BMGT302-midterm - Summary Designing Applications for Business Analytics PDF

Title BMGT302-midterm - Summary Designing Applications for Business Analytics
Course Designing Applications for Business Analytics
Institution University of Maryland
Pages 2
File Size 106.6 KB
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BMGT302 – Midterm Chapter 0: Overview Programming is writing comp instructions through a programming language (w/ own syntax) System Software control/manage devices (OS, Utility Program); Application Software performs specific tasks for users  Presentation: Top-most level of application is the UI; Logic Tier coordinates the applications and makes logical decisions and evaluations; Data Tier stores/retrieves info from a database or file system (Database/Storage) Source Code  Compiler  Machine Code  Runtime Environment  Executable Algorithms = ordered sequences of unambiguous & well-defined instructions performing tasks and halting finite time  Pseudocode is an English representation of instruction; Flowchart is pictorial rep of logical steps Chapter 1: Intro to VBA (automate operations in MS Office, dialect of BASIC; Excel exposes object model to VBA) – .xlsm Macro language: Automate sequence of commands (recur/repetitive task) in sheet; Start w/ sub statement (subroutine)  Run macro w/ event; Create sheet functions; Simplify workbook; Control other apps; Comment lines start with ‘ VBE attempts to complete certain words using IntelliSense; Instructions are stored in Modules  Standard Modules (macros created from scratch/Macro Recorder); UserForm (UI object); Class (program objects); Worksheet (tied to events such as selecting range/entering value in cell); Workbook (where code’s maintained for workbook-level events) Chapter 2: Excel Object Model (Workbooks, Worksheets, Cells method; No Ranges method; SpecialCells comments, formulas, etc.) Object Oriented Programming is an application that consists of objects (cells/ws/chart/tables) – have properties & methods  Object is what can be seen/touched/used (car); Identifiable properties (height), Method of Use (run prog, transport) o Range object (instance of Range class) has Iq of address, height, formula and MoU of “select” and “clear content” o Workbook has Iq of name, password and MoU of save, close, add a chart…; Text literals should use “” to enclose the text o Model relates to Excel and are unique to Office applications; Hierarchical by design: App  Workbook  Ws  Range  Class is a pattern used to create an object; Instance is an object created from a class; object is said to be instantiated Properties =qualities of objects; Methods =actions performed by objects (how method is performed – Range copy has destination) Events are things Excel objects can respond to (Workbook has “open” and Button has “click”); Handler runs when event fires Collection is an object that contains a group of similar objects  can take action on all objects and used in loops; “Count” “Add” Chapter 3: Variables and Constants (Dim var As – Variables named to hold values of diff data types; changed during runtime) Procedures (Subroutines – macros & Functions – return value) perform a particular task; Multiple Subs in Modules; Meaningful names Variables Conventions include Pascal (TaxRate); Camel (taxRate); Hungarian (sngTagRate – prefix variables) Data types det memory location’s size/type of data (b = bytes)  Boolean (2b) – t/f; Whole numbers: Integer (2b), Long (4b), Byte (1b); Real Numbers: Decimal (12b), Double (8b), Single (4b)  String (10b + string – “” string literals); Currency (8b); Date (8b); Object (4b); Variant (numbers have 16b, characters have 22b) Initialization, if not explicitly stated – numeric become 0, String become empty, Boolean false  Option Explicit force variable declaration Object Variables require Set to assign value; Built-in Objects include Name property, etc. Variable Scope determined by where it’s declared; var only used by that macro if declared in macro; Module Level used by >1 macro  Application Level (declared variables as Public and will be made visible) Constants (Const) =val in macro doesn’t chng when running – must be initialized –also public constants (vbColor – built in; xlDirection Lib) MsgBox vbOK, vbCancel, vbAbort, vbRetry, vbIgnore, vbYes, vbNo; Conversion functions – CDbl, CLng, CInt, CCur, CStr; vbTab, vbCrLf  message is required else is optional; InputBox String return; parentheses required to capture return value Code Line Continuation is used with space and underscore character; WorksheetFunction – excel functions (but not sqrt, log and rand) Chapter 4: Ranges – DOWN then RIGHT – EntireColumn; CurrentRegion; Columns(); Rows(); Font, Formula, Interior, HorizontalAlignment, Name, NumberFormat, Offset, Value, Clear, ClearContents, Copy, PasteSpecial, Resize, Select, Sort Chapter 5: Decisions Selection/decision structure – decision made on outcomes; Condition (t/f); Single Alternative – only if t/f; True path

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