Bio 201 Spring 2020 Syllabus v14 sec 1 post PDF

Title Bio 201 Spring 2020 Syllabus v14 sec 1 post
Course Fundamentals of Biology Organisms to Ecosystems
Institution Stony Brook University
Pages 8
File Size 532.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 98
Total Views 143




Bio 201 Spring 2020 Syllabus – online instruction

Stony Brook University BIO 201 Fundamentals of Biology: Organisms to Ecosystems Spring 2020 Modality: Synchronous Zoom session during class meeting time, pre-recorded lecture videos (posted in Echo360 folder on Blackboard) to be viewed outside class time. Each Zoom session will be recorded and posted on Blackboard. Prof. True will generally respond to student emails within one day. I you cannot reach Prof. True via email please email [email protected]. COURSE MEETING TIME (Zoom) Section 1: Tuesday and Thursday 11:30AM-12:50PM, Javits 100 Section 2: Monday and Wednesday 2:30-3:50PM, Frey 100 Zoom sessions are accessible via the course Zoom link on Blackboard. Students will be expected to view the pre-recorded lectures, posted in the Echo360 folder on Blackboard (Documents) outside of class. The Zoom sessions will consist of questions/answers with the Instructor, as well as problem solving and discussion of course topics and assignments for that week. Instructor: John True Email: [email protected] Location: all office hours will be via email Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 1-2 or by appointment Graduate Assistants: (office hours will be conducted via email) Anna Thonis [email protected] Alejandro Gil Gomez [email protected] Tianyu Li [email protected]


Bio 201 Spring 2020 Syllabus – online instruction

Undergraduate Teaching Assistants:

Administrative Support: Fumio Aoki, Online and Technical Support email: [email protected] Location: Life Sciences Building, 6th floor Phone: 631-632-8539 Diane Pauciullo, Exam Issues email: [email protected] Location: 108 Centers for Molecular Medicine (CMM) Phone: 631-632-8171 Lynette Giordano, Course Registration and Waitlist Management email: [email protected] Location: 110 Centers for Molecular Medicine (CMM) Phone: 631-632-8530 GENERAL INFORMATION: BIO201 together with BIO202 and BIO203, make up a three- semester set of courses on Principles of Biology. These courses may be taken in any order. In BIO201, living organisms are explored from evolutionary, ecological, and structural points of view. These fundamental insights are vital to the understanding of all of biology. Prerequisites: Level 3 or higher on the mathematics placement examination or co-requisite MAT 123 or higher MAT course (for Stony Brook Students) COURSE DESCRIPTION: Our goal is to give you a strong foundation in the principles you need to understand and solve problems in the areas of organismal, ecological, and evolutionary biology. Whether your career goal is medicine, basic research, clinical research, or teaching; a sound, rigorous understanding 2

Bio 201 Spring 2020 Syllabus – online instruction

of these basic principles is crucial. Topics are presented in relation to five overall themes: Nature and Process of Science, Evolution, Information Flow, Systems, and Structure-Function. Learning Objectives: The learning objectives for the course are listed in a separate document posted in the “Documents” folder on Blackboard. TEXTBOOK: The textbook, Openstax Biology 2e, is free and downloadable from Blackboard (in the Documents folder; URL also posted in Announcements). It is intended to be a resource to help you learn the material discussed in class. Relevant chapters are listed in the schedule on Blackboard. You will not be tested on textbook material that is not discussed in class. COURSE ORGANIZATION: Overview: This course is organized into eight modules, each of which have associated lectures, in-class clicker questions, assignments, readings, and an online review quiz (assignment and due dates are listed in the Course Schedule, posted in the Syllabus area of Blackboard). The concept quizzes and assignments can be found in the Assignments folder on Blackboard and the lecture PowerPoints (pdfs) can be found in the Documents folder on Blackboard. Attendance is required and is assessed using clicker data. Finally, there will be one midterm exam in this course and a cumulative final exam. The content of the course is accessible to you via recorded classes on Echo360 (link in the Documents folder), lecture PowerPoints, e-textbook readings, and other materials posted on Blackboard. Blackboard: The course utilizes the Blackboard site at All information needed for this course is posted on the course’s Blackboard site. Pay attention to all announcements. You must use your e-mail. All course announcements are sent to you at this e-mail. If you have used Stony Brook's Blackboard system previously, your login information (Username and Password) has not changed. If you have never used Stony Brook's Blackboard system, your initial password is your SOLAR ID# and your username is the same as your Stony Brook (NET ID) username, which is generally your first initial and the first 7 letters of your last name. For help or more information see For problems logging in, go to the helpdesk in the Main Library SINC Site or the Union SINC Site, you can also call 631-632-9602 or email http://[email protected]. GRADED ACTIVITIES: Review Quizzes: Each module of the course has an associated review quiz that will consist of 10 random questions from a test bank for that topic. The quizzes will become available on or near the last class day of the module and be due on the date specified on the schedule below. The quizzes are graded for completion but must be taken by the due date to receive credit. A study version of each quiz will remain available beyond the due date for studying purposes. These quizzes include exam questions from previous semesters and are a good resource to use when studying for the exams. 3

Bio 201 Spring 2020 Syllabus – online instruction

Clicker Questions: Clicker questions will be asked during each class period. Students must use a physical clicker as the phone app is not supported in this class due to bandwidth limitations. Some of the clicker questions will have the option of more than one correct answer. For these questions, students will receive full credit if they select all the correct answers and no incorrect answers. They will receive partial credit for selecting some of the correct answers. Selecting an incorrect answer will result in point deductions. Clicker grades will appear on Blackboard as a percent correct for each class period. A student’s four lowest performing days will be dropped. If a student’s average clicker score is >70%, they will receive full credit for this portion of the grade. Clicker questions were used for the first half of the semester. For the second half of the semester, a set of online assignments will be used to substitute for the clicker portion of the course grade. These will be announced and posted on Blackboard. Exams: The midterm exam will consist of an open book/open notes set of multiple choice questions on blackboard. The final exam bill be similar format and will also be given online. See the course schedule for specific dates and times. Other assignments: There are several other homework assignments and videos as described in the schedule. These will be conducted on Blackboard. Note: All grade concerns/disputes must be made within two weeks of the posted score. BASIS OF GRADE: Your course grade will be determined as follows: Midterm exam: 35% Final exam: 35% Clicker questions (1st half) + replacement online assignments (2nd half): 15% Review Quizzes and homework on Blackboard: 15% Grading Scale: Letter Percentage* A 93-100 A90-92.9 B+ 87-89.9 B 83-86.9 B80-82.9 C+ 77-79.9 C 72-76.9 D 60-71.9 F 0-59 *approximate, based on previous semesters


Bio 201 Spring 2020 Syllabus – online instruction

STONY BROOK CURRICULUM: SNW SYLLABUS STATEMENT: After taking this course, students are expected to have formed a basic understanding of the methods scientists use to explore natural phenomena including observation, hypothesis development, measurement and data collection, experimentation, evaluation of evidence, and be conversant in a broad set of topics regarding the natural world. In addition, students are expected to be able to describe major principles and concepts that form the basis of knowledge in the natural sciences, such as biological evolution, transformation of matter and energy, and relationships between biological form and function. Finally, students are expected to be able to assess scientific information and the application of data, concepts, and models in the natural sciences. HOW TO SUCCEED IN BIO 201: 1. WATCH THE INTRODUCTORY VIDEO: The in video will take you through how the course is managed and set up on Blackboard so you can spend your time learning content during the term. 2. READ E-TEXTBOOK AND OTHER POSTED READINGS: These readings provide important background for the video lectures and class assignments. You will not be tested on textbook material that is not discussed in class. 3. VIEW ALL VIDEO LECTURES: This will show you which topics we emphasize, how much detail you need to know, and how the topics fit together. The exams are based on the lectures, which may contain some material that is not found in the textbook; so do not skip any of the lectures. Lectures can be re-watched on Echo360. Zoom session recordings will be posted on Blackboard. 4. ATTEND ALL ZOOM SESSIONS: This will allow you to ask the instructor questions and listen to questions asked by the other students. Each week we will be able to go through anything in the lectures that students have found confusing. You can also ask questions on any assignments during these sessions. 5. TEST HOW WELL YOU UNDERSTAND THE MATERIAL BY TAKING THE REVIEW QUIZZES. The review quizzes include many old exam questions, and doing well on the review quizzes indicates that you understand the material that will be on the final exam. If you are not getting high scores on the review quizzes, you need to re-watch the lectures. Then, re-take the review quiz (you will get new items from an item bank) to make sure you now understand the material. If you still need help, contact the UGTAs with questions. 6. UTILIZE THE COMMUNITY HELP DISCUSSION FORUMS. All Bio 201 students have access to the Bio 201 Community Help Blackboard page. On this page there are topic-specific forums which are monitored by UGTAs 7 days a week. If you post a question on one of these forums, it will be seen and answered by a UGTA within half a day. Particularly difficult and confusing answers may be addressed by the GTAs and Instructor on the Community Help forums. (see below) 5

Bio 201 Spring 2020 Syllabus – online instruction

7. COMPLETE ALL ASSIGNMENTS ON TIME! Assignments with due dates will be posted under Assignments on the Blackboard site. SOURCES OF HELP: Online Community Help Boards Undergraduate TA’s will be available via online community help boards to assist with all class content. The help boards are located in their own Blackboard site and can be accessed as follows: go to the Blackboard homepage, select “Bio201.00 Community Help Boards - Spring 2020”, then select “Discussions” and choose the appropriate forum to post your question. Each module has its own forum. Post your question(s) within the appropriate discussion forum according to the directions specified in the first thread of the forum. The UGTAs will check the help boards seven days a week and will respond to each question directly in the forum by the end of the day. Office Hours (2nd half of the course via email only) The instructor and the graduate TAs will hold in-person office hours (specified next to each person’s name above) to assist with class content and grading concerns. The UGTAs will monitor the community help boards and post helpful information when appropriate. WHO TO CONTACT: Course content Online Quizzes Clicker scores/Issues Class or exam makeup requests Grading Course procedures Technical Issues Course registration and waitlist Exam issues

Community help forums Graduate TAs Graduate TA (Alejandro Gil Gomez) Blackboard makeup request form Graduate TAs Undergraduate TAs or Graduate TAs Fumio Aoki (contact info above) Lynette Giordano (contact info above) Diane Pauciullo

IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND POLICIES: Student Accessibility Support Center If you have a physical, psychological, medical or learning disability that may impact your course work, please contact the Student Accessibility Support Center, ECC (Educational Communications Center) Building, Room 128, (631)632-6748. They will determine with you what accommodations, if any, are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation is confidential. Academic Integrity Each student must pursue his or her academic goals honestly and be personally accountable for all submitted work. Representing another person's work as your own is always wrong. Faculty is 6

Bio 201 Spring 2020 Syllabus – online instruction

required to report any suspected instances of academic dishonesty to the Academic Judiciary. Faculty in the Health Sciences Center (School of Health Technology & Management, Nursing, Social Welfare, Dental Medicine) and School of Medicine are required to follow their schoolspecific procedures. For more comprehensive information on academic integrity, including categories of academic dishonesty please refer to the academic judiciary website at Critical Incident Management (These standards of conduct apply to all in-person and online interactions related to Bio 201 before, during, and after the duration of the course.) Stony Brook University expects students to respect the rights, privileges, and property of other people. Faculty are required to report to the Office of University Community Standards any disruptive behavior that interrupts their ability to teach, compromises the safety of the learning environment, or inhibits students' ability to learn. Faculty in the HSC Schools and the School of Medicine are required to follow their school-specific procedures. Further information about most academic matters can be found in the Undergraduate Bulletin, the Undergraduate Class Schedule, and the Faculty-Employee Handbook. Course Content: Course material accessed from Blackboard, SB Connect, SB Capture or a Stony Brook Course website is for the exclusive use of students who are currently enrolled in the course. Content from these systems cannot be reused or distributed without written permission of the instructor and/or the copyright holder. Duplication of materials protected by copyright without permission of the copyright holder is a violation of the Federal copyright law, as well as a violation of Stony Brook's Academic Integrity and Student Conduct Codes


Bio 201 Spring 2020 Syllabus – online instruction


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