Biological Basis of Behaviour PDF

Title Biological Basis of Behaviour
Author Ivelina Ivanova
Course Psychology
Institution Софийският университет Св. Климент Охридски
Pages 8
File Size 205.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Views 154


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Psychologists typically define emotion in terms of the following three components: a. feelings, actions, and emotions. b. actions, cognitions, and emotions. c. cognitions, feelings, and actions. d. cognitions, actions, and emotions. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: Which evidence is most detrimental to the James-Lange theory? a. Patients with pure autonomic failure experience emotions. 2

b. Some people feel stronger emotions than others do. c. Sometimes people have trouble reporting what they are feeling.

d. Changes in arousal are reported as changes in emotions. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: Which of the following is characterized by extreme sympathetic nervous system arousal? a. pure autonomic failure 3

b. panic disorder c. prosopagnosia

d. locked-in syndrome status: not answered () correct: b your answer:

The Behavioral Activation System is associated with: a. maximum arousal, increased fear, and negative mood. 4

b. low to moderate arousal, tendency to approach new objects, and pleasant mood. c. increased attention and arousal, decreased action, and fear or disgust.

d. lack of arousal, decreased action, and pleasant mood. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: Impulsive behavior and poor decisions are common symptoms of: a. temporal damage. 5

b. occipital damage. c. parietal damage.

d. prefrontal damage. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: A study of conduct disorders and aggressive behavior in adopted children supported the generalization that: a. criminals are made, not born. 6

b. criminals are born, not made. c. behaviors depend on a combination of genes and environment, not on either one alone.

d. spankings and other physical punishments increase aggressive behavior rather than decrease it. status: not answered ()

correct: c your answer: The concentration of 5-HIAA in the blood, cerebrospinal fluid, or urine provides an estimate of: a. serotonin stores. 7

b. serotonin turnover. c. dopamine turnover.

d. dopamine stores. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: One explanation for why having genes for low serotonin turnover may be beneficial in monkeys is that: a. an intermediate level of aggression prevents them from being too fearful or too violent. 8

b. a low level of aggression is best for survival. c. serotonin causes cancer.

d. most highly aggressive monkeys get everything they want. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: 9 Suppose you want to DECREASE the aggressive behavior of an animal, and all you are allowed to use is a nutritional supplement. Which might be a good choice? a. decrease lecithin b. decrease thiamine c. increase phenylalanine

d. increase tryptophan status: not answered () correct: d your answer: A startle reflex occurs in response to: a. depression. 10

b. anxiety. c. grief.

d. an unexpected loud noise. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: The ________ receives axons from the amygdala and sends axons to the pons to control the startle response. a. caudate nucleus 11

b. midbrain c. cingulate gyrus

d. pineal gland status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 12 The enhanced startle reflex in the presence of a feared stimulus would be reduced by all of the following methods EXCEPT: a. opening chloride channels. b. damaging the amygdala.

c. stimulating CCK receptors in the amygdala. d. stimulating GABA-A receptors. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: A combination of benzodiazepines and alcohol should be avoided because: a. they react with each other chemically to form a new compound. 13

b. each magnifies the effects of the other. c. the combination produces excessive anxiety.

d. each cancels the effects of the other. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: Stress activates two systems. One is the: a. autonomic nervous system which secretes the hormone ACTH. 14

b. HPA axis, which becomes increasingly important with prolonged stressors. c. autonomic nervous system which secretes the hormone cortisol.

d. HPA axis, which reacts more quickly than the other. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 15 Which type of leukocyte attaches to an intruder and produces a specific antibody to attack the intruder's antigen? a. B cell

b. macrophage c. A cell d. T cell status: not answered () correct: a your answer: One of the main differences between natural killer cells and T cells is that natural killer cells: a. are cancer cells. 16

b. attack normal tissue. c. attack several kinds of intruders.

d. are more specific in their targets. status: not answered () correct: c your answer: The classical illness behaviors such as fever, sleepiness, and lack of appetite are caused by: a. decreased brain activity. 17

b. toxins released by pathogens. c. antibody production.

d. the immune system's production of cytokines. status: not answered () correct: d your answer: 18 Aged people with the highest cortisol levels tend to be those with the:

a. greatest memory problems. b. largest hippocampus. c. greatest amount of social support. d. most cellulose in the diet. status: not answered () correct: a your answer: Among identical twins, if one of them has PTSD, then the other is also likely to have a: a. large hippocampus. 19

b. small hippocampus. c. small adrenal gland.

d. large adrenal gland. status: not answered () correct: b your answer: The ________, which is so important for emotional processing, is essential for the extreme emotional impact that produces PTSD. a. hippocampus 20

b. cingulate c. amygdala

d. fornix status: not answered () correct: c your answer:...

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