BIO-201L-RS- Onground-Activity PDF

Title BIO-201L-RS- Onground-Activity
Author Virginia Tadeo Navarro
Course Human Anatomy and Physiology I: Lab
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 6
File Size 383.6 KB
File Type PDF
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activity 3...


BIO-201L: Activity 3 Directions: For this assignment, you will assess the cranial nerve function of your lab partner. Record the results of each test in the second part of this document and then answer the questions at the end. This is due next week. Cranial Nerve 1 (Olfactory) Test each nostril separately. Ask your partner to identify substance A, then substance B, then substance C. Cranial Nerve 2 (Optic) A: Test each eye separately. While standing behind the line on the floor (20 ft.), ask your partner to read aloud the smallest line they can see. B: Face your partner about 2 feet apart. Have them close their right eye while you close your left. Holding your hand about half the distance between you and your partner, start with you hand above and to the right of you (45° or diagonal). While looking at each other, bring you hand slowly towards the center of your vision while wiggling your finger. Have your partner identify out loud when they see your wiggling finger, which should be about where you identify it as well. Repeat for other 3 diagonals. Cranial Nerve 3 (Occulomotor) Test each eye separately. This test will also be used for CN 6. You partner will keep their head straight while following your pen with their eyes. About one foot away from their face, hold your pen up and trace a large H with it. Hold the pen briefly at the sides to test for nystagmus. Cranial Nerve 4 (Trochlear) Have your partner look at the tip of their nose. Cranial Nerve 5 (Trigeminal) A: With your partner’s eyes closed, test each of the 3 areas of trigeminal innervation on each side by gently touching a cotton ball to their skin. B: Palpate the temporalis muscles at the temples while your partner clenches their teeth several times. Repeat while palpating the masseter muscles just above the angle of the mandible. Each pair of muscles should contract equally. Then have your partner move their mandible side to side. Cranial Nerve 6 (Abducens) See cranial nerve 3. Cranial Nerve 7 (Facial) Observe your partner’s facial symmetry while they do the following: raise eyebrows, smile, frown, show teeth, puff out cheeks, and close eyes tightly. Cranial Nerve 8 (Vestibulocochlear)

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A: Test each ear separately. While your partner blocks one ear with their finger, whisper a number near their other ear and ask them to repeat it. B: Strike a 512 Hz tuning fork against the heel of your hand, then place it medially on the top your partner’s head. The sound should be heard equally in both ears via bone conductions. C: Test each ear separately. Strike the fork and place it against the mastoid process until your partner signals they can no longer hear it. Then move it next to their ear, where they should hear it again. Cranial Nerves 9 (Glossopharyngeal) and 10 (Vagus) A: This test will also be used for CN 10. Have your partner open their mouth. Observe the position of the soft palate and uvula at rest and while saying “AH”. Both sides of the soft palate and uvular should rise. Cranial Nerve 11 A: Test each side separately. Place your hand on your partners check and ask them to turn their head against it while you resist. Simultaneously palpate contraction of the opposing sternocleidomastoid with your other hand. B: Place your hands on both of your partner’s shoulders and ask them to shrug while you press down. Cranial Nerve 12 A: Ask your partner read this sentence out loud. Check for pronunciation of vowels and consonants. B: Ask your partner to stick out their tongue. It should not deviate to either side.

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Cranial Nerve 1 Odor Substance A

Right Nostril (Y/N)

Left Nostril (Y/N)

Identification (Y/N)

Substance B Substance C

Cranial Nerve 2 Smallest line number read – Right eye: __________ Left eye: __________ Peripheral vision: Quadrant Right eye

Upper Right

Lower Right

Upper Left

Lower Left

Left eye

Cranial Nerve 3 Nystagmus (Y/N) – Right eye: __________ Left eye: __________ Movement Upper right

Right Eye (Y/N)

Left Eye (Y/N)

Lower right Upper left Lower left

Cranial Nerve 4 Can look at tip of nose (Y/N) – Right eye: __________ Left eye: __________

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Cranial Nerve 5 Branch Ophthalmic

Right Side (Y/N)

Left Side (Y/N)

Maxillary Mandibular

Temporalis contraction (Y/N) – Right: __________ Left: __________ Masseter contraction (Y/N) – Right: __________ Left: __________ Side to side movement (Y/N) – Right: __________ Left: __________

Cranial Nerve 6 Eye moves laterally (Y/N) – Right eye: __________ Left eye: __________

Cranial Nerve 7 Facial Expression Raise eyebrows

Right Side (Y/N)

Left Side (Y/N)

Asymmetry (Y/N)

Smile Frown Show teeth Puff out cheeks Close eyes tightly

Cranial Nerve 8 Whisper repeated (Y/N) – Right ear: __________ Left ear: __________ Medial tuning fork sound heard equally in both ears (Y/N): __________ Sound heard via air after bone conduction (Y/N) - Right ear: __________ Left ear: __________

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Cranial Nerves 9 and 10 Uvula and palate rise while saying “AH” (Y/N): __________ Uvula deviation (Right/Left/None): __________

Cranial Nerve 11 Turn head right against resistance (Y/N): __________ Turn head left against resistance (Y/N): __________ Elevate shoulders against resistance (Y/N) – Right: __________ Left: __________

Cranial Nerve 12 Pronunciation of vowels (Y/N): __________ Pronunciation of consonants (Y/N): __________ Tongue deviation (Right/Left/None): __________

Follow-Up Questions 1. Did your partner exhibit any cranial nerve abnormalities? __________ 2. If so, what could be the cause? __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. In which areas of the brain would a stroke mimic damage to cranial nerve 2? Explain your answer. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Describe a (not too serious) situation that could occur to you in your daily life that would cause temporary impairment of one or more cranial nerves, including which nerve(s) and function(s). ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

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______________________________________________________________________________ 5. Describe an alternate way to test the function(s) of one of the cranial nerves. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

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