Recap Pocahontas ❏ The story is told in a place during colonization as a pure, virginal, romantic princess Thanadelthur ❏ Her story is that of a rugged, strong, powerful women during the fur trade who was a peacemaker, translator, and negotiator who navigated through harsh wilderness La Malinche(Mother of all Mexicans) ❏ Her story is fundamentally seen as that of a ‘loose’ indigenous women who scapegoated for the brutal colonization of Mexico by the for allowing colonizers to penetrate her land during conquest

Oct 3rd ❏ 1994 NAFTA cam into effect ❏ Oct 2nd USMCA Came into effect Oct 17th ● SAWP- Seasonal agricultural worker program (Work in BC or Ontario mostly from Mexico and Jamaica) ● Workers are flexible, reliable, and disciplined, although need others to speak for them because of their lack of ‘voice’ ● Otero, NAFTA has been bad for Mexico, because it has caused the loss of both food self-sufficient and (thereby) labor sovereignty (left them no choice but to move)

● *Asymetry* between Nafta. ● Assignment Due Wednesday 8 am. - Develop 2 good questions that flow from my focused topic and that will lead to a good thesis. Consider using ‘why’ or ‘how’ questions. ● Why & how questions lead  to Analysis, not Descriptive. ● Develop 1 thesis statement that must be amazing ● The thesis has to be an answer to one of the 2 questions. ● PDF or Word only ● Develop an outline for the paper, assuming it would be 2000 words. ● The outline should demonstrate that is has a structure to support claims/argument you are making in your thesis statement. FOCUSED TOPIC 2 GOOD QUESTIONS RELATED TO FOCUSED TOPIC ONE GOOD THESIS STATEMENT RELATED TO ONE QUESTION ABOVE.

2 questions: 1. How does narco-trafficking interrupt daily lives in Mexico? 2. How is it that the Mexican drug cartel uses narcotrafficking to gain Intro: Start paragraph with Narcotrafficking fact, End with the thesis. Paragraph 1: Cocaine takeover & trades and its danger to society Paragraph 2: Safety & Dangers (At night and during the day) on the lives of Mexicans Paragraph 3: Peoples lives due to corruption through the Mexican cartels Paragraph 4: The effect of dangerous drugs that can affect an entire community (never-ending-cycle) Conclusion: Restate all paragraphs with one sentence each and restate the thesis

Oct 24th. ● Thanadelthur ● MLK jr. ● Dolores Huerta ● El Chapo Themes ● “Interdisciplinarity” ● Perception/misperception (NAFTA, narcotrafficking) ● convergence/divergence (Democratic racism, ‘blackness’, colonization, colonialism) ● continentalism /sovereignty (War on drugs; migration, food/ labor) ● Asymmetry (citizenship, NAFTA, narcotrafficking) ● National identity formations (Thaneldelthur, Pocohantas, La Malinche, mixed race, music, art, pop culture) Recap ● Evelyn Krache Morris writes in foreign affairs; significant because she is suggesting that one of the US most important foreign affairs issues is drug trafficking organizations. (DTO’s) ● DTO’s use business models; including vertical integration, logistics, and profitability. ● Mercille offers an alternative explanation for the drug war, based on the central role of political economy.

● Argues that US gov. is playing an increasing role in fuelling the drug industry in order to promote their hegemonic project of economic liberalization. Oct 31st, Halloween Assignment 1. Using my outline assignment, restate thesis at the top of page 2. Choose one point in support of my thesis, taken from the outline. 3. Write 1 paragraph (250-300) words in support of the point you have identified in the previous step 4. Follow the guidelines for writing a good academic essay 5. Use MLA citations to identify any evidence used in the paragraph 6. Provide a brief Work Cited section at the end of the assignment. After the paragraph, include references to any sources that I have incorporated into the paragraph. This is likely to be 2-3 sources. The paragraph should look like● Intro or Topic sentence (Clearly identifies the point-related to thesis). ● A balance between scholarly evidence and own words explaining how the evidence proves my point. ● Carefully introduce evidence, noting where it comes from. ● Express ideas clearly, correctly and concisely. ● End with a concluding sentence that reiterated the main point demonstrated in the paragraph.

Nov 7th ● Anderson argues that there is a process of incremental integration within North America, led by non or sub-state actors and bureaucracies ● This ‘creeping’ activity has a profound impact, compared with more official arrangments, such as NAFTA. Creeping integration has always worked better. ● Robert Pastor, an advocate for North American continentalism, suggests NAFTA could serve North America blueprint for a community that binds all three nations to advance collective goals and interest as neighbors. ● Instead, NAFTA has been in decline ● Ideally, NAFTA should and could have reduced the income gap (asymmetry) between Mexico and Canada and the United States. “Sicko” ●

Nov 14th ● Fuchs tells us that the US healthcare system is very different. It spends more, but the share of expenses paid by government is much lower. ● Roseneau demonstrates that even very reputable news sources (E.g. new york times and Wall Street Journal) make mistakes, and dont always provide full, complete, accurate, coverage of an issue

Nov 21 ● Lee Rodneys article analyses billboards in both border regions/spaces. Visual culture can tell us a lot about what is really going on between the countries of North America ● Since 9/11, there has been an increased militarization of the US borderlands. The perception is that the American border is too porous and leaky. It is a place that needs to be tightly fortified, controlled and watched. But it is more open for trade (Nafta) ● Alm and Burkhart focus on how borderlands are portrayed by revealing what people living on both American and Canadian sides of the border have to say....

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