Bio106 Basic A&P Ch. 5 Outline, Skeletal System PDF

Title Bio106 Basic A&P Ch. 5 Outline, Skeletal System
Author Jessica Parker
Course Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Institution University of Massachusetts Lowell
Pages 11
File Size 142.7 KB
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The Axial And Appendicular Skeleton Study Guide, The Skeletal System Study Guide A & P 1 (fill
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5 The Skeletal System The Skeletal System  Parts of the skeletal system o Bones (skeleton) o Joints o Cartilages o _________________________  Two subdivisions of the skeleton o _________________________ o Appendicular skeleton

Functions of Bones  Support the body  Protect soft organs o Skull and vertebrae for brain and spinal cord o ___________________________________________ _  Allow movement due to attached skeletal muscles  Store minerals and fats o _________________________________________ o Fat in the internal marrow cavity  Blood cell formation (hematopoiesis)

Bones of the Human Body  The adult skeleton has 206 bones  Two basic types of bone tissue o ___________________________________ o Spongy bone  Small needle-like pieces of bone  Many ______________________________

Classification of Bones on the Basis of Shape

 Bones are classified as: o Long o Short o Flat o Irregular

Classification of Bones  Long bones o Typically longer than they are wide o Shaft with heads situated at both ends o Contain _____________________________ o All of the bones of the limbs (except wrist, ankle, and kneecap bones) o Example:  Femur  Humerus

Classification of Bones  Flat bones o Thin, flattened, and usually curved o Two thin layers of compact bone ________________ bone o Example:  ____________________________  Ribs  Sternum

Anatomy of a Long Bone  Diaphysis o o  Epiphysis o o

Shaft _________________________ Ends of the bone Composed mostly of ____________________

Anatomy of a Long Bone  ______________________

o Outside covering of the diaphysis o Fibrous connective tissue membrane  Perforating (Sharpey’s) fibers o Secure _____________________________________ Arteries o Supply bone cells with nutrients

Anatomy of a Long Bone  Articular cartilage o Covers the external surface of the epiphyses o ________________________________________ o Decreases friction at joint surfaces

Anatomy of a Long Bone  Epiphyseal ________________ o Flat plate of hyaline cartilage seen in young, growing bone  Epiphyseal line o Remnant of the epiphyseal plate o Seen in adult bones

Anatomy of a Long Bone  Marrow (medullary) cavity o Cavity ____________________________ o Contains yellow marrow (mostly fat) in adults o Contains red marrow for ____________________________  In adults, ___________ is situated in cavities of spongy bone and epiphyses of some long bones

Formation of the Human Skeleton  In embryos, the skeleton is _________________________  During development, much of this cartilage is replaced by bone  Cartilage ___________________________ o Bridge of the nose

o Parts of ribs o Joints

Bone Growth (Ossification)  Epiphyseal plates allow for lengthwise growth of long bones during childhood o New ________________________________ o Older cartilage becomes ossified  Cartilage is broken down  Enclosed cartilage is digested away, opening up a medullary cavity  Bone replaces cartilage ______________

Bone Growth (Ossification)  Bones are remodeled and lengthened until growth stops o Bones are remodeled in response to two factors o _____________________________ o Pull of gravity and muscles on the skeleton  Bones grow in width (called appositional growth)

Types of Bone Cells  Osteocytes—______________________ Osteoblasts—bone-forming cells  ____________—giant bone-destroying cells o Break down bone matrix for remodeling and release of calcium in response to parathyroid hormone  Bone remodeling is performed by both osteoblasts and osteoclasts

Bone Fractures  Fracture—break in a bone  Types of bone fractures o ______ (simple) fracture—break that does not penetrate the skin o Open (compound) fracture—broken bone penetrates through the skin  Bone fractures are treated by reduction and immobilization

Repair of Bone Fractures    

_______________ (blood-filled swelling) is formed Break is splinted by fibrocartilage to form a callus Fibrocartilage callus is replaced by a bony callus Bony callus is remodeled to _____________________

The Axial Skeleton  Forms the longitudinal axis of the body  Divided into three parts o _________________________ o Vertebral column o Bony thorax

The Skull  Two sets of bones o ________________________ o Facial bones  Bones are joined by sutures  Only the mandible is attached ________________________

Paranasal Sinuses  Hollow portions of bones surrounding the nasal cavity  Functions of paranasal sinuses o ______________________o Give resonance and amplification to voice

The Hyoid Bone  The only bone that does not articulate with another bone  Serves as a _________________________ Aids in swallowing and speech

The Vertebral Column  Each vertebrae is given a name according to its location o There are 24 single vertebral bones separated by intervertebral discs

 __________cervical vertebrae are in the neck  Twelve thoracic vertebrae are in the chest region  _________ lumbar vertebrae are associated with the lower back

The Vertebral Column  Nine vertebrae fuse to form two composite bones o ____________ o Coccyx

The Vertebral Column  Primary curvatures are the spinal curvatures of the thoracic and sacral regions o _________________ o Form a C-shaped curvature as in newborns  Secondary curvatures are the spinal curvatures of the cervical and lumbar regions o Develop _________________ o Form an S-shaped curvature as in adults

Sacrum and Coccyx  Sacrum o Formed by the fusion of five vertebrae  Coccyx o Formed from the fusion of three to five vertebrae o “___________,” or remnant of a tail that other vertebrates have

The Bony Thorax  Forms a cage to protect major organs  Consists of three parts o Sternum o Ribs  __________ (pairs 1–7)

 False ribs (pairs 8–12)  _____________ (pairs 11–12) o Thoracic vertebrae

The Appendicular Skeleton  Composed of 126 bones o Limbs (appendages) o ____________________ o Pelvic girdle

The Pectoral (Shoulder) Girdle  Composed of two bones o __________—collarbone o Scapula—____________________ o These bones allow the upper limb to have exceptionally free movement

Bones of the Upper Limbs  Humerus o Forms the arm o Single bone

Bones of the Upper Limbs  The forearm has two bones o Ulna—___________ in anatomical position o Radius—_____ bone in anatomical position

Bones of the Upper Limbs  Hand o Carpals—wrist o Metacarpals—palm  Five per hand o Phalanges—fingers and thumb  ___________________________________  In each finger, there are three bones  In the thumb, there are only two bones

Bones of the Pelvic Girdle  Formed by two coxal (ossa coxae) bones  Composed of three pairs of fused bones o Ilium o ______________________ o Pubis  Pelvic girdle = 2 coxal bones, sacrum  _______________ = 2 coxal bones, sacrum, coccyx

Bones of the Pelvic Girdle  The total weight of the upper body rests on the pelvis  It protects several organs o _______________________________ o Urinary bladder o _______________________________

Bones of the Lower Limbs  Femur—_______________________o The heaviest, strongest bone in the body

Bones of the Lower Limbs  The lower leg has two bones o Tibia—____________; larger and medially oriented o Fibula—Thin and sticklike; ____________________

Bones of the Lower Limbs  The foot o Tarsals—seven bones o Metatarsals—__________- form the sole of the foot o Phalanges—fourteen bones form the toes

Joints  Articulations of bones o Functions of joints  Hold _______________________  Allow for mobility

Functional Classification of Joints  Synarthroses o ______________________  _________________________ o Slightly moveable joints  Diarthroses o Freely ______________________

Features of Synovial Joints  Articular cartilage (hyaline cartilage) ____________________  Articular capsule encloses joint surfaces and lined with synovial membrane  Joint cavity ______________________  Reinforcing ligaments

Structures Associated with the Synovial Joint  _____________—flattened fibrous sacs o Lined with synovial membranes o Filled with synovial fluid o ____________________  Tendon sheath o Elongated bursa that wraps around a tendon  Kinds of Joints:  Fibrous (synarthrosis)  _________________ o Example: sutures of skull  Cartilaginous (amphiarthrosis) o ______________ o Example: between vertebrae  Synovial (diarthrosis) o Freely moveable  Example: _____________________________

Inflammatory Conditions Associated with Joints  ___________—inflammation of a bursa usually caused by a blow or friction

 Tendonitis—inflammation of tendon sheaths  Arthritis—inflammatory or degenerative diseases of joints o _______________ o The most widespread crippling disease in the United States o Initial symptoms: pain, stiffness, swelling of the joint

Clinical Forms of Arthritis  ______________________ o Most common chronic arthritis o Probably related to normal aging processes  _________________________o An autoimmune disease—the immune system attacks the joints o Symptoms begin with bilateral inflammation of certain joints o Often leads to deformities

Clinical Forms of Arthritis  __________________________________ o Inflammation of joints is caused by a deposition of uric acid crystals from the blood o Can usually be controlled with diet o More common in men

Skeletal Changes Throughout Life  Curvatures of the spine o ________ (scoliosis and lordosis) are often congenital

Skeletal Changes Throughout Life  Osteoporosis o Bone-thinning disease afflicting  50 percent of women over age 65  20 percent of men over age 70 o Disease makes bones fragile and bones can easily fracture

o ____________ in kyphosis (also known as dowager’s hump) o Estrogen aids in health and normal density of a female skeleton

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