Biology 1020 exam 2 study guide PDF

Title Biology 1020 exam 2 study guide
Course General Biology Laboratory
Institution University of Missouri
Pages 7
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homozygous - a genotype consisting of two IDENTICAL alleles; true-breeding (GG or gg) are ______________________. Absorption - When light energy is retained by pigment molecules this is known as _____________. Absorption spectrum - A graph showing the amount of light ABSORBED by individual pigments at various wavelengths is referred to as the _____________ ________________. Accessory pigments - Molecules that ABSORB light energy and PASS it to chlorophyll A are known as _______________ pigments. Action spectrum - a graph showing overall photosynthetic ACTIVITY by a plant is known as ________________ _____________. Carotene - ____________________ is an accessory ORANGE-colored pigment Chlorophyll a - The GREEN pigment of photosynthesis; this is the principal pigment of all photosynthetic organisms and is refferd to as ________________ _____. Chlorophyll b - ______________________ _______ is an "accessory" green pigment chromatogram - a "developed" chromatography strip in which pigments have been separated from one another is known as a ________________________. cuticle - A ______________ is a waxy non-cellular layer on the outer surface of the plant leaf that PREVENTS WATER LOSS by evaporation. energy - the capacity to do work (cause a change in matter) is referred to as ____________. epidermis - outermost layer of cells in plants, especially in leaves is known as the ___________. guard cells - specialized epidermal cells that occur in pairs on leaf surfaces and regulate the opening into the leaf interior are known as __________ __________. palisade layer - chloroplast-bearing cells in the interior that are oriented with their long axes "P"ERPENDICULAR to the leaf structure (layer of leaf where oxygen is produced) this layer is known as the _____________ _________.

chromatography - _________________ is a method of separating pigment molecules from a solution based on the different solubilities of pigments in solvent. photosynthesis - a complex series of reactions in which the energy of sunlight is absorbed by pigments and transformed into organic molecules (stored chemical forms of energy) is known as ___________________. pigment - a molecule that absorbs light energy is known as a __________________. reflection - _______________ is light energy that is not absorbed by pigment molecules. Rf - the ratio of fronts for pigments on a chromatogram is symboled as ____. spongy layer - This layer contains loosely-packed chloroplast-bearing cells in the interior of leaves; surrounded by air space. What is it? stomata - openings on leaf structures through which air passes to the interior of the leaf is known as the _____________. transmission - _____________________ is light energy that is not absorbed by an object, but passes through it wavelength - a measure of the quality of light (technically, the distance between the peaks of two consecutive waves; informally, the color of light) is known as the ___________________. alveoli - tiny air sacs at the ends of bronchioles in the lungs are known as ___________ bronchi - tubes branching from the trachea and directing air into each lung is the ___________. bronchioles - tubes from the bronchi that lead to clusters of alveoli are known as the ___________________. diaphragm - the muscle sheet at bottom of chest cavity IS known as the ________________; contraction of this muscle draws air into the lungs ectotherms - organism whose body temperature is determined primarily by environmental temperature (insects, fish, amphibians) are __________________.

endosperm - The ______________ is the food source for developing plant embryo endotherm - organism whose body temperature is maintained independent of environmental temperature is known as an ________________.(mammals)(have to work to maintain body temperature) (HINT: within) epiglottis - the flap at top of trachea that prevents food from entering or blocking air pathway is known as the ________________. metabolism - term to describe the collection of chemical reactions that occur in organisms is reffered to as ones _________________. spiracle - opening in arthropod body wall through which air enters trachea is the ____________. thermal strategy - metabolic patterns of organisms are known as its __________ ______________. trachea - air tube leading from back of mouth down into chest cavity; the "windpipe". (carries oxygen to the lungs) is known as the ___________________. anaphase - the phase of cell division during which chromatids or homologous chromosomes separate and move to opposite ends of the cell is known as __________________. asexual reproduction - reproduction NOT involving the fusion of gametes is known as: cell cycle - life cycle of an individual cell is known as the ___________ _____________. cell plate - partition that forms during cytokinesis in plant cells to produce separate daughter cells is known as the ___________ __________. centromere - structure in a chromosome which keeps replicated chromatids together and to which spindle fibres attach is called the ________________. chromatid - one of the two replicated strands of a duplicated chromosome (both of which are joined by a single centromere) are referred to as a ________________ chromosome - A ___________________ is the structure in the nucleus that contains genetics information.

cleavage furrow - constriction that forms around the middle of ANIMAL CELLS during cytokinesis to subdivide cytoplasm is called the _____________ ___________. cytokinesis - division of the cytoplasm following mitosis or meiosis is called _______________. daughter cells - _____________ _________________ are the products of cell division following cytokinesis diploid - A _________________ is a condition in which a cell has two sets of chromosomes (one set is derived from each parent) gametes - mature sex cells (eggs and sperm); the haploid products of meiosis are called _______________. haploid - A _____________________ is a condition in which a cell has only 1 set of chromosomes; typical of gametes. homologous chromosomes - _____________________ ________________________ are physically similar chromosomes which pair up during synapsis; one homologous chromosome is inherited from the mother, the other from the father. interphase - interval between cell divisions in the cell cycle is known as _______________________. karyotype - A ________________________ is a chromosome complement of a cell. meiosis - ___________________ is the nuclear division in which the number of chromosomes is reduced by one-half; cell division which produced haploid gametes metaphase - the phase of cell division when the chromosomal material is situated in the middle of the cell is known as _________________. mitosis - nuclear division which produced daughter cells that are identical to the original cell (get two new cells/dividing nucleus) is known as __________. oocyte - cell which has undergone chromosome REPLICATION and is undergoing oogenesis is reffered to as an _____________. oogenesis - meiosis which produces EGG CELLS is reffered to as _____________.

oogonium - cell which undergoes chromosome replication to produce an OOCYTE is known as an ________________. ootid - __________ is the FINAL PRODUCT of oogenesis; following a period of maturation, becomes an ovum. polar body - a daughter cell in oogenesis which contains nuclear material, but very little cytoplasm is reffered to as the _______________ _____________. prophase - the phase of cell division during which the nuclear membrane disappears and the chromosomes become visible is called ___________. sexual reproduction - reproduction involving the fusion of haploid gametes from two different parents to produce a diploid zygote is known as __________________ _________________. spermatid - final product of spermatogenesis; following a period of maturation, becomes a spermatozoan. This product is known as a _____________________. spermatocyte - cell which has undergone chromosome replication and is undergoing spermatogenesis is referred to as a ______________________. spermatogenesis - meiosis which produces sperm is known as _____________________________________. spermatogonium - cell which undergoes chromosome replication to produce a spermatocyte is known as ____________________________. spermatozoa - the mature FINAL PRODUCT (A-Z) of spermatogenesis is called a ________________. spindle fibers - microtubules that attach to centromere and move the chromosomes around the cytoplasm during cell division are called _____________ ____________. synapsis - the pairing of replicated homologous chromosomes during meiosis ("siamese chromosomes") is called _____________. telophase - the phase of cell division during which the nuclear membrane re-appears and the chromosomes disappear is known as _________________.

zygote - a _____________ is a diploid cell formed by the fusion of two haploid gametes; a fertilized egg cell alleles - alternate forms of a gene are dubbed ______________. dihybrid cross - a genetics cross in which the inheritance of two traits is studied is called a _________________ ____________. dominant - the allele that is expressed in the heterozygote (represented by the uppercase letter *B*b)(masks the other allele) is the ___________________ allele. F1 - ___ is the offspring of the parental generation. F2 - ___ is the offspring of a cross of two F1 individuals genetics - __________________________ is the study of inheritance patterns and processes heterozygous - a genotype consisting of two DIFFERENT alleles; not true-breeding (Gg) are referred to as ____________________. genotype - the alleles that an individual has for a particular gene is known as the individuals ________________. monohybrid cross - a genetics cross in which the ineritance of ONE trait is studied known as a ___________________ _____________. P - the _____ generation is theparental or original generation in a series of genetics crosses pedigree - a _____________ is a family tree in which the phenotypes of family members are presented by standard symbols phenotype - the __________________ is the physical appearance or expression of a genotype Punnett square - a graphic device in which all possible outcomes of a cross between two individuals are depicted is called the ________________ ____________. recessive - an allele that is masked in the heterozygote (represented by the lowercase letter (i.e. B*b*). Two of these types of alleles are needed to express this trait. This is

known as a _________________ allele. test cross - a cross between an individual of unknown genotype and an individual with the homozygous recessive genotype is known as a ____________ _____ true-breeding - _________-__________ is homozygous wild type - the most common phenotype in natural populations; generally taken as the standard of "normal" phenotype is called the _______ __________ gene - a hereditary unit which controls the inheritance of one trait is known as a ____________....

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