BIS Business Analysis Report PDF

Title BIS Business Analysis Report
Author Kira Pendragon
Course Business Information Systems
Institution Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University Vietnam
Pages 16
File Size 305.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Lecturer: Duc NCourse: ISYS2109B - Business Information SystemGroup: 06Business Analysis ReportGroup Member:s3877499 Ang Gia Huy s3818144 Nguyen Cong Duy s3877077 Lam Thanh Long s3877983 Hoang Gia Phuc s3877968 Do Minh ThuanWord Count:TABLE OF CONTENTI. Introduction.....................................


Lecturer: Duc N.C Course: ISYS2109B - Business Information System Group: 06

Business Analysis Report

Group Member: s3877499

Ang Gia Huy


Nguyen Cong Duy


Lam Thanh Long


Hoang Gia Phuc


Do Minh Thuan

Word Count:3120


I. Introduction..................................................................................................................... 2........................................................................................................................................................ II. Analysis.......................................................................................................................... 2

III. Recommendations........................................................................................................ 8

IV. Conclusion.................................................................................................................... 11

V. References.................................................................................................................... 12

VI. Appendices................................................................................................................... 14


I.Introduction Based on a WHO report in January (2021), there were over 87 million confirmed cases in the world and nearly 1.9 million deaths which accounted for approximately 2.1 percent of the total cases. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected every part of human life in general. Specifically, this pandemic generates the largest disruption of the education system. Closures of schools impacted nearly 1.6 billion students in over 190 countries. Furthermore, apart from students, teachers and other related staffs were affected by the pandemic as well.

During the global lockdown, online learning is considered a compulsory teaching and learning process of education institutions. It is very convenient for students to study, they are able to access the class from anywhere, many learners could reduce housing and commuting fees. Similarly, education institutions could reduce costs from campus services and other fixed costs (water, electricity, etc.). Nonetheless, there are drawbacks that impact the quality of online studying. For instance, the internet connectivity, lack of real interaction and focus on screen too long can cause visual issues. The vital target of this analysis report is depending on a technology tool such Canvas, Microsoft Teams and Powerpoint to generate greater satisfaction for online learners. My team will evaluate the issue and suggest possible solutions through analysis and recommendation parts respectively.

II. Analysis Definition


Regardless of the way that instructive organizations endeavor to convey a similar learning technique for each student. Notwithstanding, every student still conceivably has alternate points of view about the conveyed learning strategy contrasting with the other more slender viewpoints because of conflicting components, (for example, commitment time, nature of the student's mechanical gadgets, nature of web association, and so on). Thinking about the effect of the conflicting variables, a definition for a palatable taking in experience from a solitary student is scarce to be totally right and acknowledged by all pursuers. The deterrent was the explanation behind the examination group to lead a little review with 33 members who have encountered the web based learning strategy to acquire as much data and to characterize the importance of acceptable learning experience for internet adapting subsequently. Nonetheless, the beneath definition is for reference as it were. As indicated by the bits of knowledge that are acquired from the review, for internet learning specifically, the agreeable learning experience is estimated dependent on the three most significant components: joint effort, cooperation, and substance quality. Subsequently, a learning experience can be depicted to be palatable when adjacent to the nature of different elements. The nature of the three most significant elements which are coordinated effort, connection and substance quality is sufficiently high to satisfy the prerequisites of the student and bring the student a worthy internet learning climate while procuring new information.

Factors 1/ Direction and Guidance

Right off the bat, as picked by 40.9% of the study members, one critical factor that ought to be altogether considered is the nature of learning content. Since the quality is profoundly reliant on the speakers, not the learning arrangement, thus the examination group will zero in addition on another factor that likewise has impacts on the substance's quality however can be taken care of by the learning arrangement which is the substance's conveyance approach. Contemplating on the web can be overpowering now and again because of data over-burden. Hence, by having learned the executive's framework (LMS) that gives proper heading and direction, 3

the learning material can be more clear to explore and grasp, and at last be completely used by understudies. What's more, the right course and direction permit understudies to get to the learning material all the more rapidly. Understudies will accomplish full fulfillment when the online course is all around organized and has exact destinations (Ghaderizefreh and Hoover 2018). All in all, unmistakable destinations go about as direction assisting understudies with recognizing what they ought to do and ought to keep away from to upgrade learning accomplishment.

2/ Collaboration Besides, the factor that is accepted by 31.8% of the members to impact the palatable learning experience is coordinated effort. The factor can be characterized as when various understudies who selected a similar course cooperate to accomplish a specific objective (Tseng, Wang, Ku and Sun 2009). From online gathering conversations to critical thinking tasks, collective internet learning causes students to improve relational abilities to acquire self-assurance, fabricate trust and encourage the positive relations among peers, become a proactive audience, increment profitability and control (Tseng, Wang, Ku and Sun 2009). The given definitions uncover why most of the review members consider cooperation as a critical factor that impacts good learning experience while learning on the web. To be more explicit, when a colleague presents a thought, different understudies can listen cautiously and every now and again pose inquiries that are believed to be mistaking for a superior arrangement. By doing this, all understudies are completely drawn in and drenched in what the main understudy is attempting to state and are allowed a chance to openly communicate without agonizing over accepting negative reactions from the others. 3/ Interaction Study hall association assumes a critical part in contributing advantages to an understudy's learning cycle. The component is positioned third among all factors that are persuasive to the sufficient far off learning experience as 18.2% of responders remembered the factor for their reactions. Vonderwell and Zachariah's 2005 4

examination (referred to in Moore 1989) has called attention to that communication in the internet learning climate comprises of three essential classes, to be specific instructor to-understudy, understudy to-understudy, and understudy to-content. The collaboration happens when talks and understudies or

understudies and

understudies speak with one another about a specific theme, including exercises, for example, posing and noting inquiries, taking an interest in gathering conversations, getting criticism, and so on Critically, cooperation in the homeroom encourages understudies to develop their learning by applying the information got during the examination meeting, influence relational abilities to acquire self-assurance, and gain information from different perspectives. Hart's 2012 survey (referred to in Ojokheta 2010) found that the capacity of understudies to acquire victory in online courses was significantly affected by the learning appraisal given by their present educators. Due to its significance, the connection among educators and understudies is a reasoning to guarantee understudies will be happy with their work. Getting useful and nitty gritty criticism causes understudies to recognize what they are progressing admirably and what they are deficient. Henceforth, it will go about as a center for understudies to vanquish their shortcomings and help them to additionally build up their capacities to accomplish scholastic destinations. Additionally, having the option to relate with educators about obstructions while contemplating on the web is likewise an approach to build up the association among understudies and instructors and guarantee clear correspondence. With respect to association among understudies and understudies, Ghaderizefreh and Hoover 2018's study (referred to in Shea, Swan, Fredericksen, and Pickett's 2002) affirmed that the significant level of understudy fulfillment is a consequence of high commitment in the study hall. Partaking in gathering exercises during addresses urges understudies to share their thoughts and perspectives. Every individual has their point of view with respect to the given subject, and subsequently, correspondence assists with acquiring information and more profound arrangement.

Regarding the association among understudy and substance, the collaboration can be characterized when understudies straightforwardly draw in with course material, 5

for example, see or survey Powerpoint introductions, achieve week after week tests and tasks, take an interest in the week after week conversation, achieve tasks, rewatch address recordings (Zimmerman 2012). Perusing alone isn't adequate to acquire wanted learning target, understudies should apply it into genuine settings (Wilson 2015). Consequently, a contextual investigation about a specific viable issue given by educators is an extraordinary chance for understudies to hold information longer and accomplish more elevated level reasoning. In addition, doing on the web tests is an important method to assess their agreement with respect to the theme they have learned in a specific week. Specialist Zimmerman (2012) has demonstrated that the additional time understudies commit to cooperate with course materials, the more they will learn, and the higher their evaluations and grades will in general be. Tools and features: 1. Canvas Canvas LMS is an open and reliable web-based software that allows institutions to manage digital learning, encourage lecturers to create and present online learning materials, and approach the learning process of learners to help them directly. In learners’ aspect, canvas is a useful tool as it helps them engage in courses, receiving feedback about academic progress and existing weaknesses that need to be improved. a) Versatility Firstly, canvas is friendly for a wide range of users, from teachers, learners and also parents. And for those who don’t own or cannot get familiar with PC, can access Canvas on a mobile device from the Canvas Teacher, Canvas Student, and Canvas Parent apps. In the academic category, Canvas includes a variety of built-in teaching and management tools that can be customized to create unique and accessible teaching and learning experiences. Instructional designers and instructors may use Assignments, Discussions, Modules, Quizzes, and Pages to create and share course contents. They may also choose to foster collaborative learning experience through collaborations. With these functions, students may find it simple to search for learning materials, and interact with other course mates. 6

b) Announcement Canvas's announcement allows instructors to inform students about important course dates and to post concepts related to learning. Once notifications have been made, the instructors can set Canvas to automatically make the announcement process: reminding learners on a daily basis, making sure they receive notification of the latest information and changes to their course. 2. Microsoft team Microsoft Teams is a cloud-based workplace collaboration software that is part of the Office 365 product suite. The key features of Microsoft Teams include mailing, calling, video meetings, and file sharing. Introduced in 2016, it has become a common chat-based communication and collaboration platform all over the world. (sherweb 201). The software is designed to simplify online team work, allow users to exchange files, photos and ideas on a common forum while retaining connectivity. a) Organize online meetings simulating a real working environment Microsoft Team allows participants to create many chat rooms with specific subjects at the same time. Implying that users can communicate from private to public without any limitation.(Heath 2020). With this function, participants are encouraged to communicate confidently, create a comfortable and more creative working environment. In terms of studies, if students struggle with any tasks, they are allowed to connect directly to the lecturer through a chat box. b) Screen record and sharing With screen sharing, everyone could follow the tasks that the presenting person is performing, which minimize the misunderstanding between meeting participants. Moreover, Microsoft team also provides users with a screen recording feature, which is an integrated record feature enabling users to record their meetings. With this tool, Team users can replay previous group calls to take notes for important parts, follow the details which may be accidentally missed or research for further understanding. Applying this function to teaching and learning may offer multiple advantages by freeing students from taking detailed notes and concentrating on the lecture. In


addition, it performs as an efficient review tool for students by providing a list of class records that are accessible any time during the course. 3. Power Point Microsoft PowerPoint is a popular presentation platform that has been developed by Microsoft. It is a standard component of Microsoft Office suite applications and is packed along with Word, Excel and other Office productivity tools. The software provides users with many features to create impressive slides, from sophisticated business presentations to common class lectures. The key aim of MS PowerPoint is to encourage the user to use text, graphics and animation to construct interactive, insightful slide shows. Slide displays created with the program are also seen on projector screens. a) Perfect tool to design slide With PowerPoint, you can make charts, tables, and macros, and insert images, audio, video, and other multimedia files. The program also supports users with various word front and background, which should be displayed differently for different fields. b) Easy to access and share Powerpoint allows presentation slides to be viewed on systems without the need to install the full PowerPoint application. In addition, team members can all work and edit in the same file. With this feature, all updates to the slides will be tracked so that you always recognize where you are in the process of editing.(Microsoft 2020).Besides, Powerpoint is integrated with other Microsoft’s programs, making it simple for users to share files directly and safely.

III. Recommendation The COVID-19 epidemic in the world as well as in Vietnam is showing serious signs again and there is a high possibility that we will have to implement social segregation again. At that time, students' demand for online learning is essential so that learning will not be interrupted and knowledge is maintained. Foreseeing this problem, RMIT has prepared many tools to support students' online learning such as Canvas and 8

Microsoft Teams. However, no matter how advanced the technology, there will always be shortcomings and weaknesses. Specific drawbacks are interoperability in online classes, interoperability between tools and the lack of functionality unique to each tool. So we will give some solutions and suggestions to improve the quality of the tools as well as better support the students in the learning process. 1. Improved interaction One of the biggest problems facing online classes is limited interaction between teachers and their students. This can lead to students being distracted from the class, losing their concentration and gradually feeling bored and losing knowledge. To solve this problem, we recommend that online lessons should be combined with supplementary applications for reviewing knowledge such as Kahoot, Class Maker and Google Form. The tools above are created with the aim of improving classroom interactivity as well as making class time less stressful. By showing the questions on the lecture slide and the answers to be selected by students through personal applications or devices, online classes will become less boring. Students can check what they have learned in class as well as teachers can keep track of students' focus and understanding. In addition, this also helps to improve the interaction between teachers and their students when through incorrect answers, teachers can immediately re-teach to help students grasp knowledge better. Moreover, the above learning aids also help students to reduce stress and passively during lessons. From there, the interactivity of both teachers and students in online classes will be improved. 2. Microsoft Teams a. Improved tool interface Communication and presentation of information are very important in work and study. Information and data are expressed in a clear and logical way, which will help a lot in receiving information effectively and selecting it properly. The interface of Microsoft Teams is designed to serve the storage and exchange of information between employees in the company and at work but is not suitable for students (Techradar 2020). We recommend Microsoft Teams to design its own interface


boards targeting different audiences and purposes for users to choose from. For interfaces for students, students should design in a simplest way, eliminate duplicated or unnecessary functions, organization classes and groups by channels and streams. In addition, before the user uses the application for the first time, the tool should have questions to identify and classify the users, thereby setting up an interface that suits their needs and purposes. For first-time online students, it can be very helpful to avoid the confusion and time wasting preparing and participating in classes without a direct instructor. b. Improved linkage with other tools of Microsoft Outlook is a powerful and indispensable tool for students at RMIT, and its inability to work well with Microsoft Teams is a huge disadvantage. Because in addition to document sharing, Outlook is also a much safer mail receiving tool than Gmail and is also the main communication tool in the RMIT system. The ability to absorb information is very important in online courses because communication between teachers and students is greatly reduced compared to face-to-face courses. It is very easy to establish interoperability between the two applications since they are part of Microsoft and they are also linked with many other Microsoft applications. As a result, students can work together on the same application in an ongoing classroom without having to waste time switching between applications. Teachers can directly correct errors on the lecture file in online class when needing additional editing without wasting time or interrupting the lesson. In addition, not only linking with Outlook, Microsoft Teams also needs to optimize the ability to support each other between applications to ensure the best user experience. 3. Improving Canvas tools by adding new features and functions: As we known, Canvas plays a crucial rol...

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