BIO 2402 Exam 1 HW & Q - Exam 1 HW & Q w/answers PDF

Title BIO 2402 Exam 1 HW & Q - Exam 1 HW & Q w/answers
Course Anatomy & Physiology II
Institution Tarleton State University
Pages 24
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Exam 1 HW & Q w/answers...


The hypothalamus is known to control the activity of the thyroid, which has traditionally been called the master endocrine gland.

True False The hypothalamus is known to control the activity of the pituitary gland, which has traditionally been called the master endocrine gland.

Which of the following best describes the hypoglycemic effect of insulin?

Insulin allows entry of glucose into most body cells. Insulin encourages catabolism of glycogen into glucose. Insulin encourages release of glucose into the blood by liver cells. Insulin encourages synthesis of glucose from lactic acid and noncarbohydrate molecules. Correct Insulin binds to receptor proteins in most body cells and allows membrane transport of glucose into these cells.

What is the primary function of hormones?

alter cell activity cause allergic reactions influence metabolic activity of glands by electrochemical impulses activate extracellular enzymes Correct The primary function of hormones is to alter cell activity by altering plasma membrane permeability or membrane potential, stimulating synthesis of enzymes or regulating molecules, activating or deactivating enzymes, inducing secretory activity, or stimulating mitosis.

What is the target organ of thyroid hormones' metabolic effects?

anterior pituitary cells of the body hypothalamus thyroid Correct Thyroid hormones secreted by the thyroid gland target cells of the body to modulate metabolism.

At which point has the hormone bound to its intracellular receptor but not yet entered the nucleus?


Correct The receptor-hormone complex has formed and is about to enter the nucleus.

What type of cell is shown at letter C?

beta cells follicular cells parafollicular cells parathyroid cells Correct Follicular cells of the thyroid line the follicles and manufacture the materials within them.

Part A Which of the following hormones has intracellular receptors?

insulin cortisol epinephrine Correct Yes, cortisol is one of the lipid-soluble steroid hormones. Thyroid hormones are also lipid soluble. Part B What is the mechanism of action of lipid-soluble hormones?

phosphorylation of intracellular proteins

increasing protein kinases activation of genes, which increases protein synthesis in the cell Correct Yes, lipid-soluble hormones diffuse into the nucleus or they diffuse into the cytoplasm and then move into the nucleus, where they affect transcription and translation. Part C After a lipid-soluble hormone is bound to its intracellular receptor, what does the hormone complex do?

acts as a transcription factor and binds to DNA, activating a gene activates a protein kinase phosphorylates a protein directly alters protein synthesis at the ribosome Correct Yes, then mRNA is synthesized. Part D Which hormone’s receptor is always bound to DNA, even when the receptor is empty?

insulin cortisol thyroid hormone Correct Yes, thyroid hormones are lipid soluble and their receptors are bound to the response elements of the DNA. Part E What keeps intracellular receptors from binding to DNA before a hormone binds to the receptor?

transcription factors Receptors can’t enter the nucleus until the hormone is bound to it. chaperone proteins (chaperonins) Correct Yes, each receptor has two binding sites. The chaperone protein blocks the DNA binding site until a hormone binds at the hormone binding site.

What hormone is released by the cells pictured in letter D?

parathyroid hormone (PTH) calcitonin glucocorticoids thyroid hormones Correct These humorally-stimulated cells respond to increasing levels of calcium in the blood and secrete calcitonin to counteract it.

What allows a cell to respond to a hormone?

the location of the cell the structure of the hormone the presence of a specific hormone receptor the gland that releases the hormone Correct Every hormone has a specific receptor that causes as action for that cell.

Can you identify characteristics of type 1 and type 2 diabetes?To learn about diabetes, watch this BioFlix animation: Homeostasis: Regulating Blood Sugar -- Diabetes. Part A - Diabetes

Part complete Read each sentence and decide whether it describes type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, or both. Drag the terms on the left to the appropriate blanks on the right to complete the sentences.    

1. In type 2 diabetes, target cells do not respond normally to insulin.

2. In type 1 diabetes, no insulin is produced.

3. In both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, glucose levels remain higher than normal.

Which of the following hormones has a different effect when it is released in males instead of females?

thyroid hormone follicle-stimulating hormone insulin parathyroid hormone Correct Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulates follicle development and estrogen production in the ovaries and sperm production in the testes.

A blow to the head may cause diabetes insipidus by ______.

triggering the hypersecretion of hypothalamic-inhibiting hormones triggering the hyposecretion of hypothalamic-inhibiting hormones interfering with the normal transmission of ADH to the posterior pituitary via the axons of hypothalamic neurons causing hypersecretion of ADH Correct Specialized neurons of hypothalamus, called the periventricular nuclei, produce anti-diuretic hormone. A decrease in anti-diuretic hormone results in the production of large amounts of very dilute urine.

Where is thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) made?

posterior pituitary anterior pituitary follicular cells of the thyroid gland hypothalamus Correct The hypothalamus regulates the release of several other hormones by producing releasing and inhibitory hormones, including TRH.

Where are the hormones oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone (ADH) stored?

A B C D Correct The axon terminals of neurons of the hypothalamic-hypophyseal tracts store and secrete ADH and oxytocin in the capillaries of the inferior hypophyseal artery.

What type of stimulation controls parathyroid release?

paracrine hormonal humoral neural Correct The parathyroid is stimulated by the actual level of calcium in the blood rather than by neural or hormonal stimulus.

What hormone released into the blood (shown by letter D) by the posterior pituitary inhibits or prevents urine formation?

thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) antidiuretic hormone (ADH) cortisol oxytocin Correct Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) targets the kidneys and modulates how much water is lost in the urine.

Which of the following hormones helps the body avoid dehydration and water overload?

antidiuretic hormone oxytocin

follicle-stimulating hormone thyroid-stimulating hormone Correct Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) prevents wide swings in water balance, helping the body avoid dehydration and water overload.

__________ is the situation when one hormone exaggerates the effects of another hormone at the target cell?

Antagonism Synergism Activism Permissiveness Correct Synergism of hormones occurs in situations where more than one hormone produces the same effect at the target cell and their combined effects are amplified. Each hormone acts independently of the other and has the same effect on the target cell.

Which of these would be an effect of an excess of thyroid hormones?

B would release more TSH. More thyroid hormone would be produced. The thyroid would swell and produce a goiter. A would release less TRH. Correct Excess thyroid hormone would have an inhibitory effect on A. This is a negative feedback mechanism.

What hormone, indicated by letter B, is released by the anterior pituitary to target the adrenal cortex when we are under stress?

corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) angiotensin II

atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) Correct Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) from the pituitary modulates the release of aldosterone. The term tropic refers to a hormone that acts on another endocrine gland.

Which of the following hormones stimulates an increase in basal metabolic rate as a tropic hormone?

follicle-stimulating hormone prolactin adrenocorticotropic hormone thyroid-stimulating hormone Correct Thyroid -stimulating hormone (TSH) stimulates the thyroid to release the hormone thyroxin, which increases metabolism in the body.

What gland secretes growth hormone? thyroid gland posterior pituitary anterior pituitary adrenal cortex The anterior pituitary secretes a variety of hormones, including growth hormone.

Which of the following is NOT believed to be linked to the onset of type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus)?

poor diet weight gain predisposing genetic factors

regular cardiovascular exercise Correct Proper cardiovascular exercise can alleviate symptoms. Many sufferers with type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus) are sedentary.

Which of the following is a hormone produced by the posterior pituitary?

ADH oxytocin prolactin None of the listed responses is correct. Correct None of the hormones given is produced by the posterior pituitary.

Which of the following pairs correctly matches the adrenal gland zone, or area, with the class of hormones it produces?

zona reticularis: aldosterone zona fasciculata: catecholemines medulla: glucocorticoids zona glomerulosa: mineralocorticoids Correct The zona glomerulosa produces mineralocorticoids

The adrenal medulla is stimulated to release catecholamines during sympathetic autonomic nervous responses.

True False Correct The adrenal medulla is stimulated to release the catecholamines epinephrine and norepinephrine during sympathetic autonomic nervous responses.

Which of the following triggers the release of glucagon?

a decrease in blood glucose levels somatostatin

hyperglycemia release of insulin Correct Glucagon acts to stimulate release of glucose into the blood to counteract falling levels.

What is the name for the type of hormone, secreted by the pituitary that regulates other endocrine organs?

somatotropins tropins somatostatins growth hormones Correct Tropins, or tropic hormones, are hormones that regulate the secretory action of other endocrine glands.

Which of the following best describes gluconeogenesis?

breakdown of glycogen into glucose creation of glycogen from glucose conversion of glucose to fat

synthesis of glucose from noncarbohydrate sources Correct The term genesis means “to create,” and neo means “new,” so this term literally means “to create new sugar.”

Which of the following is NOT characteristic of water-soluble hormones?

free in plasma short half-life in blood intracellular receptors act through second messengers Correct Water-soluble receptors are found on the surface of the cell membrane.

Hypersecretion of what hormone can produce the effects of gigantism in the individual in the center of this image?

growth hormone (GH) thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) thyroid hormones (TH) aldosterone Correct Growth hormone has effects on metabolism as well as growth. Hypersecretion can lead to gigantism.

What area of the brain is designated by letter A?

pineal gland thalamus limbic system hypothalamus Correct The hypothalamus contains nuclei that produce hormones that are then secreted into the blood in the pituitary gland.

Which of the following is NOT a major type of stimulus that triggers endocrine glands to manufacture and release hormones?

enzymatic neural

humoral hormonal Correct Enzymes are not triggers in the release of hormones.

Which of the following glands increases blood calcium levels?

thyroid pituitary adrenal parathyroid Correct The parathyroid glands secrete PTH, which increases blood calcium levels.

What is required for the production of anterior pituitary gland hormones?

neural stimuli (from the sympathetic division of the ANS) humoral stimuli hormonal stimuli All of the listed responses are correct. Correct The anterior pituitary requires hormonal stimuli from the hypothalamus.

Match the words in the left column to the appropriate blanks in the sentences on the right. Make certain each sentence is complete before submitting your answer. Words may be used more than once.

Hormonal stimulus

  

Neural stimulus Humoral stimulus

1. Hormonal stimulus : Testosterone production.

2. Neural stimulus : Epinephrine production.

3. Hormonal stimulus : Thyrotropin production.

4. Humoral stimulus : Parathyroid hormone


Which of the following is a hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary (neurohypophysis)?

Glucagon Thyroid hormone Testosterone Epinephrine Oxytocin Thyroid stimulating hormone

Which of the following is NOT a major type of stimulus that triggers endocrine glands to manufacture and release hormones?

Hormonal Humoral Enzymatic Neural

The hormone produced by alpha cells in the pancreas has what effect on blood glucose?

The hormone decreases blood glucose levels. The hormone has no effect on blood glucose; it increases blood calcium. The hormone has no effect on blood glucose; it decreases blood calcium. The hormone increases blood glucose levels.

Parathyroid hormone:

is stimulated hormonally; increases blood calcium. is stimulated homonally; increases blood glucose.

is stimulated neurally; increases metabolic rate. is stimulated humorally; decreases blood calcium. is stimulated humorally; increases blood calcium.

__________ is the situation when one hormone exaggerates the effects of another hormone at the target cell?

Synergism Activism Antagonism Permissiveness

The receptors for a steroid hormone would be found where?

Inside of cells Only on liver cells Between cells in the extracellular fluid On the surface of the plasma membrane...

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