Biotech practice questions - Exam 1 PDF

Title Biotech practice questions - Exam 1
Course Molecular Biology
Institution Harvard University
Pages 6
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1) a) b) c) d) e)

Who was earl ereky? inventor of PCR Discoverer of DNA Defined the word biotechnology Discovered penicillin Made the first vaccine

2) a) b) c) d) e)

The year 2001 is a significant year in biotechnology because it was the year the human genome was sequenced it was the first year human gene therapy trial was conducted it was the year DNA was found to be the molecule of genes it was the year restricition enzymes were discovered it was the year insulin was produced by recombinant DNA technology

3) a) b) c) d) e)

Which of the following are considered biotechnological products? bread made from wheat fermentation human growth hormone made from cows insulin made from bacteria A and C A, B, C

4) Which of the following 1-4 would be considered true for the amino acid with the single letter code “D? “ (or replace D with Q) 1) has an ionizable side chain. 2) In physiological solution its overall charge would be negative. 3) In physiological solution its overall charge would be positive. 4) it is a neutral molecule. a)1 2 3 b) 1, 2 c) 1, 3 d) 4 e) none of these

Use the following protein/peptide sequence to answer the following question. Phe---Pro---Leu---ala---val (similar in non true/false form) 5) True or False--- the Protein peptide sequence is considered “polar” 6) Use the following structures a Guanine and Thionine to answer the following questions --what are they D) G and T 7) a. b. c.

Which structure I or II is going to be seen predominantly in DNA over RNA Structure I Structure II Either both of them are in DNA

8)Consider the following scenarion, you have an isolated gene from a tumor cell you have determined it contains 2 introns and 3 exons a) intron intron exon exon exon b) exon exon exon intron intron c) exon intron intron exon exon d) exon intron exon intron exon e) all of the above 9) a) b) c) d) e)

**which of the following sequences is/are likely to be recognized by restriction enzymes? AATTAA TTTCCC AAAGGG GTGCAC None of the above

10) All polymerases synthesize DNA in the 5’------3’ direction a. True b. False 11) a. b. c. d. e.

Gel Electrophoresis of DNA is only possible because DNA is a macromolecule with a double helix DNA is a macromolecule that contains phosphate groups DNA is a macromolecule with base pairs DNA is a macromolecule with Hydrogen bonds DNA is a biological macromolecule Use the information below to solve the next three questions 1) mRNA 2) DNA fragment 3) reverse transcriptase 4) Taq DNA polymerase 5) Deoxynucleotides 6) Primers

12) a. b. c. d. e. 13) a.

which of the above would be needed in RT-PCR process? 1,2,3,4,5,6 1,3,4,5,6 2,3,4,5,6 1,3,5,6 1,4,5,6 DNA ligase is an enzyme most commonly employed in joining DNA fragments together True b. False

b. c. d. e.

14. The process of introducing a plasmid into a E.Coli Cell is called a Expression Transformation Restrictioin Replication Recombinant DNA *15. assuming that you chose a gene that was 130 kilobases long. The most reliable vector that you would use would be a) Plasmid

b) Bacteriophage c) Cosmid d) bacterial artificial chromosone e) all of the above 16) An expression system that you would choose to produce a protein that would undergo glycosidation would be A) yeast B) Chinese hamster ovaries C) E.Coli D) A, B, C E) A and B 17) Southern Blotting is a technique which is used to determine? A) DNA fragment B) RNA fragment C) Protien molecule Use the following info for the next two questions 18-19 DNA molecules are known to be cleaved into specific fragments by restriction endonucleases. Use the following DNA molecule for the question 5’----T G T A A G C T T C----3’ 3’----A C A T T C G A A G----5’ The restriction enzyme HindIII recognizes the sequence A-----A GC TT And cleaves the phosphodiester bond at the ------18) If the above DNA was cleaved by Hind III the resulting fragments would have a) Symettrical ends b) staggered ends c) blunt ends d) A and C e) none

19) The fragments obtained would be a) 5’ TGTA---OH PO4---AGCTTC 3’ b) 5’ TGTAA---OH PO4---GCTTC 3’ 3’ ACATTCGA---PO4 OH---AG 5’ 3’ ACATT----PO4 OH---CGAAG 5’ c) 5’ TGTA---PO4 OH---AGCTTC 3’ 3’ ACATTCGA—OH PO4---AG 5’

d) 5’ TGTAA---OH PO4---GCTTC 3’ 3’ ACATT----PO4 OH---CGAAG 5’

30. The “Ori site” on a plasmid is a site that denotes where: a) origin of ……. 29. The enzyme, S-1 Nuclease is an enzyme that is used in carrying out a cDNA protocol. a. True B. False

Cystic Fibrosis is a disease that is commonly due to a mutation in the CFTR gene (cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator) a chloride transporter, where there is a deletion of a phenylalanine residues at position 508. The normal CFTR gene has the following amino acid sequences: Ile – Ile – Phe – Gly- Val If the codons for the amino acids are: Ile – ATC, Phe – TTT, Gly- GGT. Val- GTT 28. Which of the following allele specific oligonucletides (ASO) can be used as a specific probe for the disease gene in a Northern Blot analysis? a. 5’ ATCATCTTTCGTGTT 3’ B. 3’ TAGTAGAAACCACAA 5’ C. 5’ ATCATCGCTGTT 3’ D. 3’ TAGTAGCCACAA 5’

27. Which 2 individuals are siblings? Img 73

26. Which 2 individuals are unrelated.? ****25. You have a DNA fragment with the following sequence: 3’ CTGTCTCCGGATAA 5’ 5’ CACACAGGCCTATT 3’ Would you expect the above sequence to be recognized by a restructon enzyme? a. Yes b. No c. Not sure d. Maybe ***24. The utility of using a plasmid containing an ampicillin resistant gene is to allow for: A. more efficient transformation of plasmids B. selection of clones containing the plasmids C. larger the amount of protein synthesis from plasmids D. more efficient plasmid replications E. all of the above ***23. You are asked to clone the following gene (unbroken parallel line) from a DNA fragment having restriction sites (EcoR1) and (Bam III) as shown: IMG 70

a. b. c. d. e.

The available plasmid include those having both EcoR 1 and Bam III restriction sites is the coding region of the plasmid. The procedure you would follow to carry out the cloning would be: Cut DNA with EcoR1 and plasmid with EcoR1 and rejoin the fragments Cut DNA with Bam III and plasmid with Bam III and rejoin the fragments First cut the DNA with EcoR 1 then cut plasmid with Bam III and then rejoin fragments First cut DNA with Bam III then cut plasmid with EcoR 1 and rejoin fragments Cut DNA and plasmids with both EcoR 1 and Bam III and rejoin fragments

22. Human insulin is known to contain 51 amino acids in two chains (A&B). However the insulin gene codes for 110 amino acids. How would you go about trying to generate the functional insulin protein through a bacterial expression system? A. clone the entire insulin gene in a bacterial expression system and allow the bacteria to process the protein to the functional form b. clone the 2 chains separately and then express them individually in separate bacterial system.s C. it is not possible to make functional human insulin in bacteria. Use the following for 20 and 21. You have a radioactive probe complementary to the cloned DNA transcript as shown below, EcoR 1 sites on the DNA fragments are marked by “x”

21. img 68 no question for it a. b. c. d. e.

One 600 bp band 2 bands: 500 and 600 3 bands:100, 500,600 4 bands: 100,200,500 and 600 bp None of the above 20. what pattern of bands will appear on the Southern Blot after complete digestion with EcoR1. a. one 600 bp band b. two bands: 500 and 600 bp bands c. three bands: 100, 500, and 600 bp d. four bands 100,200,500, 600 bp e. 5 bands: 100,200,200,500, and 600 bp

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15)

C A E B False B D B D D A B B A B D

16) 17) 18) 19)

E A B A 30) Origin of Replication b 29) A True 28) D 27) C 26) A 25) A*** 24) B 23) A*** 22) B 21) cant see 20) A***...

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