Black Consciousness PDF

Title Black Consciousness
Author Camilla Silva
Course Inglês
Institution Ensino Médio Regular (Brasil)
Pages 1
File Size 59.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 27
Total Views 182


Black Consciousness....


Black Consciousness Definition: “A movement, after the civil rights movement of the 1950, involving the cultivation of pride in a cultural identity for black persons”

What was it? The Black Consciousness Movement (BCM) was an influential student movement in the 1970s in Apartheid South Africa. The Black Consciousness Movement promoted a new identity and politics of racial solidarity, and became the voice and spirit of the antiApartheid movement The Black Consciousness Movement began in 1969 when African students walked out of the National Union of South African Students, which was multiracial but whitedominated, and founded the South African Students Organization (SASO). The SASO was an explicitly non-white organization open to students classified as African, Indian, or Coloured under Apartheid Law. It was to unify non-white students and provide a voice for their grievances, but the SASO spearheaded a movement that reached far beyond students. hree years later, in 1972, the leaders of this Black Consciousness Movement formed the Black People’s Convention(BPC) to reach out to and galvanize adults and non-students.

Black Consciousness Day The United States Government and the American people congratulate the people of Brazil as they recognize Black Consciousness Day, also known as Zumbi dos Palmares Day, on November 20. The life of Quilombo leader Zumbi and his unrelenting struggle against slavery stands as an enduring symbol of freedom and justice.

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