Blue is the Warmest Color Analysis/ Realm of the Senses Analysis PDF

Title Blue is the Warmest Color Analysis/ Realm of the Senses Analysis
Course Images Of Eroticism
Institution San Francisco State University
Pages 5
File Size 36.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Blue is the Warmest Color Analysis/ Realm of the Senses vs Story of the Eye Analysis...


Sar ahPi shny 51314 HUM 390 Fi nalPaper


Bl uei st heWar mes tCol orbyJ ul i eMar ohi sapr ogr es s i v eandi nt r i gui nggr aphi c

nov el t hatdepi c t st hec ompl i cat i onsofal es bi anr el at i ons hi p.I t ’ si l l us t r at i onsdr awonei n duet oi t spl eas i ngaes t het i c sandt hedi al ogueandwr i t i ngi swhatk eepsonehook ed. Thr oughoutt hi sgr aphi cnovelwewi t nessat r ans f or mat i onofanai v e,y ounggi r ls ear c hi ngt of ul fi l l herdes i r esbecomi ngas at i sfi ed,mat ur e,gr ownwoman.Wi t ht hi sbei ng s uc hamar v el ouss t or y ,i twasr edonet oappearont hes i l v ersc r een.Bot hbei ngcompl et el ysepar at epi ecesofar t ,Bl uei st heWar mes tCol or ,t hegr aphi cnov el ,andBl uei s t heWar mes tCol or ,t hef eat ur el engt hfil m,mus tbedi sc us s edi nl engt hi nor dert or eal l y under st andt hedi ffer encesands i mi l ar i t i esbet weent het wo. Cl ement i ne,t hes t or y ’ smai nc har ac t er ,i say ounggi r l f ul lofi nnoc enceandsec r etdes i r ei nt hebegi nni ngoft hebook.Shei sover whel medbyt hepr es s ur ef r om her peer st odat eaboywhos eemst or eal l yl i k eher .Sheappear sasi fs hei sonl ygoi ng t hr ought hemot i onsofbei ngi nar el at i ons hi pwi t hhi m butt her ei snev erat r ueconnect i onest abl i s hed.Weal way sfindCl ement i neei t herunamus edbyherboy f r i endordi st r act edandunf oc us edonhi m orwhathei sdoi ng.Thi sdi s c onnec t i oni swhati mmedi at el ygi v est her eaderahi ntoff or es hadowi ng.I ti sv er ycr uc i alt oes t abl i s ht hi sdi s connec t i onbet weenCl ement i neandwhati st obei nanor mal het er os ex ual r el at i ons hi p. Thet onet hatc omesi nt hebegi nni ngoft henov el wher eCl ement i nei sdat i ngThomas , 1

i sv er ymel anc hol y .Sheseemst obeenj oyi ngher s el f ,butdeepdownwes enseaf eel i ngofdi sc ont ent .Thi sdi s cont ents eemst obet hor oughl yex pr ess edi nt hebegi nni ngof t henov el butl es ss oi nt hefil m.Fi r s t ,t hec har ac t er snamei sc hangedt oAdel ei nt he fi l m,pos s i bl yt omak eheramor edes i r abl es exfigur e,butt hati sbes i dest hepoi nt . Adel e’ sdi s c ont entwi t hherhet er os ex ual r el at i ons hi pi snotaspr ev al entasi nt he gr aphi cnov el ,butherdes i r ef orEmmai s . I nbot ht hefil m andt hegr aphi cnov el ,Emmai spor t r ay edast hi sal mostunt ouc habl ebei ng.I nCl ement i ne’ s / Adel e’ sey ess hei st hees s enc eofper f ec t .Sher epr esent s ev er y t hi ngt hatCl ement i ne/ Adel ewant sbutev er y t hi ngs hef eel ss hecannothav e.I nt he gr aphi cnov el ,t heymak eEmmas eem t hi swaybutgi v i ngheroneoft heonl yc ol or s usedi nt hebook .Whi l et her es toft hebooki sv er ydar k ,dr ab,andneut r alc ol or s , Emma’ sbr i ghtbl uehai ri l l umi nat esev er ypage.Thi si sar epr es ent at i onofhowEmmai l l umi nat esCl ement i ne’ sl i f e.Bef or eherev er y t hi ngs eemedfinebecaus et hatwasal l t hat wask nown,butwhenCl ement i nedi s c ov er edEmma,herdes i r ef orheri ncr eas ed.An ex ampl eoft hi si swhenCl ement i newr i t esi nherj our nal “ t hatwaswhens omet hi ng s t ar t edt ogr ow,mydesi r ef orher .Mydes i r et obei nherar ms;t oc ar es sher ,t ok i s sher , mydes i r ef orhert owanti tt oo,t owantme” ( pg83) .Thi sal l owedhert os eet hatt her e wass omet hi ngors omeoneoutt her ewhoc oul dt r ul ymak eherhappy ,andnott hek i nd off or c edhappyt hatherf r i endsands oc i et yi mpr i nt eduponherasdes i r abl e.I nbot ht he mov i eandt hegr aphi cnov el ,Cl ement i ne/ Adel e’ sdesi r ei sexhi bi t edv er ywel l .Thel anguageoft henov eli sv er yr el at abl ewhendes c r i bi nghows hef eel saboutEmma.Forexampl e,Cl ement i nes ay s“ eacht i mewemet ,Ic oul dhar dl ywai tt os eeher .Ic oul dn’ t s l eep.Iwashappybutanx i ousbecaus eIf el ts ogr eatwhenIwaswi t hherandIwas 2

af r ai dofl os i ngher ”( pg82) .Al mos tev er y onec anr el at et ot hef eel i ngt haty ouar ebei ng pul l edt oanot herper s on,t hef eel i ngt haty oumi ghtdi ei fy oudonotgett ohol dt hem agai nandt hi si swhatt her eaderorv i ewerf eel swhenwi t nes s i ngAdel e/ Cl ement i ne s t ewi nt hi spotofherowndesi r es . Notal l oft hi sex per i enc eofdi s cov er i ngherc r av i ngsf oranot heri ss moot hs ai l i ng.Cl ement i ne/ Adel ef acesmanyper s onalhar ds hi psi ncl udi ngbat t l i ngwi t hherown c onsc i ence.Wes eehergot hr oughal otofemot i onalpai nwhendeal i ngwi t hac cept i ng herowns ex ual pr ef er enc easwel l asherpar ent sdeny i ngi t .Bot hi nt hemov i eandt he gr aphi cnov el ,wes eeherf or c edi nt ot hear msofEmmaf ort her ei snowher eel s ef or hert ot ur n.Asavi ewer ,t hi si sal l t hatwasev erwant edf orCl ement i ne,t ofinal l ybewi t h Emma,butt hi si swhens hebegi nst or eal i z et hatmay besat i s f y i ngherdes i r et oal way s bewi t hEmmamaynotbet heheal t hi es tr out ef orher .Thefi l ms howst hi sv er ywel l i n t hes c enewher eEmmac at c hesAdel ec heat i ng.Thec ompl et eandut t err awemot i on s howni nt hats cenec apt i v at esoneasav i ewer .I tcanbedes c r i bedasat r ai nwr eckso hor r i f y i ngt hatonec annotl ookawa y .Youc anf eel Emma’ sangerpul s i ngt hr ought he s c r eenwhi l eal s of eel i ngempat het i cf orac onf us edAdel ewhowass eek i ngel s ewher e f ort heat t ent i ont hatEmmawasnegl ec t i ngt ogi v eher . Bot ht hefil m andgr aphi cnov elhav ev er ydi ffer entandv er ys i mi l arway sofc apt i v at i ngandr el at i ngt ot hei raudi enc es .Bot hpi ecesofar tdepi ctt heov er bear i ngdes i r et o c onst ant l ybear oundt heper s ony oul ov ewhet hert hi sbet hr ought hewr i t i ngswer ead f r om Cl ement i ne' sj our nal ort hes adnes swef eel f orAdel ewhenEmmak i c k sheroutof t hehous e.Regar dl es sofwhet heri si ti nt hef or m oft ex toroffi l m,Bl uei st heWar mes t


Col ori soneoft hemos tr el at abl ey ethear t wr enc hi ngst or i esany onecoul dev erhav e t hepl eas ur eofex per i enc i ng. 2)

Onecanfindmanypar al l el ’ sbet weenGeor gesBat ai l l e’ sbookSt or yoft heEy e

andNagi s aOs hi ma’ sfil mI nt heReal m oft heSens es .Thr oughoutbot ht hi sbookand t hi sfi l m,unf at homabl esex ual des i r ei spor t r ay ed.Thec har act er si nbot hSt or yoft he Ey eandI nt heReal m oft heSens ess t r uggl ewi t hk eepi ngt hei rs ex ual y ear ni ngss at i sfi ed. I nOs hi ma’ sfi l m,wecomeac r os sas c enewher eSadaandKi c hi z oar ei ndul gi ng eac hot her ’ ss exualas pi r at i ons .Sadai sv er yadamantaboutt ak i ngt hi seggoffofher pl at eands hov i ngi tupherv agi na.Shefi ndst hi spl eas ur abl eands eek sev enmor es at i s f act i onbyhav i ngKi c hi z oeatt heeggt hats hehadi mpl ant edi nt oher sel f .Wefi ndanot heri ns t anc ewher eaneggi sus edasapl eas ur et ooli nSt or yoft heEy e.Forex ampl e, ournar r at ors t at est hat“ t hatwast heper i odwhenSi monedev el opedamani af orbr eaki ngeggswi t hheras s ” ( pg10) .Hegoesont odes c r i behowSi monewoul duseanegg f orheranal pl eas ur eandwesens et hathet oofi ndspl eas ur ei nt hi s .Thepar al l el bet weent hes e2wor k si snotj us tt heeggbutwhatt heeggs t andsf or .Theeggi saf or ei gn obj ec t ,onenotnat ur al t ot hebody .I ti sal s onotus ual l ys eenasat oolus edf ors exual pl eas ur ebuti ns t eadas our c eoff ood.I nt hi sc as e,t heeggs t andsf ort heev ergr owi ng needt os ear c hout s i deofones el forone’ si nt i mat epar t nert ofi nds ex ualpl eas ur e.Bot h SadaandSi mones eem asi ft heymus tal way sbes ear c hi ngf ormor eout s i dec omponent st opr ov i det hem wi t ht hei rs ex ual pl easur e.Theyar enol ongersat i s fi edwi t hbas i c i nt er cour s e,butwants omet hi ngmor eadv ent ur ous ,s omet hi ngt aboo.


Onecans ens et heut t erf eel i ngaper manentdi s s at i s f ac t i on,f ort hechar ac t er si n bot hSt or yoft heEy eandI nt heReal m oft heSens es,nev erhav et hei rdes i r esc ompl et el yf ul fil l ed.Theyar eal way sl ongi ngf ors omet hi ngmor eex t r eme,s omet hi ngt hatwi l l mak et hem f eel compl et e.


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